How to make a Bowser 100 ton hopper:
They go together really easily.
1. Read the simple directions
2. Glue the weights into their places.
for them to dry before putting on the black cover pieces.
If you
put the cover pieces on as the glue on the weights is drying,
you will
get to see how super glue reacts to fingerprints as white
start showing up all around the inside of the model.
3. Bore out the holes for the three brake
parts that go on the main bar frame. The holes are just a
too small coming out of the box.
4. Glue in the brake detail parts.
5. Glue in the cross beam that goes under
the end.
They are kind of tricky but take your time and they fit easily.
6. Glue on the brake wheel.
7. Put the main bar frame into
It fits really snug, so there is no need to glue it.
8. Screw in the couplers.
9. Screw in the wheels.
10. Weather it as you like. I weather
by applying two or three oversprays of dark grey on the inside
and some
rust colored chalk on the inside. Chessie hoppers looked
fairly good
in the Chessie Era, but they did get covered with a descent
amount of coal
dust. Below is a pic of how I weather the inside of the
If you are going to do your car as one loaded with coal, then
this step
is unnecessary.