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Royal Gorge Route Part 2 7/16/2008

by Chris Guenzler

I walked out into the open car meeting Bob and Chris and at Parkdale, starting taking exteriore pictures of the journey back through the Royal Gorge to Canõn City.

Narrow gauge cars from the Cripple Creek and Victor Railroad were on display in Parkdale.

We boarded the last of our passengers and would commence our eastward trip.

The train was rolling along the Arkansas River at Parkdale.

The view to the south.

Curving along the river.

Approaching the Highway 50 bridge and once under it, we would re-enter the Royal Gorge.

Paassing beneath the Highway 50 bridge.

We were now entering the west end of the Royal Gorge.

The view behind shows this impressive train.

This is a very beautiful gorge to pass through aboard a train.

The upper reaches of the Canõn City Water Diversion Project. Now sit back and relax as we go deeper.

Under that water diverter once again.

The suspension bridge came into view and this picture showse how deep the Royal Gorge really is.

The suspension bridge high above us.

Proceeding onto the Hanging Bridge which was built by the Santa Fe in 1879 before losing the "Royal Gorge War" to the Denver and Rio Grande Railroad. The Royal Gorge is only 30 to 40 feet wide where this bridge was built.

Our train crossed the Hanging Bridge; "Rio Grande Railroad" is painted on one of the hanging supports.

The Suspension bridge from way below.

Our train was still crossing the Hanging Bridge before we left it behind.

Remains of the Canõn City Water Gravity System can be seen.

A look back at the suspension bridge.

Passing a block signal in the bottom of the Royal Gorge.

One last view of the suspension bridge. Now sit back and relax for the trip through the rest of the Royal Gorge.

I think anyone would agree that the Royal Gorge is an incredible place on planet Earth.

A look back from where we had been. André then wanted to show me the rest of the cars, of which he is very proud.

There is no question as to the lineage of this car.

This car reminds me of those I had ridden on VIA Rail in Canada.

The interior of concession car 5586 "Fremont".

The interior of bar car "Sunshine Falls". André then asked where we were going to next and I replied the Royal Gorge Park and he said he would provide free tickets so that I could add that to this story. I told Chris and Bob before returning to the full dome to settle my bill for one Coca-Cola. The train returned to Canõn City and a few minutes later, André handed me the tickets and I went to the car to wait for Bob and Chris.

A special thank you to André and the Royal Gorge Route Railroad for a fantastic trip through the Royal Gorge.

As we made our way to the Royal Gorge Park, one last picture of the train that finally took me through the Royal Gorge.

Click here for Part 3 of this story