Wednesday November 16, 2011 - 6 PM
CDOT Offices – Union Station – New Haven CT
- Members
in Attendance: Roger Cirella, Acting Chairman, Sue Prosi, Bob Jelly, Aaron
Goode, Tim Beeble, Laura Cordes, Mark Maruszewski. Guests: Eugene Colonese
of DOT, Richard Jankanch of DOT, James McKenna of MTA PD.
No Quorum was achieved, and no action
The Council heard presentations as
- Update
on M8s: Gene Colonese reported that 52 M-8s had been delivered and 36 have
been accepted. Four more sets were shipped today. DOT is working on an
agreement with Amtrak to test the M-8s on the track to Boston. 16 sets
are being tested, mostly at night. 28 cars are in service. Sue Prosi
reported seeing loose bolts on the car interior near outlets.
- Fare Increases:
The fare increases will go into effect for January monthly and weekly
tickets, as well as all single and ten-trip tickets purchased after
January 1st.
Prosi asked that fare inequities be addressed. Gene Colonese reported that
branch line fares had been reduced to make train travel attractive. MN had
maintained lower Bridgeport fares to encourage use of that station. Bob Jelly
recommended that Stamford fares be adjusted to address inequities with Darien.
- Discussion
of revised “Rail Passenger of Rights”: Gene Colonese reported that he had
been talking with Jim Cameron to see how the “Rights” could be reconciled
with the Passenger Pledge. He reviewed the similarities between the two
proposals. The Passenger Pledge eliminates the right to a refund for
extend periods of cancelled trains without substitute bus service. The
Council members in attendance suggested that the issue could be addressed
in a MN Refund Policy that is clearly conveyed to commuters. Sue Prosi
pointed out the inequities of expiration of tickets as well as the
on-board ticket surcharges as they apply to non-English speaking riders.
Tim Beeble questioned whether the Connecticut laws prohibiting the
expiration of gift cards might also apply to MN’s expiration of train
tickets. Sue Prosi asked how the Passenger Pledge would be rolled-out.
Gene Colonese suggested that it could be included on the printed
schedules, the web site, Mileposts newsletter, and other seat drops.
- Discussion
of service outages re 10/29 storm: The Shoreline was spared. New Canaan
was out for a while. Due to the extensive number of trees and limbs
across the Danbury line, MN attacked from both ends of the line. Locomotives
were used to move chain saw crews to sections of the track that were
blocked by downed trees. There were 46 trees across the tracks between
Branchville and Redding alone. Danbury service was restored on Wednesday
morning. On the Waterbury line by Wednesday’s PM rush hour, MN phased-in
service between Beacon Falls-Bridgeport and ran buses to Waterbury. Since
the electricity was out for most of the week, MN installed generators at
the railroad crossings to operate the lights, bells and gates. The
Council members commended MN for their quick response to the October snow
storm that was far worse in impact than the August hurricane.
- Shore
Line East: Laura Cordes asked about the 2 year study on expanding service
and also expressed appreciation for MN meeting with the One More Stop
group in New London. Additional weekend service would help. Gene
Colonese indicated that the impact on boaters for bridge is a
consideration for increased service. AmTrak must apply to DEEP for
approval. The new sidings on Shoreline East near the Westbrook Station
will be completed in 18 months. Westbrook is the only station without a
raised platform. Platforms will be extended in Guilford. There is free
parking at Old Saybrook, but the owner of a nearby shopping center is
charging a fee through LAZ. Sue Prosi asked for a written report on the
Shoreline East Improvements.
- Mainline:
The new Fairfield Metro Station opens December 5th. Parking is
nearly complete. Ticket vending machines will be in place. The platform
will accommodate 12 cars. Parking will be available for 1,400 autos.
Parking permits are first being offered to current permit holders at the Fairfield and Southport Stations. Then, those on the waiting list will be offered an
opportunity to buy parking permits. DOT intends to allocate 1,000 spaces
for permit parking and 400 spaces for daily parking. Republic will manage
the parking. Initially envelopes will be left on windshields for payment
of daily parking. Members discussed free parking policies. Every train
that stops at Fairfield will also stop at Fairfield Metro. The Council
members discussed whether the Fairfield Metro Station should be an express
stop and whether off-peak trains should run a skip-stop schedule.
- Branchlines:
Danbury Line signalization work is proceeding with setting the signal
houses. A Study of a service extension from Waterbury to Bristol and Berlin is underway. Pan Am owns this section of track.
- Other: Amtrak’s
proposed high speed rail from Boston to Providence to Hartford to New
Rochelle to Penn Station was discussed. The new route in CT would follow
I-84 to Danbury. The Boston to NYC trip would be an estimated 95
minutes. Vermont filed an application for a TGER3 Grant on behalf of
three states for design work to enable the use of existing track.
Maruszewski asked if MN has considered offering WiFi. Since service and
seating is “going downhill” and since fares are increasing, giving WiFi could
help appease riders. He also asked what MN was doing about cost containment in
light of recent reports of pension, OT and disability abuse. Gene Colonese
replied that many of these issues are the subject of union contracts. However,
much of this has been addressed in the negotiation of recent contracts.
- Adjourned
at 7:45 PM
submitted by:
Beeble, Secretary pro tem
MEETING: Wed December 21th, 7 pm at SWRPA / Stamford Govt Ctr