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Camas Prairie Rails

Please see my new home at

John Henderson's collection of Ivan Ergish Photos

1965 Potlatch Forest Products Tour Book


Northern Pacific Lewiston Promotion Brochure

Camas Prairie Post Cards

 1952 Camas Prairie Newspaper Article

Visit my Camas Prairie Webshots Page!

 A few more Webshots of Lewiston

 Around the Inland Empire

A 1939 photo of Northern Pacific Class W Mikado 1507 at the Lewiston roundhouse. Photographer unknown.

Final Op Session on John McBee's Joint Line - Page 1

Final Op Session on John McBee's Joint Line - Page 2

Kansas City Terminal Railroad Visit

Southside Railroad Modelers

 Don't Miss Blair Kooistra's Walla Walla Valley Railway!

Yes! Blair's Camas Prairie Site is back. It's buried under the WWV, but it's there!

My Camas Prairie Lewiston, Idaho Switching Layout

 Recent Photos and Color Track Plan. Now more modem friendly!


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You probably already realized that this page is under construction!

Unidentified photo of a wrecked stock train. Location unknown.

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