We met at the Santa Fe Cafe, FUL, 6 a.m.
Steve Grande and Ray Burns
Don Drummer, Crhis Guenzler, Winston Walker
Carl Morrison
Santa Ana Canyon on our way to Riverside
Prado Dam realeasing floodwaters into Santa Ana River.
Bank to bank waters.
Quite a water hazard at Green River Golf Course.
Water released from Prado dam flows under Hwy. 71 and down the Santa
Ana Canyon.
Emptying water from Prado Dam.
Note the current work to raise the dam.
Downtown Riverside station, the end of the first leg of our journey.
Riverside Metrolink Station
Riverside Metrolink Station.
Metrollink ready for L.A. run.
Mtns. beyonde Ontario Airport
East Ontario Station
Metrolink awaits, Gold Line arrives, Los Angeles Union Station.
Metrollink Gold Line
I board the Gold Line.
Sierra Madre boarding for L.A.
Chinatown Station near Philippe's where we had lunch.
Redline is a subway to North Hollywood. We stepped outside to see
that it was still daylight!
Amtrak L.A.U.S. to Fullerton to end a great day of train traveling in
Southern California.