Converting An AF Hopper To Scale
This is a fine example of Bob's modeling skills at work. Above is an American Flyer® S gauge hopper than has been converted to scale. Bob got the idea from a photo he saw of an Erie ribbed side hopper. Note the raised ends which were added with scrap styrene. Bob added Kadee 802 couplers, scale trucks, wheels and ladders. He painted the car black and added dry transfer lettering from CDS.
Editor's Note: A ribbed side hopper is one that has exterior vertical supports. This keeps a clean interior so they don't interfere with the load being shipped. On northern roads like the Erie ribbed side hoppers were used to keep the load from clinging to the ribs on cold days. American Flyer® only made offset side hoppers bulged out so they could have more capacity. A third style hopper is the panel side.