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Student Payment


This page is only valid for those who have received an email confirmation that their request to register at the Student Discount Rate of $25 has been approved.

Please click the "BUY NOW" button below to pay by PayPal or Credit Card.

Within a day or so you will receive confirmation of your payment and a ticket to attend the event via email.

If you wish to pay by check, make your check out to "Southwest Rail Passenger Association" and mail it to:

California Passenger Rail Summit
c/o Southwest Rail Passenger Association
PO Box 267
Palm Springs, CA 92263

After we receive your check you will receive a registration confirmation and event ticket by email.

You will need to present your Event Ticket and Student ID when you arrive at the summit to pick up your event badge. Thank you for your understanding.

We are looking forward to meeting you at the 2019 California Passenger Rail Summit!

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