WWW.CPRDIESELROSTER.COM CP SW9u, SW1200RSu, SW10, SW1500 : 1200~1299
In 1980, CP Rail initiated a remanufacturing program for SW1200RS units #8100-8171 (except for #8148 which was burned in 1968 and retired in 1972. These units were to be overhauled and renumbered to SW1200RSu's #1206-1276. CP #8100-8130 were to become #1206-1236, and #8131-8171 (except #8148) were to become #1237-1276. Nine units were renumbered downwards from #1276 which remained roadswitchers. The program was terminated in 1986, after only 33 units were done. The remaining SW1200RS units in the 8100 series were overhauled, rather than remanufactured, and remained in the 8100 series.
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