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Join the Friends of 6218





P.O. Box 1064 Ridgeway Ontario, Canada    L0S 1N0   (905) 894-8451










We Are The Friends of CN 6218!

Help us Preserve this Locomotive!



Join Us


Become a Friend of 6218. 


6218 needs your financial donations and your personal support.  Join us today! There is strength in numbers when advocating a cause in political circles.  Whatever you can donate to this worthy cause will be greatly appreciated by future generations.  Please make your cheque payable to the Fort Erie Historical Railway Association (FEHRA).*


Click here for the membership application.

For a PDF file application click here.


*FEHRA is an incorporated Canadian Registered Charity.  Canadian Tax Receipts for donations of $25 or more are available upon request.  FEHRA is not currently recognized by the U.S. Internal Revenue Service.














History of 6218



    Who We Are



   Why We Care



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Benefits of Donating



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   Annual Report



Description: Description: Description: FOT6218 sharpened2
























Fort Erie Historical Railway Association Photo