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Minutes: January 2003





January 15,2003    -    New Haven Station


Chairman Chabot opened the meeting by thanking Metro North for hosting the last meeting in New York.


1).  Minutes of the December Meeting were approved.




1). CDOT reported that work on the second tunnel on the SLE line has begun. The line has experienced delays but that with some minor scheduling changes the delays have been minimized. The council noted that there was recently a 72-minute delay on train #3679. CDOT responded that they were aware of that delay but it was unavoidable due to the construction and with the scheduling changes it should not happen again.


CDOT also reported that the SLE on-time performance for December was approximately 98% and average daily ridership for 2002 had increased from 1054 in 2001 to 1412 in 2002.


The Council reported that that they had received complaints regarding the lack of audio and signage announcements at the Branford station. AMTRAK indicated that announcements are being made. After a brief discussion AMTRAK agreed to review the issue.


2). CDOT reported that there were 6 bus substitutions on the Waterbury Branch Line during December. The substitutions were equipment related. No on time performance figures were available.


The Council questioned the status of the proposed new Waterbury station. CDOT indicated that bonding for the new station was not available.


3). CDOT reported that the CTC bids for the Danbury branch are scheduled for June 2003 and will follow up discussion at the February Council meeting. Mr. Harris supplied the Council with a scheduling chart of the electrification study. CDOT announced that there would be tunnel and wall repairs on the Danbury branch line, adding that no date had been set and that the work would be preformed on the weekends.


Responding to a complaint letter received by the Council relating to the elimination of the Danbury Ticket Agent, CDOT commented that TVM’s are eliminating employees. Citing a study done by Metro-North, Danbury was a low volume station with less that 2000 tickets sold per month.  The complaint also indicated that without the ticket agent the station would not be left open. Metro-North indicated that station would be left open and its hours of operation were determined by the city of Danbury, not MNRR or the ticket agent. Another concern raised by the Council was the inability of the TVM’s to accept Transit Checks. Metro North will check on and advise the council when it reports on the roll out of the TVM’s at the next meeting.


4).  The Council reported that it has received complaints regarding the traffic flow at the new Stamford Station Garage. CDOT indicated that they would have their traffic planner look at the problem. CDOT further reported that the new Stamford Parking Garage would open in May 2003 at such time the old garage will close. After refurbishing, the old garage will reopen in December 2003.


In other Stamford issues, CDOT reported that Tracks 1 and 3 will be back in service at the end of March 2003 and the contractor performing the maintenance on the escalators will be instructed to perform the maintenance during off-peak hours.


5). CDOT reported that there are currently approximately 50 cars in the shop backlog, adding that the extremely cold weather has put undue stress on the fleet. CDOT also cited the effect of cold weather on the brakes, doors and AC/DC converters. In addition CDOT noted that the problem cars are 30 years old to begin with.  The Council again expressed the need for new cars and an expanded fleet.


6). The Council’s sub committee on bar cars reported that the drafts of proposed renovations to the Bar Car appeared to be acceptable to most passengers. Discussion was tabled until next meeting.


7).  Robert Hammersley the Manager of the Transportation Strategy Board provided the Council with a copy of the TSB Final Report, and a brief overview. A copy of the report can be found on the Council’s web cite, and all members are encouraged to read it.


Vice Chairman Cameron thanked Mr. Hammersley for his 15 months at the TSB and his support of rail service.


8). With the closing of the New Haven Coliseum, Metro North passengers have been shifted to the Temple Street Garage. CDOT reported that busses run to the Temple Street Garage that will transport passengers to Union Station, adding that the Coliseum parking was only a temporary fix while new garage at Union Station was being built. Currently the rates at the Temple Street Garage are $35/mo. CDOT indicated that the rates are temporary and will increase when the new garage is completed. CDOT reported that issues with the New Haven Parking Authority are close to resolution.


9). The Council reported that the Darien parking rate increase went into effect January first. The resident train advocate from Darien again noted that there was a missing gutter end cap on one of the gutters. CDOT indicated they would follow up.


10). Metro North reported that the MNRR labor contracts are still being negotiated, adding that no resolution date has been set and no strike is impending.


11). CDOT reported that there is no funding available for any Waterbury construction.  The council inquired about security for the parking lot. CDOT will follow up for next meeting.


12).  Responding to the lack of restrooms at GCT, Metro-North reported that new restrooms are being constructed on the west end of the lower level. These restrooms should be completed late summer 2003.


13).  CDOT reported that its budget has been submitted to the Governor’s office and OPM has requested alternative figures. Further CDOT reported that when the Governor announces the budget it may or may not include a fare increase.


After lengthy discussions relating to the Councils roll in budgetary process and the Council’s enabling legislation and annual report, it was decided that the Council will review the budget and make recommendations.


CDOT agreed to make a presentation at the next scheduled Council meeting.


14). IN other old business the Council noted that there were no commuter connection buses to Union Station after 6:30 pm M-F. In response to this, Council Member Lee Carlson made the following motion;




     That the Council urge CT transit to modify its “J” route bus schedule to make connections with the last two trains and the late SLE bus trip, so that passengers don’t have the 20 minute wait for a connection..


The motion was seconded and unanimously approved.          


Chairman Chabot instructed Council member Carlson to contact CT transit and share the Council’s recommendation as approved in the motion.






1).  In addition to item 5 old business, CDOT reported that the trains have recently been slowed to 70 mph due to the extreme cold. This is due to the brittle overhead wires.


2).  In response to the PA problems at the Stamford station, CDOT announced that special monitors will be installed in the ticket office, giving PA announcers real time information from GCT on the status and location of all trains entering the station..


Metro-North Police suggested that the announcements in Stamford should be in Spanish as well. Recent addition of bi-lingual announcements in Bridgeport appears to be working extremely well. CDOT indicated that would look into it.



3). In other new business, the Council received a letter requesting that announcements be made on the trains instructing passengers to not restrict entry to or exit from trains by passengers being forced to stand in the vestibules. MN agreed to look into the issue.  Vice Chairman Cameron complimented the conductors on their handling of the cell phone usage courtesy announcements.


CDOT reported that an agreement for the Fairfield Station has been sign. There will be a full presentation to the Board of Selectman and, it is expected to be voted on during the first week of February 2003. The final agreement should be in place by the end of February 2003.


Metro-North reported that there was a schedule change on the New Canaan branch that would allow for later departures from GCT. The 11:07 pm has been changed to 12:07 am.


The meeting was adjourned at 9:00 p.m.     


Respectfully submitted,


James N. Mohs




In Attendance


Rodney Chabot, Chairman                                      Harry Harris, CDOT

Jim Cameron, Vice Chairman                                 Mike Donnaruma, CDOT

Jim Mohs, Secretary                                                 Ray Cox, CDOT

 Peter Myers, Council Member                                Robert Pettinicchi, CDOT

Ed Zimmerman, Council Member                           Scott Howland, AMTRAK

Bob Jelly, Council Member                                      E.C.Schroeder, SLERA

Lee Carlson, Council Member                                Sgt. J Mullin, MTA Police

Joe Kanell, Metro North                                            Mark Hogan, MTA Police

Eugene Colonese, Metro North                               Bob Hammersley, TSB

Phil Wilhbuy, Metro North                                         Jonathan Lucas, Stamford Advocate

Ted Bowen, Metro North                                          Scott Crosby, commuter