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Stop the CDOT Fare Increase on Metro-North

Stop the 4.5% fare increase!

Tell your CT State Lawmakers Enough Is Enough


The CT Rail Commuter Council strongly opposes the 4.5% proposed fare increase for Metro-North riders. You can help by telling your lawmakers that how we pay for mass transit needs an overhaul. In CT all mass transit operating costs are paid from the Transportation Fund, which holds money from motor vehicle registrations, traffic fines, gasoline taxes, etc. If these revenues fall – when the gas tax is cut, for example -- the funding falls for mass transit and riders are asked to pay higher fares. But the higher the fares the fewer the riders, the heavier the traffic and the dirtier the air pollution. And this is in a state that says we must cut traffic by 5%! Did you know that...

ü Riders on Metro-North in Connecticut pay a higher percentage of the cost of running the railroad than do commuters anywhere else in the nation. Each ticket we buy pays for 73% of the operating cost. In contrast, the LIRR riders pay just 55%.

ü Metro-North riders have had 4.5% fare increases in four of the last five years, with predictions of further boosts to come unless funding sources are changed.

ü Our aging fleet of rail cars must replaced in coming years and track and catenary (over-head electric wires) must be rebuilt...costing hundreds of millions of dollars just to maintain -- not improve -- rail service in Connecticut.

Enough is enough! Too much of the burden of funding more mass transportation is being placed on commuters. The Legislature must find a better way.

Click here to fight back:

On our Web site you can e-mail all members of the legislature’s Transportation Committee. Tell them "enough is enough," that you oppose another Metro-North fare increase and that a different funding system must be found. You can also look for your local State Senator and State Representative and e-mail both the same message. Or you can call legislators in Hartford toll-free: 800-842-1902 (Democrat) or 800-842-1423 (Republican). Remind them that your ability to pay CT State income taxes depends on your ability to get to and from work at an affordable cost.

At the Web site you can also join the CT Rail Commuter Council's E-Mail Alert Service. We promise to keep you posted on this fare increase proposal and on upcoming public hearings where you can speak out in person. Thanks for your support!

CT Metro North New Haven Rail Commuter Council