Meeting Room Opens at 7:30PM and meeting begins
at 8:00 PM
----------VISITORS ALWAYS WELCOME!-----------
President: Robert Weisenberger: Vice President: Charles
Christian: Treasurer: Ronald
Leitch; Secretary: Mark Adamcik: Trustees: Gary Dillon, Chris
Vlisides, Richard Novak
The program this evening will
be presented by Marty Surdyk, who will give
us a great evening of his excellent slides taken on his various
rail trips. Marty always presents a good program.
The meeting was called to order at 8:15 PM by President Bob
Wiesenberger. Minutes of the August meeting were approved as
printed in the September bulletin. Treasurers report was given by
member Dick Novak, as follows; Beginning balance $822.05;
Expenses $10.00; Ending Balance $812.05. Under old business
President Wiesenberger complimented Bruce Young for his culinary
efforts at the recent club picnic. There was no report on our
efforts to establish a club website on the internet. Under New
Business, concerning the proposed Euclid Corridor, a question was
raised about getting out from under the trackless trolley wires
in case of a watermain break, as had happened previously. It was
mentioned that the ETB's would be equipped with batteries or
auxilary power unit such as a gas generator to allow for limited
travel away from the overhead wires. Meeting adjourned at 8:30
PM. Respectfully submitted, Mark J. Adamcik, Secretary. Editors
Note; Maybe the Trackless Trolleys could come equipped with
Let us now praise famous men - John R., "Jack"
Martin, President of the National Association of Railroad
Passengers, died on September 1st. He was 64 years old. Jack
served as President of NARP since 1979. During his tenure as
President, Jack worked one-on-one with Amtrak's management,
including Amtrak's Presidents Alan Boyd, W. Graham Claytor, Jr.,
Thomas Downs, and George Warrington. Alan Yorker, of Delaware,
Georgia, has been named new President of NARP to fill in Jack
Martins unexpired term. NORFOLK SOUTHERN; Cloggsville connection
is being finished and should be in service totally soon. New
signals have been sintalled at CP-190, and the track
configuration at CP-190 and the west end of Rockport yard has
been revised.
Honorary member Bill Vigrass in New Jersey informs us that he had
major surgery but has come through with flying colors and is on
the mend. Bill also mentioned a roll sign that he wants to donate
to NORM. He also has a web site and as soon as I can locate his
letter, I will print it in the next bulletin. October 12th
edition of The Cleveland Plain Dealer in the letters to the
Editor column has a nice letter from some whippersnapper named
Mark Adamcik, about how all RTA rail lines should use a standard
rail car. Mark mentioned about his recent trip to Germany where
light rail vehicles were equipped to operate with a folding step
arrangement which permitted vehicles to serve stations regardless
of whether they have low platforms like our Blue and Green lines,
or high platforms like on the Red line. They have been using such
an arrangement for 25 years and it has been proved reliable. He
stated that RTA should avoid the "low floor" cars
because they would not only require massive reconstruction of all
RTA stations, but also modification of RTA's Central Rail
Facility because the propulsion control equipment on low floor
cars is mounted on the roof instead of under the floor, as with
the present fleet. OLD CLEVELAND STREETCAR SUBWAY: The lower deck
of the Detroit-Superior span which has been closed to the public
was once again opened up to the curious by the Cuyahoga county
engineers. More than a half mile long, the deck which runs under
the Detroit-Superior (Veterans Memorial) Bridge has been closed
for years. Seventy years ago streetcars prowled its depths and
crossed over the Cuyahoga River from the East side of town to the
West side of town. Free public tours were offered from 9 AM to 1
PM on October 14,15 and the 28th. Reservations are required by
calling (216) 348-3800. People taking this tour should dress
warmly and wear walking shoes. Blaine Hays helped to organize the
last tour session some 12 years ago. The tracks were abandoned in
1954 and the street ramps filled in. About 10000 passengers came
out to ride the last trolley on the Madison line which operated
under the bridge in the subway, on January 23, 1954. (Editor
Note; though I did not ride the trips as the lines were too ling,
I did take black and white 8mm movies, I was accompanied by my
soon to be wife Mary, who must have wondered just what kind of
nut she was getting married to!) The tour will be a no-frills
walk across the river on the lower deck. Visitors will see
remnants of the subway stations at W 9th and W 25th streets.
Pictures of old streetcars and exhibits on the lines history will
be on display. The county will also dust off a mockup of the
front of an old streetcar and erect it in one of the tunnels at
the west end.
AND IF YOU ARE WONDERING WHERE THE CLOGGSVILLE CONNECTION IS, just take a ride on the RTA rapid on the west side. You will be able to see it to your right, heading west after you leave the West 25th Station, pass under the Norfolk Southern mainline bridge (which leads through Lakewood) and just past the small RTA yard and shed.
Best viewed at 800X600
Copyright 2001, The Cleveland Railroad