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Cumbres & Toltec Scenic Railroad Part 4 7/17/2016

by Chris Guenzler

We are still climbing the grade to Cumbres Pass.

Looking back at the Los Pinos Valley.

Climbing the grade into the Los Pinos Creek valley.

Climbing the grade up the Los Pinos Creek valley toward Tanglefoot Curve.

Rounding the curve toward Tanglefoot Curve, which the train will go around.

Approaching Tanglefoot Curve.

The train rounding Tanglefoot Curve.

Looking back down from where we came.

Riding above Tanglefoot Curve.

Curving toward Cumbres Pass.

Crossing Highway 17 into Cumbres Pass.

Pulling into Cumbres station.

What is left of the Cumbres snow shed.

Cumbres Pass is the highest point on the railroad at 10,015 feet above sea level.

Leaving Cumbres en route to Windy Point.

The view from Windy Point.

Looking up at the hoodoos at Windy Point.

Looking down into New Mexico off in the distance.

Hoodoos are part of the unique geology of this part of the Rocky Mountains.

Descending the loop below Windy Point.

More unique geology.

Coming out of the loop below Windy Point.

Looking back to where we had been.

Looking down to the southwest.

A major blowdown of the excess boiler pressure of the steam engine.

Looking up at the unique geology.

Running by a pond after crossing Colorado Highway 17.

Taking a curve down the four percent grade.

Looking down toward Chama.

The train curving down the grade.

The train is heading for Cresco.

A view of the mountains to the east.

Nearing Cresco.

The train ran by the Cresco water tank. I went into the coaches and talked with Elizabeth for a few minutes before returning to the open car for the rest of the trip.

Another shorter blowdown.

The train takes the curve to the Forest Service road.

View of the mountains to the east.

After crossing the Forest Service road.

Still running down the four precent grade.

A friendly cloud to the northeast.

Looking east towards the mountains.

Heading to the Lobato Trestle.

The elk are in the trees.

The train crossed the Lobato Trestle including a blowdown.

The old movie set at Lobato.

Rolling through the narrows on the way to Chama.

One final blowdown before Chama.

The Jukes tree.

Crossing the Chama River.

The unique Chama water tower.

The Chama coaling tower.

The Friends of the Cumbres and Toltec Scenic and two steam engines greeted us as we arrived in Chama. We boarded the bus but before we left, Elizabeth went into the gift shop and bought an second pin for the unexpected engine change. We had a good trip back to Antonito, ending a fantastic trip on the Cumbres and Toltec Scenic Railroad. A special thank you to them for having us on the train today. We started our drive back to Alamosa but stopped at the Rio Grande Western station in Antonito and at La Jara. Back in Alamosa, we went to Arby's for dinner and worked on stories for the rest of the night.