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West Virginia Rail Festival 2010 6/27/2010 Part 2

by Chris Guenzler

The train continued on towards Petersburg.

The view to the west.

Looking back towards "The Trough".

The planted fields along our route.

The view ahead.

Silos on this farm.

Two views ahead.

Rolled hay.

Another farm. We stopped for a photo runby.

Reverse move one.

Photo runby one.

The reverse move. We all reboarded and continued on.

Looking east.

The train passed through Morefield, West Virginia.

Crossing a flood control channel.

Both ends of our train.

Rounding another curve.

Grain elevator with a trackmobile.

View looking west.

View looking east.

Another farm.

On this hot day, the cows were under the trees.

Looking west.

The view ahead.

Both ends of our train.

Yard Limit MP 45.

The South Branch of the Potomac River.

The view ahead.

Looking forward.

The view ahead.

Both ends of our train along the route as we continued our journey.

You can see the rock strata in this view.

Another farm.

On the barn "Chew Mail Pouch Tobacco, Treat yourself to the Best!"

View ahead.

The family knows what to wear on this hot day.

Looking along a corn field.

The view ahead.

The curves on this line allowed for frequently seeing both ends of our train.

An old water tower.

Taking another curve.

A stone whistle post. We had to stop here until the hourly train from West Virginia Rails had reversed to return to Petersburg.

Curving towards another canyon.

Rock strata along our route.

The South Branch of the Potomac River.

The train crossed this creek.

Looking ahead.

Looking back.

Petersburg is seen ahead.

Both ends of our train.

Another barn.

Approaching Petersburg.

We had finally reached Petersburg and West Virginia Rails 2010.

Click here for Part 3 of this story