HC-41 Class (WM 604950-604999):
WM 604942 (Purchased decorated second-hand, this is a bogus road
#, but I live with it)
WM 604966 (Purchased as a decorated kit, second-hand) Note:
For some unknown reason, more often than not, this class of WM
covered hoppers was missing their COTS stencils (the large black
squares on the bottom right of most cars). I have CSX era
photos of these cars riding the rails in the late 80's, still
missing a COTS stencil. It is the only class of car I've
seen missing them at such a late date. 99% of cars got them
in the mid 70s. Two of my three WM cars are modeled missing
the stencils.
WM 604989 (Purchased as a decorated kit, but a bogus number.
Renumbered to a correct number)
WM 604993 (Purchased decorated and second-hand)
Chessie WM 604999 (Purchased undecorated second-hand, custom
painted by me to the paint job you see below)
HC-44 Class (B&O 605000-499, C&O
604600-999, 605500-899):
Chessie C&O 604762 (Purchased second-hand, stripped and custom
painted by me to the paint job you see below)
Chessie C&O 604833 (Purchased undecorated second-hand, custom
painted by me to the paint job you see below)
Chessie C&O 604880 (Purchased decorated second-hand as C&O
604725, reworked and custom painted by me to the paint job you see
Chessie B&O 605000 (Purchased second-hand, stripped and custom
painted by me to the paint job you see below)
Chessie B&O 605009 (Purchased undecorated second-hand, custom
painted by me to the paint job you see below)
Chessie B&O 605035 (Purchased second-hand, stripped and custom
painted by me to the paint job you see below)
Chessie B&O 605091 (Purchased undecorated second-hand, custom
painted by me to the paint job you see below)
Chessie B&O 605093 (Purchased decorated for C&EI, custom
painted by me to the paint job you see below)
Chessie B&O 605110 (Purchased second-hand, stripped and custom
painted by me to the paint job you see below)
Chessie B&O 605147 (Purchased undecorated second-hand, custom
painted by me to the paint job you see below)
Chessie B&O 605187 (Purchased undecorated second-hand, custom
painted by me to the paint job you see below)
Chessie B&O 605196 (Purchased undecorated second-hand, custom
painted by me to the paint job you see below)
Chessie B&O 605215 (Purchased as an undec kit. Custom
painted and decaled by me.)
Chessie B&O 605321 (Purchased as an undec kit, custom painted
and decaled by me)
Chessie B&O 605416 (Purchased undecorated second-hand, custom
painted by me to the paint job you see below)