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Another Return to the Depot Inn & Suites in La Plata, Missouri

by Chris Guenzler

Before Chris Parker and I attended the 2008 National Railway Historical Society convention and its associated trips, Amtrak Conductor Bob Riskie proposed a trip to Colorado to ride steam trains as well as the Royal Gorge Scenic Railway. When I learned that I did not get a Summer School assignment, I would therefore have all summer off so contacted Bob to let him know to count me in, then Chris Parker decided he would join us.

To make this easy as Bob was going to be coming west on the Southwest Chief after visiting relatives in North Dakota, I would spend three days and two nights at the Depot Inn & Suites in La Plata, Missouri, then board the westbound train and join Bob. Chris Parker would fly to Albuquerque then take the Southwest Chief to La Junta, and spend the night at the Midtown Motel then board the Chief and the three of us would get off at Trinidad, where we would pick up a rental car from JJ Motors and start the trip.

Our plan was to visiting the Royal Gorge Scenic Railway, Durango & Silverton Railroad, Cumbres and Toltec Scenic Railroad and the Rio Grande Scenic Railroad. My only new trackage would be on the Royal Gorge. Carole Walker of Bella Vista Travel took care of all my hotel reservations and after contacting the various tourist trains, I was set. Bob took off for Bend, Oregon on Monday and I waited to leave on Friday afternoon on what promised to be a unique trip to Colorado.

7/11/2008 I was up early to take Metrolink 683 to Fullerton to meet Steve Grande, who had the latest discs on both of my overall and Amtrak Million Mile trips. He and his wife Barbara were on their way to Portland via the Coast Starlight and made my way to Track 3 to wait for Metrolink 600 to return me to Santa Ana. I stopped at the store for a few trip items before going home and watching the DVD of those trips. They did a fantastic job with the new material. I called Bob McMillan to see if I could get the footage he filmed on the Amtrak Million Mile trip and he would meet me at Anaheim. I watched "War Games" before finishing packing.

Pacific Surfliner 583 7/11/2008

Pacific Surfliner 583 arrived with cab car 6908, coaches 6410 and 6404, coach/café 6851 "Tecolate Canyon", Pacific Business Class 6801 with F59PHI 450. We departed Santa Ana a few minutes late and when we stopped at Anaheim, there was Bob McMillan of Vahalla Railroad Videos who had the two discs which I watched as we made our way to Fullerton, as well as about ten minutes of Disc 2 as we continued to Los Angeles Union Passenger Terminal. We arrived on Track 10 and I walked over to Track 11.

At the end of Track 12 was Amtrak company service car 10021 "Pacific Patrol 2008, ex. Amtrak crew dorm/lounge 2521 1999, exx. Amtrak 2891 1980, exxxx. Amtak 2604 "Pacific Cape" 1971, nee Union Pacific 10-6 sleeping car 1406 "Pacific Cape" built by Budd Company in 1950.

I walked down to a bench and waited for the Southwest Chief to reverse into the station.

Southwest Chief 4 7/11/2008

At 6:10 PM, the train reversed into LAUPT with a consist of P42DCs 178 and 10, baggage 1756, transition sleeper 39034, sleepers 32050 and 32060, diner 38019, lounge 33044 and coaches 34044, 34029 and 34117. I boarded 39034 with Room 19 for my trip to La Plata. An on-time departure occurred and we made our way to our first stop in Fullerton as I started to watch Emerson, Lake & Palmer's "Live at Montreaux 1997". At Norwalk, the dining car was opened for dinner and I walked back to be seated with two ladies, one going to Chicago and the other to Albuquerque then El Paso. I enjoyed a flat iron steak and finished before West Corona.

I returned to my room for more ELP as the sun was beginning to set as we paralelled the Riverside Freeway.

My last view of the sun on what had been a very good day of my life.

The Southwest Chief arrived at Riverside as the day began to turn into night and the train made its way to San Bernardino, where I took a fresh air break then continued to Cajon where we had a red signal for BNSF 7737 West. As the ELP DVD finished, the train went up the south track, only to stop at the next red signal. With that, I decided to make up my room and call it a night as we followed a freight to Summit and started our descent down Cajon Pass.

7/12/2008 I awoke just past Darling, Arizona after a good night's sleep as the train sprinted east towards Winslow.

The Arizona High Desert. I went to the dining car for breakfast, was seated with a trio going to Albuquerque and enjoyed French Toast and pork sausage patties. After that good meal, I went back to my room to edit Bob's DVD and finished just after Gallup.

Red mesas of New Mexico. To celebrate my finishing, I put on Nirvana's "Nevermind" and relaxed.

Wen ran by the basalt-capped mesas after Grants on our way Albuquerque. The Southwest Chief arrived there early and waiting on the platform was Randy Jackson, a friend and fellow train rider who had come down to see me. We discussed our future trip plans and I always enjoy seeing him. After he left, I watched Joe Harper's "Steam Highlights of 2007" and enjoyed that for almost the next two hours while in the meantime, the Southwest Chief departed Albuquerque on time.

The future New Mexico Rail Runner route to Santa Fe, which I would ride once in opertion. We stopped in Lamy before passing through Apache Canyon and then over Glorieta Pass, taking the siding at Fox as waited for the westbound Southwest Chief to pass. I next watched "ABBA The Movie" which I always enjoy and the train passed us as ABBA sang "Tiger".

Starvation Peak across the Pecos River Valley beckoned the Southwest Chief to reach it.

Our crossing of the Pecos River. Something told me to call home to see if I received a layoff notice after 25 years of service to the Santa Ana Unified School District and I left a message. Knowing that I would be in a no cell phone area, it was not until I neared Las Vegas, New Mexico that I had a signal and my mother had called with the news that I did. I called her back and she read the letter to me and suggested that I should go for Option 1, which was to use my bumping rights, whatever that meant. To say that I was in a bad mood was an understatement and I was downright mad! Since my response had to be in their hands on the 21st of July by 4:00 PM, I would have to call on Monday to see if a letter from me would work since I would not be home until July 21st. Is this going to be a case of "Everything works if you let it" or "I'm screwed!"?

The ABBA movie finished as the Southwest Chief made its way to Raton as life goes on! I took a fresh air break and upon departure, the 5:45 dinner reservation was called and I was seated with a couple going to La Junta and a train rider going to Naperville, Illinois. I had the flat iron steak and chocolate ice cream for dessert then watched a few minutes of Alice Cooper's "Live at Montreaux 2005" before switching to Bob's DVD of us talking going over Raton Pass at which I laughed my head off. That took me to La Junta and now in a good mood, stepped off the train for some fresh air.

The Southwest Chief at rest at La Junta.

A green signal to take us east on time and out into the night. I listened to Poxy Boggards' "Lager for Life" then made up my room and called it a night.

7/13/2008 I awoke just before Holliday, Kansas and was in the dining car when we arrived, being seated with a couple going to Chicago and a Boy Scout leader going to Princeton, Illinois. I had the usual French Toast and sausage patties as the train became delayed in BNSF's Argentine Yard. Later at the fuelling racks, five BNSF business cars were added to our train and I listened to Jethro Tull's "This Was".

Once on the move again, we passed BNSF's engine facility at Argentine Yard.

Soo Line SD60 6056, now Canadian Pacific 6526, built by Electro-Motive Division in 1989, before we made our way to Kansas City Union Station.

The Southwest Chief at rest in Kansas City.

The Western Auto building watches over the Southwest Chief during its servicing stop. We departed at 9:25 AM {7:45 AM} and proceeded to my stop at La Plata, while Cheap Trick's "Germany 83" was my next DVD.

Those five BNSF business cars at West Sibley.

The Southwest Chief headed out across the Missouri River bridge at Sibley, Missouri. After some slow running, we raced across northern Missouri, flying through Carrollton and Marceline before arriving at La Plata at 11:47 AM {9:57 AM}, which ended a very emotion-filled trip to La Plata aboard Amtrak's Southwest Chief.

The Southwest Chief departed La Plata with those five BNSF Business Cars on its rear end.

The Depot Inn & Suites in La Plata, Missouri

I had called Brock at the Depot Inn & Suites yesterday to make sure I would be picked up upon arrival but there was no one to greet me. I called the Inn and Maria, the hotel manager, was unaware that I was arriving and said that she would call Tom to see if he could pick me up. I had time to look around.

Naturescape display in front of the station, after which I moved my luggage to near the crossing gate in case any trains came by. A minute later, Tom and Kelly Marshall, along with their son, who were returning from church, saw me and took me to the Depot Inn & Suites. After a few more minutes, I checked in and received my usual Pullman Suite then after checking e-mail, decided to walk to Santa Fe Lake for the first time.

Santa Fe Lake, built by the Santa Fe in 1907. Since the 1920's, it has been a swimming, fishing and picnicing destination for La Plata and surrounding area. Santa Fe steam engines once took water from out of this lake. I hiked down the track back to the Chris Guenzler Million Mile Lookout Point.

The Chris Guenzler Million Mile Lookout Point. Now let us go inside and see who has signed the wall of this unique Lookout Point in the last year, starting with my two.

Chris Guenzler Millionth Rail Mile April 27, 2007.

Chris Guenzler Millionth Amtrak Rail Mile on April 7, 2008.

Ray Burns of and, and Maria Burns.

Steve Grande and Barbara Cepinko.

Anton Lazzaro.

Tom Anderson.

Chris Parker.

Tom Marshall.

Larry Boerio.

Bob McMillan, Valhalla Video.

Bob and Joyce Manning.

Jeff Hartmann.

While I was here, this westbound BNSF stack train came by as well as two eastbound BNSF manifest trains.

I walked down the former Wabash Route grade, my favourite path in the world, back to the Depot Inn & Suites and worked on my story before walking over to the Red Rooster for a chicken dinner then returned to my room and checked the Internet. I then returned to the Chris Guenzler Million Mile Lookout Point to wait for tonight's westbound Southwest Chief.

The first eastbound BNSF piggyback train passed below the Lookout Point.

Then the first BNSF stack train came by.

That was followed by a second BNSF stack train.

The Southwest Chief arrived twenty-five minutes late with an Amfleet car tucked into the consist, after which I walked back to the Depot Inn & Suites for the night.

7/14/2008 I slept in for the first time in quite a while then after a continental breakfast at the hotel, walked over to Trainweb to meet Ray Burns but he had not yet arrived, so I sat outside watching a few freight trains and a local rabbit. Ray soon arrived and I gave him Bob's DVDs so they could be copied and the originals sent to Steve Grande back in California. After a few minutes of visiting with Ray, I excused myself as I needed a picture of this morning's Southwest Chief at the station.

La Plata Amtrak station.

The Southwest Chief arrived, which would be my train tomorrow night. I returned to Trainweb and continued to visited with Ray then called my brother Jon, who worked in the school district's personnel office, to ask for his help in this whole employment mess. Once the discs had been copied, Ray and I went to the Red Rooster for lunch and Jon called me back to let me know that a fax could be used to get the district what they needed. I called home but had to leave a message then checked e-mail and decided to visit the Exhibition of Amtrak History to see what was new.

The outside remained the same since my last visit.

Inside the front door to the right is this plaque about my Amtrak Millionth Mile.

The view looking at the center of this unique exhibition.

An Amtrak Millionth Mile picture plus the Train Travel Meetup Group picture in Oceanside from the last time we rode Amtrak's Great Dome.

One of the Amtrak Millionth Mile trip T-shirts is also included. I returned to the Pullman Suite and relaxed the afternoon away then my brother Jon faxed me the needed form and I faxed it to the district. I then called my Union who were in negotiations with the school district over these layoffs. I went to the Red Rooster for dinner and had grilled chicken breasts then after watching the new Millionth Amtrak Mile DVD footage on the big-screen television in the Pullman Suite, I went back to the Chris Guenzler Million Mile Lookout Point and waited for the westbound Southwest Chief and borrowed one of the Inn's mountain bikes for the first time.

Am eastbound BNSF stack train.

A westbound BNSF stack train with DPU's on the rear.

Another eastbound BNSF freight.

A nice moon out on a pleasant evening.

The westbound Southwest Chief running thirty-five minutes late this evening. I biked back to the hotel and worked on this story before having a sauna bath and calling it a night.

7/15/2008 I slept in late and after a light breakfast at the Inn, moved out of the Pullman Suite and into the conference room for the reminder of my stay here then walked over to the Chris Guenzler Million Mile Lookout Point to wait for the eastbound Southwest Chief to arrive this morning.

First, this eastbound BNSF double stack train came with DPU's on the rear.

Next another westbound BNSF stack train passed below the Lookout Point.

The eastbound Southwest Chief arrived almost on time and stopped to do its station work.

The Southwest Chief departed for Chicago, after which I walked to Casey's for some supplies for my trip to Colorado and returned to the hotel.

Guess what was parked out in front of the La Plata Bank? An Amish buggy. I returned to the conference room to work and do my laundry as I packed clothes for just seven days, not the whole trip. I checked the Internet and had a message from Kelly at the school district about my bumping rights. I was entitled to an Administrative Aide position in the district and asked if my old job at MacArthur was still there, but she did not know and would call me with my options once all the responses were receeived on the 21st of July. I thanked her but hoped it would not be necessary if the Union came through.

So I relaxed at the Inn most of the afternoon and received a call from Chris Parker that he was on the train in Albuquerque and on his way to La Junta. For dinner, I made one more trip to the Red Rooster for filet mignon then back at the Inn, I listened to music before Brock took me to the Amtrak station to wait for a forty-five minute late Southwest Chief. It had been another excellent visit to the Depot Inn & Suites in La Plata.

An eastbound BNSF freight passed the station.

Next was a westbound BNSF freight.

Another great moon as I waited.

Next was another eastbound BNSF freight.

I saw a pattern in this evening's trains and that continued with another westbound BNSF train. Once the westbound signal turned green again, eight minutes later the Southwest Chief arrived.

Southwest Chief 3 7/15/2008

The Southwest Chief which would take me to Trinidad had a consist of P42DCs 203 and 165, baggage 1754, transition 39035, sleepers 32022 and 32073 "California", dining car 38004, lounge 33008 and coaches 31039, 34094 and 34064. I boarded the 32022 Room 14 with Dee as my Sleeping Car Attendant. As the Southwest Chief made its way to Kansas City, I soon found Bob Riskie and we caught up on things before called it a night. I made up my room and slept until western Kansas.

7/16/2008 I was awake and in the lounge car before we reached Dodge City with its Boot Hill. I had French Toast and sausage patties in the dining car, seated with a lady going to Albuquerque and a gentleman going to Las Vegas for a bridge tournament. Back in my room, I caught up the story before changing clothes to officially start my day. I put on some more of the Million Mile DVD which took me all the way to La Junta, the next fresh air stop, where Chris Parker should be waiting. That was until we neared Lamar where we had a series of red signals, so lost time time. I called Chris, who was being driven to the Amtrak station and suggested that he go to the café up the street from the depot and have a good breakfast. After we departed Lamar, I called him again to let him know we were on our way as we resumed our fast running to La Junta.

The Southwest Chief before it departed an hour late. I went back to the lounge car to say good morning to Chris Parker.

Chris Parker and Bob Riskie in the lounge car. I joined them for about forty minutes before returning to my room to pack it up and be ready to detrain at Trinidad.

We arrived at Trinidad and were met by JJ of JJ Motors who had the rental car ready.

Trinidad to Canon City 7/16/2008

We entered Interstate 25 north but got off at the next exit when we saw a BNSF coal train stopped waiting for a new crew.

Later near Pryor, we caught up to this northbound BNSF coal train on its way back to the Powder River Basin in Wyoming. We stopped at a Carl's Jr. in Walsenburg for lunch before we driving to Pueblo for a stop at the Wells Fargo Bank for Bob and then the Pueblo Railway Museum.