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Sierra Railroad Railfan Trip Part 2 3/9/2008

by Chris Guenzler

I climbed up into the cab of McCloud 18 and was ready for the cab ride to begin, taking a few pictures before the crew returned.

Gauges inside the cab of McCloud 18.

The engineer's side.

The fireman's side. The crew then returned.

Our engineer.

Our fireman.

A look back as we departed Keystone.

A view through the fireman's window.

A look forward. The train stopped for our next photo runby at the rock outcropping along the road and I climbed down to join the photo line on top of the rock.

A look from the rock outcropping at McCloud 18.

Sierra S-12 42 as the train started to reverse.

McCloud 2-8-0 18.

The reverse move.

Photo runby five.

Reverse move six.

Photo runby six, after which I climbed down off the rock outcropping and made my way back to McCloud 18 and climbed back up into the cab.

Our engineer.

Our fireman.

The speed gauge.

The steam engine's firebox.

A look through the engineer's side window.

A view over the cab.

A view out of the cab.

A view over the tender.

The author in the cab of McCloud 18.

One last view looking over the tender. We stopped at Warnersville and I thanked the engine crew and climbed off the engine after an incredible steam cab experience then walked back to join the photo line for our next photo runbys.

Photo runby seven.

Reverse move seven.

Photo runby eight, after which we reboarded the train and made our way to the Dodge City Curve for our next runby.

Reverse move eight.

Photo runby nine. Everyone reboarded the train and continued west to our next and last photo runby location.

A static shot before our last photo runby.

Photo runby ten. Once all passengers were aboard, we rolled the final miles into Oakdale, said our goodbyes, detrained and returned to our cars. The five of us decided to eat before starting the drive home so we went to the Oakdale Café where I had a tri-tip meal.

The Drive Home 3/9/2008

Larry drove us back down to Santa Fe Road which we took to Ballico before cutting over to California Highway 99 and south to Fowler where we stopped for snacks and a restroom break. From there, Chris drove us south, stopping north of Grapevine for petrol. Then it was over the Grapevine and our next stop was at the east side of the LAUPT/MTA parking structure where we said goodbye to Chris Parker. The four of us drove east on California Highway 60 then took Hacienda Boulevard over the hills to drop off Tom Anderson at his house.

Larry and I then drove down Beach Boulevard to Interstate 5 which was closed due to an accident so we detoured to California Highway 91 back to Interstate 5 to Santa Ana and the train station, where Larry dropped me off and I drove home, ending another fantastic Winterail and Sierra Railfan trip weekend. Now to finalize my Amtrak rail miles to be in position for my Millionth Amtrak Mile trip.