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What Was Waiting For Me in La Plata!

by Chris Guenzler

C.M. Carl caught me stepping off the Southwest Chief into a world that they had kept me in the dark about. I do not like surprises but this one time, I was ready for anything!

I was in a state of shock when I saw not only all of the people here, but a whole drum band getting ready to play. The musicians were from the La Plata R-11 High School Band Percussion Ensemble.

D.M. I decided to show everyone the Million Rail Mile Jersey so I outstretched my arms and slowly turned around, holding it for a second to the cheers of the crowd. As I turned back around, the band started playing a song which I thought sounded familiar.

C.M. The drummers playing their song.

C.M. The view of the crowd.

It was indeed "Fire" by Arthur Brown as I walked around for a quick peek. Someone yelled for me to turn around again so I did. The train did not move as I think the conductor did not want to disturb the welcome plus there were people much too close to the train at this point. Safety always comes first on the railroad! People came up to me to congratulate me as the band played on. Once the band finished, the Southwest Chief was ready to depart.

A goodbye from a wonderful train crew member just before the train highballed from La Plata.

I was sad to see that train leave because it was full of the good memories I had on it. Now what?

C.M. What a beautiful spring day for a celebration of a Million Rail Miles. I still did not believe I really did this after all it took to get here. Kelly Marshall of the Depot Inn and Suites came to get me and asked if I was surprised. "Blown away," I replied. "I never expected anything like this!" We made our way along the platform in front of the building.

C.M. Carl catches me walking to the Depot Inn bus.

C.M. The television crews were busy as was the radio crew. I was being filmed by KTVO of Kirksville, KOMU of Columbia and by Jonathan Marshall (Tom Marshall's nephew) as well as being recorded by radio stations KWIX and KRES of Moberly. Also here was the home press, the local La Plata newspaper.

T.E. Here I am walking with Kelly in front of the depot. I was taken though the crowd to a brand new 24 passenger bus and I was never so glad to see a bus. I needed a few moments of peace and quiet to take in the whole experience. What I just lived through was incredible! I did not say a word to anyone as they boarded the bus, nor did they, as I think that they were all in shock as well! We left the Amtrak parking lot and Tom Marshall asked me if I had been surprised. I said "Blown away!" He said "It is not over yet!"

We drove to usual way to the Depot Inn and Suites but kept going, turning into the Red Rooster parking lot and still kept going, turning onto the former Wabash Railroad grade that led us to the new Lookout Point the Depot Inn had just built so their guests could have a spot to safely watch trains in town. The bus pulled up and I was told to be the last one off. I noticed the Lookout Point was decorated in red, white and blue with some balloons added in good taste. I had read that it was to be dedicated today, so it looked all ready.

I stepped off the bus to more cheering and made my way into the lookout point, setting my backpack down and met Marc Magliari of Amtrak Media Relations in Chicago. I thanked him for organizing that excellent Beech Grove Shop Tour for me two weeks ago. It was now time to start the dedication of this Lookout Point and I was asked to stand out in front.

C.M. Tom Marshall welcomed everyone to this occasion and said it was now time to name this Lookout Point. The sign on top was covered and Barbara Cepinko pulled the string and the sign was exposed.

T.E. I was in shock at what I read. The sign read "The Chris Guenzler Million Mile Lookout Point." I could not believe what I saw, said "Excuse me!" and ran to get my camera and took the next picture still stunned!

I could not believe that anyone would ever name something after me. Tom told me to stay right there as they had another surprise. I could not believe what I looking at. What was next?!

I stood there looking at that sign and over the loud speaker it was announced "The Ballad of Chris Guenzler Million Mile Man" which was played. I was floored. First a place named after me and now someone wrote a song about me! The song was written and performed by Kenny Marshall of Kansas City, who is Tom's brother.

C.M. I was asked to come up by the microphone and Larry Herron, City Manager of La Plata, read a proclamation before he handed me a plaque but had to stop when a westbound BNSF freight train disrupted the ceremony. I grabbed the camera and ran for a picture of the freight.

Here is a picture of that rude BNSF train which then stopped. That was the first picture I ever took from the Chris Guenzler Million Mile Lookout Point. People laughed when I did that, but I thought that if I did not take that picture, someone would ask what stopped the preceedings.

L.B. Larry Herron finished reading the proclamation then handed me a plaque.

C.M. Next Marc Magliari read a letter from Amtrak President Alex Kummant and presented me with a plaque of the same letter. I was now getting good at the celebrity business.

C.M. Maria Snodgrass, Manager of the Depot Inn and Suites, presented me with a glass etching of the "Chris Guenzler Million Mile Lookout Point".

I held up everything that I had been given so the crowd could get a better view.

Here is a view of the crowd watching me.

C.M. It was now my turn to speak to the assembled group. If you would have told me that I was going to speak to a large group when I was a child, I would have said 'no way'. Speaking terrified me. You see, when I was born, I had no hearing and tubes were put in my ears when I was two and I mumbled for years. After all the hours of speech therapy I had in school, I can manage to speak satisfactorily but normally I feel very uncomfortable talking to groups. Today though, I do not know what it was, but I had no fear. I thanked everyone for coming then told about that first Amtrak trip to much laughter and I felt very good about myself when I finished. Next, Missouri Representative Tom Shively addressed the crowd.

C.M. Missouri Senator Bill Stouffer, our Keynote Speaker, spoke to the audience. Following that, fellow train rider Andy Smith presented me with a plaque. I had one more thing to say to the group, thanking Tom Anderson for the T-shirts, Million Rail Mile jersey and sweatshirt, all of which he had designed. With that, the ceremonies were over.

The video crew for Trainweb was always close by my side throughout this trip. They did an excellent job of being here, but not too close.

D.M. I next did a joint television interview with both KOMU and KTVO stations. One reporter would ask a question then the other one would have her turn. It was an experience I really enjoyed.

C.M. I then did a radio interview for radio stations KWIZ/KRES. With the press taken care of, I needed to relax a little in the "Chris Guenzler Million Mile Lookout Point".

D.M. Me resting at the Lookout Point.

That was until a pair of BNSF freights passed within ten minutes. After the train show, we were taken to the Depot Inn and Suites.

C.M. I checked in, getting my usual Pullman Suite and stored my luggage before I went to the barbeque on the patio.

I then decided to see what was on the menu, which was giant hot dogs and chips plus soda.

D.M. The Million Rail Mile cake.

C.M. Carl caught me eating a hot dog.

D.M. Carl enjoying the barbecue.

D.M. Richard enjoying himself.

C.M. I had signed T-shirts for the children so they went and made cards for me. I love small town America!

C.M. I presented Dutch from Pennsylvania with a T-shirt. After a good lunch, I decided to go into the Pullman Suite to photograph all that I had received today.

The plaque from Andy Smith.

The "Chris Guenzler Million Miles Lookout Point" etching.

The La Plata Proclamation.

Amtrak President Kummant's plaque. I looked out of my window and saw somebody unloading a truck of railroad memorabilia.

C.M. I picked up a Toledo, Peoria & Western Railroad Company employee timetable then returned to the room and used the sauna tub before watching Jethro Tull's "Living in the Past" on the wide in-wall television, followed by some episodes of "Monty Python's Flying Circus".

D.M. A scene of a baggage cart with the hotel in the background.

C.M. Later we had a small dinner gathering at the Red Rooster. At about 7:40 PM, I showed my Million Miles of Train Riding slide show which lasted until 10:00 PM. We all went into the lobby to watch me on the local ABC station then watched the local NBC station on a computer. After such a busy and important day in my life, I returned to the Pullman Suite and called it a night.

Special thanks to the photographers who let me use their photos: C.M. = Carl Morrison, D.M. = Dutch Myers, T.E. = Tony Escarega and L.B. = Larry Boerio

Click here for Part 5 of this story