Chris Guenzler
reaches One Million
Miles Traveled on Amtrak
Photos and Story by Carl Morrison
Comments welcomed at
April 7, 2008
Part I was about getting to Chris
Guenzler's Amtrak Million Mile Celebration in LaPlata, MO, April 7,
2008. Part II is about the celebration which took place on the
Amtrak Platform at the LaPlata Station, the Silver Rails Events Center
in town, the City and immediate area Tour, and finally the Dinner at
the Events Center.

Tom Marshall, owner of the Depot Inn & Suites, gives Chris a plaque
as well.

You can tell from the smiles, all attendees and dignitaries were old

Chris spoke to the attendees about this milestone.

Attendees including John Rhein (white hat) listeded to Chris' story.


The closest eatery to the Depot Inn & Suites.



A tour of La Plata and
surrounding area was scheduled for the afternoon.


Chris by the South Gifford, MO, RR station.

Inside the old station.




The oldest name I found on the wall.

They couldn't leave the light on for us.

An Amish barn and two buggies on the way back to La Plata.




The Depot Inn
& Suites even has train-related play equipment. Beyond is the
road to the Lookout.

Floor Plan of
the Depot Inn & Suites, 4 Suites are at top of the diagram.

The Evening
Reception for Chris' Million Miles of Amtrak travel was at the Silver
Rails Resort, complete with a cake.

Steve and
Barbara, Silver Rails Resort Events Center owners, poured the drinks.

Caterer and his staff.
Catering by Nolands Catering
Macon, MO

Kelly Marshall was Traffic Control for the Buffet.

Excellent and bountiful food was enjoyed by all.

Silver Rails Resort Events Center has a railroad motiff.


Peter Warner can handle a buffet with the best of them.

Train Travel Meetup, Fullerton, CA, members.

Steve Grande and Shivam Surve of TrainWeb/

Right, Ray Burns, President of

Kelly and Tom Marshall, owners of the Depot Inn & Suites, La Plata,


Mr. and Mrs. John Rhein
Attendees at the Million Amtrak Miles Dinner


Maria Snodgrass and husband attended Chris'


The Silver Rails Resort Band

Jeff Hartmann, always practicing his drawing.

After dinner, it was time for celebratory cake.


My return trip to California from the
Chris Guenzler Million Amtrak Miles Celebration did not invole a train
ride, but was on Express Jet,
but if you have more time in Missouri,
here's a great destination I know you will enjoy, in Branson, MO,
Another Great Destination in Missouri is Branson, and
specifically the Shoji Tabuchi Show
Everyone who I know that has been to Branson, says we must see
the Shoji Tabuchi Show. I usually say, "Who." However, I
found that he DOES put on a terrific show in the 1966 seat
theatre. There's more than violin playing, namely a 29-member
cast of dancers and singers who put on a terrific show. Shoji is
a talent the type of which is seldom seen in a live show in Branson,
MO. He is humble and introduces every segment himself. He
is appreciative of his hard working on-stage performers as well as all
the 50 or so other members of the show who work backstage. The
evening we attended the show, his daughter performed many excellent
numbers and danced in every segment.
I guess you can tell that we loved the show and are great fans of Shoji
(Photo Credit:
his press release: When Roy Acuff, of the Grand Ole
Opry, took his act to Japan,
Shoji heard him perform, met him, talked with him and Roy invited Shoji
to look him up, if he was ever in the neighborhood. Shoji, in time,
would take him up on his offer.
There is a list comprising the 60
influential Asian Americans and Shoji ranks number 29. He is in good
company with the likes of Connie Chung, a TV journalistic pioneer,
Roman Gabriel, former quarterback for the Rams, Daniel K. Inouye, War
hero and United States Senator and Yo-Yo Ma, the high-brow icon of
world class cellists. Others of familiar note on the list include Bruce
Lee, the all-time benchmark of martial arts and George Takei of Star
Trek fame.
Roy Acuff, of the Grand Ole
Opry, took his act to Japan,
Shoji heard him perform, met him, talked with him and Roy invited Shoji
to look him up, if he was ever in the neighborhood. Shoji, in time,
would take him up on his offer.
There is
a list comprising the 60
influential Asian Americans and Shoji ranks number 29. He is in good
company with the likes of Connie Chung, a TV journalistic pioneer,
Roman Gabriel, former quarterback for the Rams, Daniel K. Inouye, War
hero and United States Senator and Yo-Yo Ma, the high-brow icon of
world class cellists. Others of familiar note on the list include Bruce
Lee, the all-time benchmark of martial arts and George Takei of Star
Trek fame.
Additionally, to satisfy the rail needs
while the little lady shops,
take a ride on the Branson Scenic Railway, a 40-mile roundtrip
excursion through Ozark foothills and tunnels. My earlier
story: Their site:
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Celebration | |
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