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Creating Montage Background Scenes-Backdrop Samples

Creating Montage Background Scenes by Philippe Coquet

Backdrop Samples

Here are some sample backdrop pictures.








Comments on the images displayed on these pages:

The project being over, and with some ‘milage’ in using Photoshop, I found interesting and amusing to share with you the real look and feel of the finished layout modules (Odessa TX is still work in progress with a lot of street details, utility lines, signage, street light system… still to be modeled), mixing real models and virtual photo-montages.

- 1st image of each of the series is the model ‘on its own’, without any backdrop. For creating these images, I took a series of 3 pictures of each of the modules, walking perpendicular to the layout sections. I then assembled them and cropped the final image to keep only the layout and its structures (shooting the modules with a plain white background helps making the cropping much less time consuming).
- 2nd image of each of the series is the backdrop “on its own”, purely virtual, straight from the Photoshop software on the PC.
- 3rd image is simply the superimposition of the two first images, providing thus with a very accurate idea of what the final modules look like, when adding the backdrop, as if the picture would have been shot from some distance.

I hope you will agree with me that it makes quite a difference!


Edited by Craig S. O'Connell / Photos and text by Philippe Coquet

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