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Minutes: Meeting of March 2002


March 20, 2002


CDOT Offices NH Railroad Station



1).      Minutes of the February meeting were approved.


Old Business



1).      AMTRAK reported that the average daily ridership on SLE from Old Saybrook to New Haven for February amounted to 1,170 passengers. The daily average represents a 4.8% decline from the January. In addition, the on time performance rate for February was 99.10%.


CDOT confirmed that there are plans to add an additional new through train starting in June, which will run from Stamford to Old Saybrook.  Due to customer concerns it is expected that the new train will leave Stamford between 5:10 and 5:20 p.m.  Metro North added that they are looking at other options for increasing the through service as well as adding additional station stops to existing service. CDOT indicated that they are looking into a new interlock in Fairfield, which would add greater flexibility to the existing service.


CDOT reported that the State Street Station is expected to be open for service in mid May. The council requested that Metro North provide seat drops to inform passengers of the hours and services available. CDOT indicated that they would arrange a walk through of the station for the council and any other interested parties.


David Hiller of the Connecticut Bicycle Coalition addressed the council and indicated that many of the SLE riders would like to have more bicycle access on the SLE trains. Metro North advised the council that the policy is not to allow bicycles on peak hour trains due to safety, security and storage concerns. In addition, Metro North added that there are designated off peak trains which provide specifically for bicycle access. CDOT indicated that they were working on the issue and hope to add bike racks on most SLE trains.


2).      Buses were substituted on the Waterbury line on two occasions during the month of February.  The substitutions were the result of a construction truck being hit by a train and fouling the track. The train sustained minimal damage. On time performance for the Waterbury line was reported to be 97.3% YTD.


3).      CDOT reported that busses were substituted on the Danbury line only once in February. The substitution was the result of a body being found on the track. No further details were available. On time performance for the Danbury line was reported to be 98.0% YTD.


         Responding to complaints that the Genesis Engines were idling all night despite the standby electrical heater plugs, CDOT responded that there were insufficient plugs to accommodate all the engines.


Vice Chmn. Cameron reported that the proposed bus service from Ridgefield to Katonah was scheduled to start on April 8, and parking arrangements have been made with local organizations. In addition, Metro North added Danbury would also begin additional busing, since it is believed that this service would attract more Danbury riders to the Harlem Line of MNRR in Westchester.


CDOT reported that the CTC project was moving forward. There have been no changes since the last report.


4).      Mr. Donnarumma provided the council with an update on the Stamford Station. Contractors are continuing installation of the new center island platform and portions of the eastbound side platform. The catenary contractor continues to address punch list and wire replacement issues. The project completion is still anticipated for February 2003.  During the next phase (Summer/Fall 2002), Tracks 2&3 over Washington Blvd will be replaced. to extend the Westbound Center platform over Washington Blvd.  Garage foundation work has begun. The contractor has relocated station place to make way for the garage expansion. The last house on the property was demolished.  The parking garage expansion project is expected to be completed in December 2003. Repairs to the existing elevators and escalators are substantially complete. A new set of elevator/escalators will be put into service when the eastbound platform is opened. The roof replacement is now complete. The stations electrical service is being upgraded, from 900 to 1500 amps. Java Joe’s, Dunkin Donuts, and Shippan Newsstand are now open. AMTRAK will be opening their new ticket office on March 30, 2002 at 11:00 am.


5).      Vice Chrm.Cameron annouced that the Meet the Commuter day had been scheduled for Tuesday March 26, 2002. Train # 1649 departing from New Haven at 6:49 am would have a bar car on the front end that would be used to as a base. Metro North agreed to provide PA announcements on Monday announcing the event. Mr. Harris suggested that we have on hand a complaint form for the commuters. Vice Chrm. Cameron indicated that he would provide one based on last years Meet the Commuter day.


6).      Mr. Harris reported that the 5 working groups of the Transportation Strategy Bd. are all meeting and recommendations are due in the fall of 2002. Vice Chairman Cameron endorsed Mr. Harris’ TSB rail service presentation. Mr. Harris provided the council with an overview of the presentation, which included Major Fleet Configuration Analysis. Included in the analysis were discussions on types of cars to be purchased, unit configurations, as well as timing of purchases and maintenance.  A copy of Mr. Harris’ presentation to the TSB is now on the council website. Chairman Chabot thanked Mr. Harris for his continued support of rail service.


7).      Citing a mild winter as a major factor in the maintenance, Metro North reported that there were 45 cars out of service. Additionally, the cars that were sent to NYC for repairs were back and in service.


8).      CDOT reported that the Milford Station was reopened on February 18, 2002. Council member Myers indicated that only part of the station was open because the platform side doors were nailed shut. Mr. Cox indicated that the doors were locked due to the safety concerns associated with the platform portion of the project. Mr. Cox suggested that due to the complexity of the Milford project, he would have the construction engineer give a presentation at the next meeting.


9).      Other Old Business.


         In responding to a complaint that the downspout at the Darien station was damaged, CDOT indicated that they would look into it.


         Chairman Chabot inquired about the information kiosk’s at the Darien station as well as the State Street and other stations. CDOT indicated that they would provide a presentation at the next meeting.


         Metro North reported that of the 242 cars scheduled for the M-2 overhaul program, 50% would be done in NY and 50% would be done in CT.


          CDOT reported that Bar Cars will be rehabbed, but the design at this point is unknown, CDOT agreed to provide the proposals at the next meeting.



New Business


1).      CDOT reported that the proposal between the Town of Fairfield and the developer for a new station is in dispute. At issue is the requirement for a 1,200 car surface parking lot. If there is no agreement, the proposal is dead. CDOT indicated that if the new station does not go forward, then, the state would move forward with the ADA improvements at the old station. CDOT will follow up at the next meeting.


2).      Commenting on future fair increases, Mr. Harris indicated that he thought, based on ridership projections and other budget considerations, it was likely that there would be a combination of fare increases and reductions in service in the future, adding that there has not been a fare increase (MTA or CDOT) in a long time. In addition, Mr. Harris indicated that utilization of service, as well as restructuring of service needs to be reviewed.


3).      Commenting on the Springdale/ Glenbrook parking fee increases, CDOT indicated that these were city issues.



Notice Of Next Meeting



Wednesday April 17, 2002   SACIA Offices Landmark Sq. Stamford, CT 7:30 pm



Respectfully submitted


James N. Mohs





In Attendance


Rodney Chabot, Chairman

Eugene Colonese, Metro North

Jim Cameron, Vice Chairman

John Hogan, Metro North

Jim Mohs, Secretary

Mark Hogan, MTA Police

Peter S. Myers, Council Member

Harry Harris, CDOT

Bob Jelley, Council Member

Raymond F. Cox, CDOT

Carl Leaman, Council Member

Mike Donnarumma, CDOT

Lee Carlson, Council Member

Kevin Regan, AMTRAK

Ted Bowen, Metro North

Scott Howland, AMTRAK

Fred Chidester, Metro North

David Hiller, CT Bicycle Coalition

  John Greene, Metro North                      Scott Crosby,  Darien