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Updated 6/3/25


Continental Railway Circle

The CRC is a UK based group catering for enthusiasts interested in railways outside the British Isles, whether they be main-line, industrial or preserved. It was started in 1960 by the late Lance King who was actively involved until 2013. It holds regular meetings both in London and Stafford. These usually take the form of a slide or video show, as well as affording members the opportunity to exchange news and gossip. The emphasis tends to be on steam although more modern forms of traction also find a place in the programme.

Because of the lockdown, meetings in both London and Stafford were suspended but restarted in London in September 2021.  See the London Area Meetings page for further information. Unfortunately the Stafford meetings are unlikely to restart in the forseeable future.

Although the majority of members live in the UK, over 40 countries have been represented in the membership list. The quarterly magazine “Continental Railway Journal” was published for over 50 years until 2013 and proved invaluable as an information source to members worldwide. The magazine has now been merged with Locomotives International a commercially produced publication with broadly similar subject matter. Although no longer published, issue 173 in Spring 2013 being the last, backnumbers of CRJ are still available and provide a valuable record of foreign railway developments over the last 50 years.

Another useful facility is a Newsgroup to give members advance notice of railtours etc.

A Facebook group has also been established to enable members to maintain contact by posting and exchanging pictures which may be of interest to the group. This in no way replaces the long standing newsgroup but is much more focussed on images which in quantity are awkward to circulate as newsgroup attachments. Posts are placed on a server and members may access all or any that interest them.

This is proving highly successful and there are over 200 participants

For further information go to the Newsgroup & Facebook page

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