'Training' Wheels
Coast Starlight round trip Fullerton, CA, to Seattle, WA,
with photos of the Parlour Car, Bedrooms, Diner, Tulip Festival, Boeing Museum,
Seattle, Mt. Vernon, La Conner, Anacortes, Port Townsend, and Boeing Museum of Flight, and the Washington State Ferry System.
March 31 - April 9, 2011
By Carl Morrison, Carl@TrainWeb.com
Tulip Festival, April, Skagit County, Washington
After staying the night of our arrival at
the Pioneer Square Hotel, having breakfast next to the lobby, and
picking up our Enterprise rental car, we headed north to Tulip
Territory. We discovered earlier, by checking the Bloom Map
(http://www.tulips.com/bloommap.cfm) that the tulips were not yet in
bloom, but daffodils were. Some tulips were in bloom at the two
big growers' gardens.
Daffodil Dash
(Double-Click any photo below for a double-sized copy; Click BACK in your browser to return to this page.)


 Daffodils as far as the eye could see.

Thousands of Snow Geese migrate through this area each spring.

They eat the grass in the fields,
them move enmasse to the next field.
 Landing in a field near our car.
 We saw a total of 7 bald eagles on the trip,
these were near the snow geest fields.
 "Flaps Down, Look Out Below!"
La Conner, Washington
Some early variety tulips were in bloom at Tulip Town and Roozen Gaarde.


Roozen Gaarde early bloomer.

 Tulip Town's early varities, in the rain, left and above.

Rows of outdoor tulips in the rain.
 Inside they have beautiful bouquets, properly lighted,
with a painted background of tulips in Holland.
Washington State Ferry from Coupeville to Port Townsend, then Bainbridge to Seattle

Typical Washington State Ferry for vehicles
and walkon passengers.
 Admiralty Head Lighthouse, Coupeville, WA
 Port Townsend Lighthouse, from the ferry.
 Port Townsend with mountain backdrop.

Downtown Port Townsend, WA.
 "Grounded in Poulsbo, WA."
 Seattle from the Bainbridge - Seattle Ferry.
Space Needle from the ferry. (Right)

Boeing 'Museum of Flight'
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