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Getting my 1,600,000.0 Rail Miles 10/14/2019

by Chris Guenzler

I wanted to get my 1,600,00.0 rail mile after the two-day Big Boy trip. I called Robin Bowers and asked him to join me since I wanted a picture at the point of reaching it and he agreed. I worked my day at Henninger Elementary School then drove to the Santa Ana station and found a parking spot on the lower level. I bought my round trip to Oceanside, met Robin and we walked to wait for the train and soon saw the headlight approaching. The train arrived in and I took my usual seat in the bicycle car with Robin sitting across from me.

Robin at the table. The conductor scanned our tickets.

All too soon we reached the shore of the Pacific Ocean.

San Clemente Pier came into view.

San Clemente Pier.

The big bend of the coastline at San Onofre Creek.

Robin asked to take a picture of me to practice. The train arrived at Oceanside early and Robin went to Burger King while I photographed trains.

Metrolink 815 at rest in Oceanside.

Metrolink F125 920.

Metrolink 641 arrived from Stuart Mesa yard for the return trip.

Metrolink 641 from the cab car end of the train. Robin and I discussed various items during our time together and soon I was handed him my camera and gave a countdown for my event.

1,600,000.0 rail miles was passed at CP Bake on Metrolink's San Diego Subdivison on my home rails. I felt really good about finally reaching that number of rail miles. We detrained at Santa Ana and I drove home to write this story.