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Minutes: March 2003


March 19, 2003    -    Union Station – New Haven


1).  Minutes of the February Meeting were approved.


 1). Mr. Harris provided the Council with an update on the Governors’ Proposed Budget and the proposed fare increase of 15%, which is scheduled to be effective on October 1, 2003. Mr. Harris discussed in broad terms the Rail portion of the budget, citing labor, maintenance and ridership declines along with a worse than anticipated deficit as the principal reasons for the fare increase. Mr. Harris noted that public hearing and New York increase will be taken into account when determining the timing of the 15% increase.


Mr. Harris provided the council with a more detailed presentation, which will be found on the Council’s Web site. All Members are encouraged to review the presentation.


Responding to a commuter’s questions, Mr. Harris indicated that the current budget assumed growth where the actual ridership is flat at best. Additionally, the fare increase was expected to recover $12MM if effective on October 1, 2003.


 2). CDOT reported that the average daily ridership for Shore Line East in February was 1386, an 18% increase over the prior year. In addition, CDOT reported that the On Time Performance for February was 75.7% due to the ongoing tunnel work. The tunnel work was complete on February 25, 2003 and the track is back in service.


CDOT further reported that the bus schedule issue had been resolved with the bus company, and the trains will wait 3 additional minutes for the Commuter Connection buses.


3). CDOT reported that there were 33 bus substitutions on the Waterbury Branch Line during February. The substitutions were made due to snow and lack of equipment. Responding to the lack of equipment issue, CDOT indicated that equipment will be pulled from the branch lines to support the main line in severe weather situations.


4).  CDOT reported that there were 27 bus substitutions on the Danbury Branch Line during February. Of the 27 substitutions 23 were maintenance related and balance were due a lack of equipment.  In addition, CDOT reiterated that the CTC bids would be going out in June 2003. 


5).  Metro North reported that the PA systems real-time screens at the Stamford Station are operative and training is underway. CDOT reported that garage is still on track for a May 2003 opening as the garage structure has been erected and mechanical and electrical is underway. Additionally, the pedestrian bridge is scheduled to be open on June 30, 2003, and tracks 1 & 3 would be back in service on March 31, 2003.


 6). CDOT reported that there are still approximately 70 rail cars or approximately 20% of the fleet are in the shop backlog awaiting inspections or repair work. CDOT cited the extremely cold weather and lack of repair facilities for the increase in backlogged equipment. CDOT further indicated that the window replacement program is approximately 70% complete.


7). Vice Chairman Cameron reported that the Coastal Corridor TIA met during March, and that there are a couple of bills the Legislature will be taking up the TSB recommendations. The Bills are being debated and some may see action.


8).  CDOT reported that there has been no real change in the New Haven Coliseum parking situation and they have had very few complaints.


9).  Metro North reported again, that the MNRR labor contracts are still being negotiated, adding that no resolution date has been set and no strike is impending.


10).  Metro North reported that the new restrooms being constructed on the west end of the lower level of GCT are proceeding as scheduled. The restroom construction should be completed by late summer 2003.


11).  In response to the Council Motion of February 19, 2003, Chairman Chabot reported that a letter was sent to Mr. Peter Cannito regarding the Blizzard of February 17th and the railroads failure to communicate with its passengers. Chmn. Chabot noted that as of the date of this meeting there has been no response.


12).  Responding to the numerous complaints raised about stations being closed to the public, Mr. Harris indicated that the lease agreements with the towns need to be clarified regarding the responsibilities. Further he indicated that there were 4 complaints on Danbury alone. A letter was sent to Mayor Boynton explaining Danbury’s responsibilities with no visible results. CDOT indicated that signs would be placed on the Danbury Line indicating who was responsible for what service.


13).  CDOT reported that there was nothing new to report on the station kiosks.


14). In other old business, the council reported that the gutter end cap at the Darien Station was still missing and water was dripping on passengers. Metro North agreed to have the repair made.





1).  Metro North reported that a defective panagraph broke the hanger and took down a section of new wire in the Rye area, adding that the failure outside of Riverside was due to new connections to old wires.


2).  The council announced that the next meet the commuter day would be held at the Noroton Heights Station. No date has been set.


3). In other new business, Dan Medbury addressed the council and presented his ideas on bicycle commuting. Metro North explained current policy, which does not permit bicycles on peak trains.


 The meeting was adjourned at 8:30 p.m.     


 Respectfully submitted,

 James N. Mohs



In Attendance: 

Rodney Chabot, Chairman            

Harry Harris, CDOT

Jim Cameron, Vice Chairman    

Mike Donnarumma, CDOT

Jim Mohs, Secretary

Scott Howland, AMTRAK

Peter Myers, Council Member

Gary Gilbert, Amtrak

Lee Carlson, Council Member

Mike Piscitelli, City of New Haven

Carl Leaman, Council Member

Rob Varnon, CT Post

Eugene Colonese, Metro North

Matt Strozier, The Advocate

John Longobardi, Metro North

Matt Paul, Commuter

Phil Wilhelny, Metro North

Dan Medbury, Commuter

Joe Kanell, Metro North

Scott Crosby, Commuter