Western Maryland "Northeast" style caboose. This model was made
from the Proto 2000 kit. This kit was produced in
1991, but can still be found on eBay or at train shows. I doubt
your local hobby shop will have one. It is a very accurate
depiction of the WM cabeese, except some of the parts came the wrong
color. I painted the trucks (things with the wheels) blue (they were
black), the steps blue (also originally black) , the underside blue (black
originally), the door silver (originally yellow), all of the trip orange
(it was red), the top grab irons orange (they were silver), the platform
yellow (it was black) and the exhaust stack blue (it was black).
I also added Kaydee type couplers. I added the black square stencil
to the right of the "Chessie System" logo. Also, I weathered the
roof with a dark grey wash and drybrushed it with white and silver paint.
All and all a good looking caboose. A prototype
pic is available on the trainweb.org/chessiephotos site.