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The Conrail Technical Society Journal Reprint Book #1...

Available now... by popular demand. For years, members have been asking for back issues of early editions of The Journal in order to complete their collections. Here's your opportunity... This 112-page, softcover book contains the first six editions of the CRTS Journal in their entirety. Whether you're a recent member who missed these issues the first time around, or a longtime member who'd like clean reference copies, the Journal Reprint Book #I puts a wealth of Conrail information in your hands.

Regular Price: $15.00

New England Railfan Timetable #2...

This newly revised edition is an indispensable reference tool covering nearly 40 New England railroads: Albany Port, Amtrak, Aroostook Valley, Bangor & Aroostook, Batten Kill, Bay Colony, Belfast & Moosehead Lake, Berlin Mills, Canadian National, Canadian Pacific, Claremont- Concord, Clarendon & Pittsford, Connecticut Central, Conrail, Danbury Terminal, Fore River, Grafton & Upton, Green Mountain, Guilford, Housatonic, Canadian-American, Lamoille Valley, Maine Coast, Massachusetts Central, MBTA, Metro-North, New England Central, New England Southern, New Hampshire Central, New Hampshire Northcoast, New Hampshire & Vermont, Pioneer Valley, Providence & Worcester, St. Lawrence & Atlantic, Seaview Transportation Company, Twin State, Valley Railroad, Vermont Railway and Washington County. There's even a handy radio frequency guide. Branch line or main line, the New England Railfan Timetable #2 contains everything you need for productive railfanning anywhere in the region.

Regular Price: $20.00

Chicago Railfan Timetable...

A must-have for Windy City railfanning, the Chicago Railfan Timetable covers most major roads in this area, including: Amtrak, Belt Railway of Chicago, Burlington Northern Santa Fe, Conrail, CSX, Elgin Joliet & Eastern, Grand Trunk (CN), Indiana Harbor Belt, Norfolk Southern, Soo Line, Union Pacific, and more! Like the New England Railfan Timetable, there's a Radio Frequency guide here too.

Regular Price: $20.00

Conrail Freight Schedules, Second Edition...

Planning a trip to an unfamiliar locale? Want to know when the hot trains run? Or are you just interested in Conrail operations? The Conrail Freight Schedules book fills all of these needs. This 72-page, 8�x11" comprehensive listing shows Conrail's manifest trains, intermodal trains, autorack trains, unit grain and steel train schedules.

Regular Price $20.00

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Conrail Technical Society

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Garden City, New York 11530-7140