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Leadville, Colorado & Southern Railroad Trip 7/12/2009 Part 2

by Chris Guenzler

The Arkansas River Valley.

Traversing the cliff section of track.

Interesting trees below the tracks.

Rocks above the train.

The peak across the valley.

Rock outcroppings below the track.

Rocks above the train on the cliff section.

Nearing an interesting rock formation.

Mt. Buckskin

We continued to climb the grade.

Foundations from a building that was here years ago.

Rounding another curve.

More glacial debris.

A mine pipe to remove water from the mine.

The clouds were beginning to look dark and I hoped for no rain during the rest of our trip.

More curves as we climbed higher.

The train curved into French Gulch.

The water tower at French Gulch.

We continued to our turn-around point.

Looking back down at the Arkansas River Valley.

Our turn-around point.

The mountains looked beautiful during our layover here.

Wildflowers were in bloom at this high elevation.

This is a far as our trip went. A narration talk on area history was give during the layover here and the GP9 would lead our train back to Leadville.

The clouds started to build and we all know I love watching clouds.

Interesting rock outcropping across the valley.

The train started back with GP9 1714 leading and we ran to the French Gulch water tower for a twenty-minute stop.

The water tower built in the 1800's. I detrained for a few pictures of our train.

The train at the French Gulch water tower.

Passengers were allowed to tour the engine and/or caboose.

The GP9 looked good leading our train.

Looking down at the Arkansas River Valley.

We passed over the cliff section of our route.

Leadville, Colorado and Southern GP9 1714 leading our train back through the forest.

The grade of the former Colorado Midland Railroad is now a hiking trail.

Leadville, Colorado and Southern GP9 1918.

Back by the roundhouse.

Returning to Leadville.

The train returned to the station and I detrained, thanking the crew for an excellent trip over the Leadville, Colorado & Southern Railroad. I then started the drive to Cripple Creek, stopping at the Forest Service Visitor Center at Wilkinson Pass.

The mountains to the west and valley below.

Pikes Peak, the destination of my trip tomorrow. I drove on to Cripple Creek through some heavy thunderstorms which did not making driving fun, but reached there safely for my next Colorado train ride, but that is another story.