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SD40-2 5917




CP 5917







Built by : GMD

Delivered in : 1979

Serial Number : A 3810

Class : DRF-30t

Paint Scheme : CP Rail Small Multimark

This Photo : Chris Davidson, 2005


Other Photos (chronological) :

1. CP 5917 at Smiths Falls, ON., painted in the CP Rail Small Multimark paint scheme. Photo by Bill Sanderson, 1984;

2. CP 5917 at Ignace, ON., painted in the CP Rail Small Multimark paint scheme. Photo by Bill Sanderson, 1997;

3. CP 5917 at Shepard, Calgary AB., painted in the CP Rail Small Multimark paint scheme. Photo by Cor van Steenis, 2008;

4. CP 5917 at WInnipeg, MB., painted in the CP Rail Small Multmark paint scheme. Photo by A. Ross Harrison, 2018;

5. CP 5917 at WInnipeg, MB., painted in the CP Rail Small Multmark paint scheme. Photo by A. Ross Harrison, 2018.


Paint Data : CP Rail Small Multimark, 8" stripes


Notes : Sold to Motive Power and Equipment Solutions, Greenville, SC. (4/2019).
