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"The Adirondack" Utica to Carter May 18, 2011 Part 3

by Chris Guenzler

A stone marker "Adirondack Scenic Railway In Memory of those who could see the vision when others couldn't who cure their all when there was nothing to receive" Adirondack Railway Preservation Society dedicated September 29, 2007.

Milepost H58 as we left Thendara.

New York Highway 28.

We came to the next siding north of Thendara.

Stored equipment on the Adirondack Scenic Railway.

The east end of this siding.

Our train took another curve.

This sign was interesting.

Approaching the Camp Block sign.

Our train took the curve to Milepost H59.

The view of the Adirondack Mountains.

Finishing the curve and entering a long tangent of straight track.

We ran along another pond.

More blossoms on the trees.

Another pond.

Milepost H60.

Milepost H61.

Another small lake.

We left the straight track as the train took another curve.

Then onto the next piece of straight track.

Milepost H62.

Milepost H63.

The trees are along the tracks for most of our trip.

A grade crossing and another curve.

More lakes along our routes.

Another curve with the Adirondack Mountains ahead of our train.

We crossed another stream along our route.

Rounding a curve as we made our way to Carter.

Some more straight track along our route was ahead.

More streams off to the east.

We approached Carter at Milepost H64.

Passing the remains of the Carter station as we came to the end of active track and detrained for a few pictures.

Our train at Carter.

Future trackage for me to ride?

The north end of our train.

The south end.

Mohawk Adirondack Scenic 805.

Another view of our train at Carter.

Mohawk Adirondack Scenic 805.

The foundations of the former Carter station. We all reboarded and our train headed back towards Utica.

We came to the "Adirondack Desert", as Bart Jennings called this location for a photo runby.

The photo runby at Milepost H42.

The return move.

Adirondack Scenic GP9 6076.

Adirondack Scenic open baggage door car 521 "Huntingdon", ex. VIA, nee Canadian National 92xx built by National Steel Company .

Adirondack Scenic coach/concession 3600, ex. VIA 3600, nee Canadian National coach built by Canadian Car and Foundry in 1954.

Adirondack Scenic coach 5430 "Tupper Lake", ex. VIA, nee Canadian National 5430 built by Canadian Car and Foundry in 1950.

Adirondack Scenic coach 5321:2 "Remsen", nee Canadian National 5321 built by Canadian Car and Foundry in 1954.

Two more views of our train. We all reboarded and the train returned to Remsen where we would have a 15 minute stop.

Our train at Remsen after which I walked to a bakery for some Coca-Cola.

A final view of our train. Everyone reboarded for the return trip to Utica.

Bart and Sarah Jennings.

Mohawk River as we neared Utica.

The former New York Central roundhouse.

We came up to the station switch when CSX 5477 West came through Utica. Mohawk Adirondack Scenic 805 cut off our train and headed to their engine facility then a few minutes later, Adirondack Scenic GP9 6076 pushed the train back into the station. We all detrained and Dave drove David and I back to the Days Inn. David and I then walked over Babes Restaurant where I had an excellent steak dinner then worked on the story before calling it a night.

Click here for Part 5 of this story