From 92832 to 63540
A 1,932 mile Train Adventure that took 10 Years - 1996 to 2006.
The 10th Anniversary of,
December 9, 2006.

--Photo Credit: Andy Smith
Photos and Text by Carl Morrison,
Table of Contents
Click on the section you want to read, or just reae through the report
in order starting with 1 below.
- The Sendoff Party, Fullerton, CA,
The Rail Restaurant,
December 6, 2006, for those leaving for La Plata this day.
- Taking the "Polar Express" [a.k.a. Southwest Chief] to
La Plata, MO, from Fullerton, in Southern California 12/6-8/06.
- Arriving in LaPlata and the Depot Inn
& Suites...A
- La Plata, Missouri
- 10th Anniversary Party and
Ribbon Cutting in La Plata, Missouri.
- Taking the "Sunshine Express" [a.k.a. Southwest Chief] back to sunny Southern California,
Dec. 10-12, 2006.
- Links to other stories about
this historic event.
Sendoff Party | 2.
to La Plata | 3.
Arriving in LaPlata
and the Depot Inn & Suites | 4.
La Plata, Missouri | 5.
Anniversary Party and
Ribbon Cutting | 6.
Returning to sunny
Southern California 7.