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Cass Railroad Trip to Bald Knob 6/29/2010 Part 2

by Chris Guenzler

With everyone back aboard, we departed Whittaker for Bald Knob.

The grade ahead.

These blue flowers caught my eye.

Milepost 4.

The original Lima-built water tender from Cass Shay 2 is used as a water storage tank.

Shay 11 working hard.

The tracks ahead.

Shay 11 still working hard.

Two views of the grade ahead.

The engine sounded fantastic and I loved watching the smoke billow forth.

We climbed the steep grade to Old Spruce.

Still pushing hard up the grade.

It was the climb that I was really enjoying.

Views looking off Cass Mountain.

Shay 11 working hard.

The engine behind.

The grade ahead.

More of Shay 11 working hard.

Discarded steam smokestacks were dumped off the tracks at this location.

The grade ahead.

Our steam engine working the grade behind.

Looking ahead of our train.

The hard-working Shay 11.

View looking off Cass Mountain.

This is fun railroading of which to be a part.

View ahead.

I love that plume of smoke being blown into the air.

Views off of Cass Mountain.

Looking towards Bald Knob.

The engine still working hard as we near Old Spruce.

We had arrived at Old Spruce and at that switch, my new mileage to Bald Knob would start.

Click here for Part 3 of this story