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National Train Day, Los Angeles, May 8, 2010 By

National Train Day, May 8, 2010, Los Angeles, California

Photos by Carl Morrison,

Including Photos of:

Huell Howser, Art Brown, Carole Walker, Doug Spinn, Jackie Hadnot, Matt Melzer, Randy, Ken Ruben, Richard Phelps, Marcel Lagnaz, Arlene Post, Doug Spinn, Carole Walker.

Rail car photos:

Montana, Salisbury Beach, Scottish Thistle, Amtrak California 'Coachella Valley.

Locomotive photos:

Pacific Harbor Line No. 80, UPY 2719, UPY 2744, Metrolink Cabcar 638, Metrolink 878, Pacific Surfliner 10th Anniversary (Wrapped).

Table of Contents

  1. National Train Day Factsheet

  2. Opening Ceremonies

  3. Rail Cars on Display

  4. Companies and Groups repesented


National Train Day Fact Sheet

(Provided by Amtrak prior to National Train Day)
National Train Day celebrates America‘s love for trains with events across the country. This year marks the third annual celebration with large-scale, family-friendly events that provide opportunities to explore interactive, educational exhibits that bring to life the rich narrative of how trains have transformed America and will continue to do so in the future.
Date     May 8, 2010

    11:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.

Locations     Washington, D.C., Philadelphia, Chicago and Los Angeles
In addition to the four major market events, communities across the country are encouraged to develop and host their own National Train Day celebrations. More than 140 local celebrations took place in 2009 and Amtrak expects even more in 2010.
Admission     Free

Exhibits and Activities

As part of National Train Day, each major market event will feature live entertainment, interactive and educational exhibits, kid‘s entertainment, food demonstrations, model train displays, and tours of notable private cars, Amtrak equipment, freight, and commuter trains. This year‘s National Train Day events will offer the following exhibits:

Special Exhibits

Exhibits that narrate each region‘s rich history with trains.
Railroad Bracero Exhibit (Los Angeles)
During World War II, thousands of Mexicans came to the U.S. to work legally under the ―Railroad Braceros program to build and maintain our nation‘s passenger railroad system. At National Train Day in Los Angeles‘ Union Station, an exhibit will honor the Hispanic contributions to the national railroad. Steve Velasquez, associate curator, National Museum of American History, will present on the braceros and their role in railroad history.
National Train Day marks 141 years of connecting travelers coast to coast and commemorates the day the first transcontinental railroad was created. On May 10, 1869, in Promontory Summit, Utah, the ―golden spike‖ was driven into the final tie that joined 1,776 miles of the Central Pacific and Union Pacific railways, transforming America by creating the nation‘s first transcontinental railroad.
This act united the country and provided adventure for businessmen who saw fortunes to be made, created jobs for thousands of Americans and sparked the creative imaginations of storytellers in songs, movies and novels.
About Amtrak
As the nation‘s intercity passenger rail operator, Amtrak connects America in safer, greener and healthier ways. Last fiscal year (FY 2009), the railroad carried 27.2 million passengers, making it the second-best year in the company‘s history. With 21,000 route miles in 46 states, the District of Columbia and three Canadian provinces, Amtrak operates more than 300 trains each day—at speeds up to 150 mph—to more than 500 destinations. Amtrak also is the operator of choice for state-supported corridor services in 15 states and for four commuter rail agencies. Visit or call 800-USA-RAIL for schedules, fares and more information.

Opening Ceremonies

(Click any photo to get a double-sized copy; Click BACK in your browser to return to this page.)

Presentation of the Gold Star Award.

Art Brown, Buena Park, CA, was the recipient.  He and his wife had ridden the Surfliner with me from Fullerton.  He also spoke at the recent RailPAC mtg. in LA.  My Report:

Amtrak’s Vice President of Transportation,  Richard Phelps.  Says he's working on the Sunset schedule now.

Rail Equipment on display

Arlene Post (right).

Carole Walker, Owner

Bella Vista Travel Agency

Doug Spinn, owner of the Pacific Sands, right.

Locomotives on display

One of the new Metrolink Cab Cars from Rotem on display at LAUS during National Train Day

Pacific Harbor Line No. 80

Pacific Harbor Line No. 80

UPY 2719

Someone pointed out the misspelling of "Million" above the "457"

UPY 2744

Companies and Groups Represented at National Train Day in Los Angeles.

Jackie Hadnot, "Iron Horse Wood Carvings," visited the booth.  He has wonderful wood carvings of trains in the Silver Rails Gallery in La Plata.  Click here to see his work currently in the Gallery.

Matt Melzer with Depot Inn & Suites, La Plata, MO. Also known as Silver Rails Country.

Randy preparing balloons for the kids, as he did in Brea, CA, the previous weekend.

Ken Ruben


Harvey House at the Los Angeles Union Station

Harvey House

Harvey House

I didn't know about this bar on the east side of the Harvey House.

Harvey House Bar

Exit from Harvey House to LAUS

"Amtrak:  Dining the Rail Way"

"Amtrak:  Dining the Rail Way"

Chef Marcel Lagnaz was on hand to do a cooking demonstration of Shrimp Scampi.

Amtrak's Pattern (above)

Santa Fe's California Poppy pattern (right) For 78 years this beautiful floral china pattern graced dining car tables on the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railway.

[ Other Reports by Carl Morrison | |  Silver Rails Country ]