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Oil Creek & Titusville Railroad Rare Mileage Trip Trip 5/20/2010 Part 3

by Chris Guenzler

The reverse move.

The photo runby. It was decided to do a second one, so I crossed the tracks for the reverse move.

The reverse move.

Photo Runby 2, after which we all reboarded and the train continued on its way to Rynd Farm.

The replica Petroleum Centre station which opened as a flag stop in 1989.

Our train passing through Petroleum Centre.

More views of Oil Creek.

The Ice Control dam built in 1989 by the Corps of Engineers to reduce flooding in Oil City. Historically, ice breaks on the Oil Creek before it does on the Allegheny River. The results of this is the creation of ice jams and flooding. Therefore, the dam was built to stop the movement of the spring ice flows.

Views of Oil Creek right before we arrived at Rynd Farm.

The Rynd Farm station at Milepost 133.6. Most of our passengers detrained here.

Rynd Farm.

Our engine ran around the train to get the freight cars in a position to be interchanged with the Western New York & Pennsylvania Railroad.

Soon the engine bought the cars down for interchange.

Our engine brought those cars down to the interchange point.

The photo line.

Our engine at Rynd Farm.

Oil Creek at the Rynd Farm. We reboarded but it was then announced we would be waiting for the Western New York & Pennsylvania Railroad to deliver a "hot car" for Titusville and we could photograph the interchange.

The engine pulled the whole string of cars into the siding.

The Western New York & Pennsylvania Railroad arrived with their cars for interchange with the Oil Creek & Titusville Railroad.

The photo line.

The Western New York & Pennsylvania Railroad engines returned with their cars to take onto their railroad.

Rynd Farm. We all reboarded and after the engine coupled on the freight cars we were taking, we departed for Titusville.

Passengers enjoying the open air car.

The Ice Control dam.

Oil Creek.

Rolling through Petroleum Centre.

Later, the Drake Oil Well.

The train crossed Oil Creek as made our way back to Titusville. It had been a great trip aboard the Oil Creek & Titusville Railroad and I walked back to the B&O caboose and worked on the stories from the last two days then Randy and I ate at the Blue Canoe and I finished the stories during the evening.