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Pacific Locomotive Association's 2012 Winterail Photography Special 3/11/2012 Part 2

by Chris Guenzler

We were at Niles and the engines would now switch trains to pull back through the canyon. Can you believe that these two engines most likely once met at Quincy Junction, as they are today at Niles in 2012?

Western Pacific 918-D came first, ran by us then cleared the switch by plenty to let Quincy Railroad 2-6-2T 2 follow.

Next Quincy Railroad 2 went by our location.

The engineer of Quincy Railroad 2.

Quincy Railroad 2 reversed onto the passenger train and was watered.

Western Pacific 918-D now reversed onto the freight train.

Western Pacific 918-D with its freight train performed photo runby 3 as it left Niles.

The passenger train performed photo runby 4.

The passenger train then reversed into Niles.

Quincy Railroad 2.

Our passenger train was ready to board.

The engineer of Quincy Railroad 2.

The passengers returned to our train and we departed Niles, heading east into Niles Canyon to the next photo runby location where I used my mountain goat skills to gain elevation.

The passenger train reversed by us first.

The freight train reversed below my position.

Photo runby 5 with the freight train.

Photo Runby 6 with the passenger train. I climbed safely down back to the train then had a Coca-Cola onboard as the train continued up Niles Canyon.

Click here for Part 3 of this story