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Minutes: March 2011


(Established in 1985 under Connecticut Public Act 85-239, now Sections 13b-212b and

13b -212c of the Connecticut General Statutes)







Present were:  Terri Cronin, Bob Jelley, Mark Maruszewski, Jeff Maron, Roger Cirella, and Rodney Chabot, Members of the Council; Gene Colonese and Jim Redecker, CDOT; Sue Doering and John Longobardi, MNR; Terry Batista, MTA Police; Martin Cassidy, Stamford Advocate.


The meeting was chaired by Vice Chair Terri Cronin, who welcomed the attendees. 




Jim Redecker said that 8 more M-8s were expected any day now.  Ms. Cronin asked about problems in Japan and Mr. Redecker replied that he did not yet know of any problem in getting parts from Japan.  He went on to say that 26 M-8s are now on site and that the next 12 will come from Japan.  Thereafter all the rest will come from Nebraska with the first Nebraska cars due in June.


There was discussion of whether, with the possibility of a slow down in arrival of M-8s, the CSR program should be resumed to rehabilitate M-4 and M-6 cars.  Mr. Redecker said that under a CSR program, it would take at least 2 years to get the necessary parts to begin rehabilitating additional cars.  But he said that they were considering both a CSR program and the possibility of getting additional cars in some other way. 


In answer to a question, John Longobardi said that MNR needed 262 cars in order to operate the present schedule.  He said the present total fleet is 337 cars.  In mid January MNR had only 160 cars in operation, resulting in the reduced winter schedule. 




Bob Jelley raised the question of the long-time practice of off peak and weekend alternate hour skipping of stops at Southport, Green’s Farms, East Norwalk, and Rowayton, giving those stations only every-two-hour off peak and weekend service.  He noted that train schedules indicate that skipping those stations only saves a few minutes between New Haven and GCT.  He suggested that the inconvenience to people using those stations did not justify the saving of such a few minutes.  Ms. Cronin said she agreed with Mr. Jelley’s analysis, and said that when she parked at East Norwalk, it was very inconvenient if her schedule to come home changed and she found out that the next train did not stop at East Norwalk.  Gene Colonese and Mr. Redecker said that they will check those “skip stop” stations for the October schedule change. 


In answer to a question, Mr. Longobardi said that conductors are required to use seat checks on most peak trains.


In answer to a question, Mr. Redecker said that the question of a new Stamford garage was on the back burner for the moment. 




There was discussion of the 6:08 pm train from GCT to New Canaan.  It is always very crowded, and there was a suggestion that it would be better if it did not stop in Stamford.  Mr. Colonese said that the two tracking between Southport and Bridgeport has changed the schedule enough to create different patterns of train usage. 


It was reported that the track washout on the Danbury line had been repaired, and regular evening service would begin on Thursday and full regular service would begin on Friday.  Mr. Redecker complimented Mr. Colonese on his successful efforts to expedite permits that permitted rapid reconstruction of the Danbury track outage. 


Rodney Chabot asked about the performance of the BL-20 diesels.  Mr. Longobardi said that they operated well on the Danbury line but not on the Waterbury line. 


Mr. Jelley raised the question about providing every two hour weekday service on Shore Line East, now that there is every two hour service on weekends.  He noted the large gap in service on weekdays between the end of the morning commute and the beginning of the afternoon commute home.  He said that would probably require two additional trains in each direction during the midday period.  Mr. Redecker said that it was probably so that DOT should be providing at least every two hour service, but there was no money to add additional trains.  He said he would look at the matter again. 




In answer to a question, Mr. Redecker reported that the Governor’s budget would have the 1.25% MNR fare increase go into effect on January 1, 2012.  He said that the Department would not begin hearings on the fare increase until the budget was passed by the Legislature.


In answer to a question, Terry Batista of the MTA police said that the police would be appropriately tolerant of alcohol on St. Patrick’s Day, the next day. 


In answer to a question from Mark Maruszewski, Sue Doering said that MNR was working on its various communication systems.  She admitted that the public address system was very old.  She said that by early 2012 the issue of different messages from the public address system and Train Time would be coordinated. 


The meeting was adjourned at 8:30 pm.


The next meeting will be held on Wednesday, May 18, 2011 at 6:00 pm at GCT.


Bob Jelley


Phone:  (203) 498-4306
