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MINUTES: November 2002



Wednesday, November 20, 2002

Grand Central Station, New York


            Mr. Rodney Chabot called the meeting to order at 6:45 pm.  The October        minutes were approved as corrected.





1.  Shoreline East Issues:

a.        Train delay and cancellation problems experienced in the early part of this month were explained due to only one track operating due to construction and a rock slide.  This condition has been resolved and two rails are now operating


b.        State Street Station informational problems in connection to the above were explained due to a lack of staff and no announcements being made.  A temporary visual announcement board was erected to aid in conveying information.  In addition, an audio and visual announcement system is to be installed shortly.  The goal is to put this system in operation at all the Shoreline East stations.


c.        There are still speed restrictions on the two operating tracks.  One at 40 MPH and the other at 70 MPH.


d.        AMTRAK has been doing a good job in dealing with the annual Fall Leaf Slip Slide track  conditions.  In addition, they are operators of the State Street Station and are responsible for notifying customers of problems.  The new visual announcement board is tied into the New Haven Union station ticket office.


e.        Shoreline East October Average Daily Ridership was 1,522 Roundtrips, an increase of 30.06% from a year ago.   YTD Average Daily Ridership is 1,329, a 13.37% increase. On time performance was 86.40% for September, a 9.75% decrease for the month and

95.73% YTD (-0.41%).  Predictions are that, due to track work, November OTP will be lower.


f.          It should be noted that ridership has increase from Branford, Madison and Guilford  Stations and that some additional parking has been added at these locations.



2.  Waterbury Branch Issues:


a.      There were no bus substitutions last month.  However, currently there is bridge  maintenance work taking place and buses are being used between Waterbury, Naugautuck and Bridgeport.  This project is scheduled to be completed by 5:00 PM, November 21, 2002 with track service being reinstated.


b.      A proposal to possibly build a new railroad station in Waterbury has been raised by the Naugatuck Valley Development Committee.  The Ct. State Bonding Commission has granted $ 150,000 of study money.  This item will be discussed in more depth at the next meeting and questions will be presented to CDOT prior to the meeting.


3.  Danbury Branch Issues:


  1. There were two bus substitutions this past month due to Genesis locomotive problems.


  1. The CTC  (Centralized Traffic Control) project is going out to bid in the 1st Quarter of 2003. 


4.   Stamford Station Update:


a.      The new garage is scheduled to open at the beginning of January 2003.


b.      It has been determined that the existing garage needs a lot more additional work than originally estimated.   Initial renovation problems have turned into major problems.  Minimal repairs will be undertaken and an outside consultant will come in and access the new problems.  According to Harry Harris of CDOT the old garage will need major rehab work, forcing the closing of the old garage for a year or more.


c.      CDOT will look into questions raise regarding Traffic Flow Patterns when exiting the new and old garages.


d.      CDOT planning to open all tracks by late February early March 2003 upon completition of Center Island Platform project.


e.      New Information Monitors are to be installed as soon as they arrive from overseas manufacturer. Currently in US Customs.  The question of installing a monitor for people exiting the new parking garage into the station was raised.  It is to be looked into by CDOT.





5.         Shop Backlog Update & Rehab Program:


a.      Currently averaging 40-50 cars in shop per day for various mechanicals. That’s 14.5% of the fleet unavailable for service each day.


b.      Winter preparatory work continues.


c.      It will take 14 Months to repair the 3 cars damaged on Shoreline East by rockslide with an anticipated cost of  $1.4 million.


6.         Bar Cars Rebuilding Plans:


a.      The Council’s Sub-Committee is still awaiting set of plans for review and comment.


7.         New Ticket Machine Sunshine Glare:


a.    Metro North plans on turning alignment of machines over the next 3 to 4 months.   This should also help in queing lines.


b.      Council members are to check machines and advise Gene Colonese of Metro North  of any problems at their stations.


8.         Status O New Car Orders:


a.       No funds are currently in place to order new cars.   TSB (Transportation Strategy Board) will be making recommendations within 3-4 months, and then the Governor and Legislators need to appropriate money.


9.         Other:


a.       Jim Cameron commented on the TSB and it’s planned recommendations and seeing Rail as crucial part of the overall State of Connecticut’s Transportation Strategy. Among the expected recommendations:  more cars, more yards and maintenance facilities, more service, platform extensions at older stations to handle 10 car trains, possible electrification of branch lines up to Merritt Parkway and establishment of hub stations there to draw drivers of the road.




1.         Wires down 11/12/02 Vicinity of Rye:


a.       Problem a result of a pantagraph damaged by old overhead wires that then affected the New overhead wires.  A pantagraph issue that has been corrected.


2.         Impact of Proposed LIRR – MNRR Merger:


a.     All affected bodies are looking for more information and input into the process of  this proposed merger.  


b.       The impact will be on financial/legal/operating/personnel resources of the affected bodies and the ridership.


c.        CDOT is asking to be in the loop and involved in the decision with a vote on the MTA Board.




3.         New Haven Coliseum Parking:


a.       Garage is closing 12/1/02 and the general public has been and will continue to be given public notice through various means.  Alternative parking will be offered at Temple St. lot for $65 per month (vs. $35 at Coliseum).  Shuttle service to the Union Station will be run by NH Parking Authority with costs subsidized by CDOT with monies yet to be found.


4.         Darien Station Parking Rate Increase:


a.     Jim Cameron discussed a proposed rate increase at the Darien and Noroton Hts parking lots and his investigations into where the money does and does not go. According to CDOT, the Town’s lease to operate the parking facilities mandates that money must first be used to pay for upkeep of the station.  Mr. Cameron pointed out that while the old Darien station has just completed a multi-million dollar rehab, at State expense, the Noroton Hts station which carries more passengers is streaked with rust, covered in mold, with a waiting room open only 15% of the time… yet the Town of Darien nets $260,000 in parking fees at that station alone.


b.       It was proposed that Mr. Cameron continue to look into the issues being raised and if “The Commuters are being served”.  This proposal was passed unanimously by the members present.


5.         Other:


a.    The Train Conductors Union contract is running out at the end of the year and no  negotiations have started.  However, Gene Colonese of MNR pointed out that both  sides had submitted their preliminary “Section 6” Notices of changes effecting Work  Rules and Wages.  He anticipates that negotiations should begin shortly. 


b.       Mr. Colonese also pointed out that a possible NYC Transit Strike was looming. December 15, 2002 is the date.


c.        The Council thanked Mr. Colonese for organizing the meeting at Grand Central Station and making all the arrangement for the sandwiches and refreshments that were served for dinner.


d.    Following the meeting Council Members toured various operation and training  facilities in Grand Central Station and boarded the 9:07 Express for Stamford.



Respectfully Submitted:



 Peter D. Millard, Acting Secretary


Attendance – The following Council members were present at this meeting:


                        Mr. Rodney Chabot – Chairman                 Mr. Jim Cameron – Vice Chairman

                        Mr. Bob Jelley                                                Mr. Carl Leaman

                        Mr. Peter Marcuse                                        Mr. Jeffrey Maron

Mr. Peter S. Meyers                                      Mr. Peter D. Millard

Mr. Ed Zimmerman


            The following CDOT (Connecticut Department of Transportation) personnel were



                        Mr. Harry P. Harris                                        Mr. Raymond Cox

                        Mr. Mike Donnarumma


            The following Metro North Railroad personnel were present:


                        Mr. Eugene Colonese                                  Mr. Ted Bowen

                        Mr. Fred Chidester