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Capitol Commuter Bulletin Board

Capitol Commuters Bulletin Board

Check this page frequently for messages from your fellow commuters.
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Darlene - 11/24/98 22:11:37

Today I received the following e-mail from Fred Sandsmark concerning his wife's recent brain surgery: "Just a quick note to let you all know that Jane's surgery today at UCSF went very well. At 2:00 p.m. this afternoon [Monday] she was talking and wiggling her fingers and toes. More details will follow in another note (written when I'm not so tired). Thanks to all of you who are with us on this journey. Love, Fred Sandsmark"

ChrisS - 11/23/98 04:48:57

David: Things are much the same for Manny. He really sufferred a big blow to the head. He has good days and bad. We will post a notice about the holiday party soon. Why not plan to join us? We would love to see Hays again, and I would gladly drive yo back to Davis.

Lost & Found - 11/20/98 17:00:17

Found-- Lap top power cord on train last Sunday eve. See Davis station master.

Estelle - 11/19/98 07:40:05

We have found a sponsor for our web site! Keep watching the bulletin board for additional news and an anticipated "moving out" date. Sorry, Geocities, but those pop up ads were driving us crazy!

Darlene - 11/18/98 16:40:32

This morning I received the following information from Fred Sandsmark concerning his wife Jane's current condition: Dr. Berger will perform more surgery on November 23. This will remove a major portion of the tumor from her brain and also provide a need d sample of the remaining tumor to determine its exact composition. Fred and Jane are relaxing with a trip down the Coast before the surgery and her expected 5-day hospital stay. Fred says, "please keep Jane and her doctors and nurses in your thoughts a d prayers."

David Berry - 11/13/98 23:54:07

Hey gang, do need the old past leader to organize the Christmas bash for you? Just joking but its a thought. I read the bulletin board once-in-a-while to see whats up. Any word on Manny lately? Hope you're all well. Miss the bridge and the food. Oh, the people too!

ChrisS - 11/13/98 06:52:30

Fran: Great to hear from you! Please keep in touch and we will continue updates to the December Christmas Party!!

Fran Mello - 11/12/98 18:52:38

Hi, I'm a new Bulletin Board user and a wannabe commuter. Right now the work is in San Leandro and maybe NYC in January so... I'm not enjoying the opportunity to see all of you. It is great to read through the postings and catch up on babies and health a d other human activities. I hope that no postings means that everyone is doing well. I'll watch for the December bash and see if I can schedule in the city that day. Continue to take care of each other. It makes a warm place in the world for all of us. F an

Fran Mello - 11/12/98 18:48:55


ChrisS - 11/11/98 23:38:56

Sorry I missed the train today!! If anyone wants the results call me at home or e-mail me at home tonight.

ChrisS - 11/11/98 04:41:12

Is there interest in a November party? Or should we put the energies into the December Holiday bash! Let Bobby, Estelle and Chris know your thoughts on this issue. Some December dates are the friday, the 11th, Thursday, the 17th, please let us hear from ou. This year we need more of the dominate male involvement.

ChrisS - 10/31/98 22:35:07

Just wanted you to know that Floyd's last day with us was 10/30/98: (We should all call Bill Fleisher(510) 464-6990 Chris:(see below) This morning (Friday Oct.30 ) was my last ride on AMTRAK. Once again the train was 30 minutes late arriving in Suisun. Simply, I am tired of the lack of on-time performance and the weak excuses (this morning it was a printer problem). Talking with Bill Fleisher is a waste of time! The only thing he will understand is the loss of ridership. Maybe I will see you on BART some morning. I will be taking the bus from Suisun and transfering to BART at the El Cerrito Del Norte Station. Say hello to Marsha. Floyd

John Kinnison - 10/31/98 00:23:56

Hey people...I have the pictures of the going away party we had a couple of weeks ago and they look great, the only problem is, I haven't learned how to get them on a 1.44 disk, the files are much too large. I can put them on a Zip disk however, if someo e can work with it. Let me know. John

Darlene - 10/29/98 16:16:29

On 10/28 I received an e-mail from fellow-commuter Fred Sandsmark updating the progress being made to treat his wife's brain cancer. Jane is currently resting from the medical treatment Jane has been undertaking in San Francisco and once the new MRI has een analyzed, Jane may undergo more chemo and/or surgery. Happily, they've won their battle with the insurance company concerning the cost, thanks in part to HP employees in Roseville. Fred expressed their thanks for people's well wishes, "drumming, wha ever works" and said contact with friends would be welcomed as he and Jane face some tough risk/benefit decisions in the very near future. They are quite optimistic that further surgery will not infringe upon Jane's language abilities. Fred's e-mail is, should you wish to say "hi," "keep the faith," "hang in there, baby," or whatever.

ChrisS - 10/23/98 21:06:57

The Elections are only 2 weeks away. Let's plan to do our regularly simulated vote on Monday or Wednesday. Any preferences?? ChrisS

Cheryl - 10/22/98 13:45:30

Help is requested by any one of you web wizzards. My email address is changed, and I am unable to fix it on the list of commuters. Old address is address is cfranzi I'm always looking for the better deals in communication. In addition, How do I apply for temporary alumni status? I will be leaving with John, but I WILL BE February or March. Please don't let the early train sleepers get to comfortable while I am away.

Cheryl - 10/22/98 13:32:22

Yeah Colleen! You carried more baggage than the rest of us combined...and I was exhausted just watching you. Best wishes....and Christine is right, its time for pictures, or maybe even a screen savor??

ChrisS - 10/21/98 22:27:29

Colleen: How wonderfully exciting. Congratulations to all. I announced the birth to the regulars yesterday. All send their regards and especially Floyd and Paul. Both were most anxious to her the wonderful news. Now we only need pictures!!!

ChrisS - 10/21/98 21:46:53

John's last day is the Saturday, October 25, 1998. If you have not signed his card. Please see me on Thursday. Paul is the only one I know who will be on the train on Saturday. We could ask Paul to deliver the card. Does anyone have any train photos that could also be given to John of his passengers? Pl ase give to Bobby, Estelle or Chris. Thank you!!

Darlene - 10/21/98 16:16:31

Colleen: Congratulations to you and your family for the new human being named Jenna. Treasure this time together (even though you will forget what sleep is). If I were a fairy godmother instead of a wicked witch, I would grant you as much time as you wa ted before you had to come back to work!

Colleen Davis - 10/20/98 20:12:48

Well it happened! Jenna Marian Davis was born on October 14th at 10:55. She was 8 lbs, 15 oz. and 21 inches long. Thanks again for honoring us with the terrific pot luck and I appreciated everyone's help with saving seats, carrying my bags, etc. in tho e last few days. I'll see you all in December.

ChrisS - 10/13/98 17:03:31

We miss you! Just to let you know you are not forgotten. We miss your laughter and the little xtras you do for all of us. "Be good to yourself."

ChrisS - 10/12/98 18:40:40

Remember, John's last day is the 24 of October. Please remember to say goodbye to our faithful bus driver from Martinez to Sacramento. Some of you may remember the night the fire swept across the train tracks and the fire department stop the train about .5 miles from Sacramento. We found ourselves utterly stuck between Davis and Sacramento. It was John's foresight that save the night. He circled the bus around and picked up all of us for the ride to Sacramento. We will have a card for John on Friday, Oct ber 23, 1998. Please sign the card and bring a photo or something to remind John of all his friends on the Capitol Corridor.

ChrisS - 10/12/98 18:30:50

Bill Fleisher sent the following Commemorative Train Schedule to me for October 15, 1998: AT Colfax 7:30 AM Ceremony, Ceremony ends at 7:55 AM DP Colfax 8:00 AM From Spur after ceremony AR Sacramento 10:00 AM Train to hold No.2 track Ceremony DP Sacramento 10:20 AM AR Davis 10:45 AM Photo Stop DP Davis 10:50 AM AR Suisun 11:25 AM Photo Stop DP Suisun 11:30 AM AR Martinez 12:05 P.M. Photo Stop DP Martinez 12:10 P.M. AR Emeryville 1:05 P.M. Photo Stop DP Emeryville 1:35 P.M. AR Oakland JL 2:10 P.M. Photo Stop DP Oakland JL 2:40 P.M. AR Fremont 3:15 P.M. Photo Stop DP Fremont 3:20 P.M. AR San Jose 4:00 P.M. Ceremony ends at 4:30 P.M.Returining to destinations beyond Oakland take the 728 train that departs San San Jose at 5:35 P.M. If you would like a hard copy, please see me tonight.

ChrisS - 10/03/98 03:49:20

Tushar: Collen conveyed the good news to some of us today. We are all happy that the eye is healing well. Needless to say we miss you and anxiously await your return. Collen's last day is on Wednesday, and we will be having a potluck for her on Monday, October , 1998. We are planning to vote during October and will give you a call to have your choices included. Miss you! Chris and the rest of the gang!

Manny - 10/01/98 02:52:10

Hello my fellow Americans, I am back on line after a disastrous crash of my computer. It was difficult to reconnect. Some of you maybe unaware that if you click on my name in meet the conductors you will get my e-mail address. As far as my health it is a long proccess, so I am told by the medical field. I just want to say that I miss all of you. Your present conductor, Bob Whittle, is a very interesting person whom I have known for a number of years. Bob at one time in the 60's had a boat in the Oakl nd harbor that he lived on that had a swing in the middle of the inside room. He later sold it and bought a submarine that was also in the Oakland harbor. Bob and I later worked on the Starlite to Santa Barbara for a regrettably short time.

Chris - 09/25/98 04:44:16

Manny it is so good to hear from you. I have taken the Executive train with Bobby 3 times this year. However, all new riders on his train are required to bring croissants and or donuts. He makes out very well. (smile)

Chris - 09/25/98 04:41:08

I received a reply from my letter to the Sacramento rep to the Joint Powers Board. The Chairman feels that there does not exist the staff to support an Advisory Committee. He did offfer a suggestion to hold workshops after the Jt. Powers Board. Is this idea worth it? Estelle and I are interested in your thoughts.

Darlene - 08/31/98 15:18:30

I received an email from Fred Sandsmark updating me on the condition of his wife Jane's medical treatment. In this electronic age (and as Fred said, "there's a Web site for everything") Fred said the family's web site is which will contain updates on Jane's condition. Fred, as you all may know, wrote that great article in CCN about commuters who utilize their computers on AMTRAK. Although Fred can't commute with us any more, I am sure he would like to hear from you bet een (or during) trips to the hospital (

Manny - 08/27/98 22:10:39

Hello again my fellow Americans-I am sad to see Ron leaving us and me not being able to attend. Yardog will see that all is well with the party. Ron good luck and please stay in contact with us.

Tushar - 08/25/98 02:21:34

Cheryl, Pwopla, Chris, Conductor Brent, and all others on Amtrak 726 Car #1 on 8/13/98: Thank you for all the help you gave during my eye problem noticed during the travel between Emeryville and Sacramento. My left eye is going to be operated on 8/25/98. Thanks, again. Tushar

Darlene - 08/24/98 17:40:32


ChrisS - 08/15/98 00:35:05

Estelle and I faxed comments to our City representatives to the Capitol Corridor Joint Powers Board (CCJPB). We specifically requested thier comments on forming a Citizen Advisory Committee to the CCJPB. We have also contacted Bill Fleisher's Office to fo low up with them concerning the CCJPB meeting. We will keep you posted. If a few of you could also call, fax or write a request to the CCJPB member from your city, requesting an Citizen Advisory Committee, this would be extremely helpful.

Estelle - 08/11/98 20:10:20

If anyone is interested in the agenda for the Capitol Corridor Joint Powers Board meeting to be held on August 12 (tomorrow), I have a copy. You can find me in Car No. 1 on the 726 tonight or 721 tomorrow morning. Re: Darlene's message. I also have the new ferry schedule.

Darlene - 08/11/98 18:38:42

Check out the site, Marty says a bus is now linking Davis with the Vallejo Ferry. It does show the Village Bakery (where?) has "Network DayPass only." If anyone gets more concrete info, please share. Also, why wasn't anything put ou on the "" link?

Darlene - 08/10/98 18:41:50


Manny - 08/10/98 18:07:05

Greetings my fellow Americans-Just wanted to give you an update -I continue to improve but it seems to be very slow. My conductors job will be awarded to someone new until my return. I WILL RETURN! Relay to the new conductor not to get to confortable on the job it is only temporary. I read the bulletin board daily for new postings, I am very interested in the new schedule proposals. If anyone would like to e-mail me it is I thank you for your support my fellow Americans.

Estelle - 08/07/98 03:07:04

A letter to the Capitol Corridor Joint Powers Authority is being circulated for signature on the 721 and 726 trains. The letter will be modified to incorporate suggestions that were made tonight on the way back. However, the main ideas will remain the s me. I won't be riding on Friday, August 7 so I left the letter with Darlene McGuire. Please find her if you would like to read and sign the letter. All members of the Capitol Corridor Joint Powers Board from the greater Sacramento area will receive copie of the letter and our signatures on Monday, August 10. If you have any more suggestions, please e-mail me at

Darlene - 08/03/98 15:26:26

To Manny; Estelle; and Tushar: Manny, "you're welcome. See you soon. We ALL miss you!" I gave Yard Dog copies of the commuter/computer (try saying that fast!) article; he thought it was great to see himself quoted without any "bad" words! Estelle: thought I was too cynical but am glad to see your impression of the so-called meeting matched mine. Will be glad to write a letter. Marty thought a letter to Gov Wilson might also be in order. See you soon and thanks for your hard work in making the m eting happen. You are much appreciated! Tushar: May you have a speedy and complete recovery. 'Ta!

Manny - 08/02/98 22:15:02

I want to thank everyone for your concern, it is very much appreceited. I miss all of you and looking foward to returning to work. Needless to say it will be a while longer. The fruit basket was wonderful and quite a surprise and I want to say thank you. I talked to Ric aka yardog his sister was operated on and was doing better. I am very impressed with the web page.

EStelle - 08/01/98 15:52:14

The rest of the address for the CCJPA is: Oakland, California 94604-2688

Estelle - 08/01/98 15:47:02

I appreciate Mr. Fleisher conducting a workshop on the 726 last night, but don't think our opinions will be considered seriously (at least for those of us who are in favor of Option A). We are apparently outnumbered, and more likely, outpoliticized (a ne word?). I have asked his assistant to send us copies of questions and responses from previous workshops held in Auburn, Sacramento, Oakland, and San Jose. I encourage you to document your opinions in letters to the Capitol Corridor Joint Powers Authority, P.O. Box 12688 (LMA-2). Letters should be copied to individual Joint Powers Board representatives in Placer County, Sacramento Regional Transit District, Solano Transportation Authority, and Yolo County Transportation District. I will get names and addresses. Please make copies for our files. The Capitol Corridor Joint Powers Authority meets again on August 12.

Manny - 07/29/98 19:56:27

Do you know of any old Malley engineers who used to run the Sacramento Canyon? I need some historical information on how oil was transferred from SP to PG&E at the old Redding Manufactured Gas Plant. Give me a call at 916-366-1701 ex 361. Thanks, David

Estelle - 07/29/98 05:59:23

Does anyone have plans to attend the Amtrak hearings? We need representation and there's not much time to organize. Let's talk about it on the train tomorrow.

Darlene - 07/28/98 23:00:28

Re the Amtrak hearings: sorry the telephone number did not appear in its complete form. The number for info is 510-464-6085. Hope it works this time.

ChrisS - 07/28/98 21:52:54

Bill Fleisher would like to meet with us friday, July 31, 1998 on the 5:38 p.m. train (726?). Is that correct Bobby? Please come prepared to discuss issues with Bill and members of his staff. Let's try to develop an agenda tonight. Chris

Darlene - 07/28/98 18:34:08

To anyone interested: Amtrak is holding public meetings on the Amtrak Capitols (see on July 29 and 30; in Oakland on the 29th and in San Jose on the 30th. These meetings concern the proposed 5th and 6th additional runs. Call 510-4 4-6085 for more information.

Darlene - 07/28/98 18:02:56

Tushar: Great to see you back on the train!!! I want to see a tres chic eyepatch tonight!

Michelle Caisse - 07/23/98 23:29:38

What happened to Manny? Manny got clunked on the back of the head with some sort of overhead door that fell open on the lower level of the lounge car. It happened while 726 was in the Oakland yard preparing to leave. He had a concussion and was in the ospital overnight. He's still (over a week later) recuperating at home, but reportedly doing better. We hope you're feeling better, Manny!

Roy Woodward - 07/23/98 19:40:30

Sounds like lots going on with the train gang; what happened to Manny? Sorry to Darlene and Marti that I've been slow on the travel reports: I'm in Costa Rica (airport project) - green and wet, but may be on the train at least once next week in-between rips. I guess I've got to show-up in the office once in awhile (my 90-day 10 ride pass is running-out with only 4 rides on it). I took the train from Cusco to Machu Picchu (Peru) last week; at least we don't get off the communter train seasick. That's a great place to visit if you ever get the chance. August looks like more Spanish practice with lots of projects going on in central and South America. Take care and it's great reading about you all - just add a few more details! Thanks.

Chris S - 07/23/98 17:33:14

Tuschar: We are all thinking of you. How are you feeling and will we be seeing you soon. Please know that the entire "gang" sends their regards. Hope to talk with you soon!! Chris for the "GANG"

Chris S - 07/22/98 20:37:32

I call bill Fleisher (BART Capital Coordinator) from the train at about 6:30 am to complain about the 15 to 20 minute delay in Martinez. Bill's assistant, Carl Molvia, returned my call to offer an apology to the "group," and an explanation of what happene , based upon his peliminary investigation. Bill Fleisher would also like to meet with us on Friday, 7/31/98, on the way home. Can we plan to talk about this tonight. Please think of agenda items to bring up. Thanks, Chris

ChrisS - 07/16/98 15:10:54

Hopefully all of you are aware that the temperatures will be in excess of 105 today in Sacramento and over 100 in other cities. This means that our speed will be approximately 50 miles p/hr from Richmond to Sacramento. You may want to pick up a snack or other itmes for the long ride home. Chris

Christine - 07/15/98 23:52:47

Manny is expected home this afternoon and will be following up with his own doctor. I have a card and have ordered a fruit and cheese basket. Please see me if you would like to sign the card and make a contribution.

diana - 07/10/98 22:20:52

last minute (as usual) but i've been requested to post a notice of a tgif potluck tonight on the train - be there or be square.

Darlene - 07/10/98 17:28:11

Estelle or Michelle: Mike Cohen should be moved to the former commuter area as he no longer works in the Bay Area. Thanks.

Michelle - 07/02/98 16:14:08

Trilingual (French, Spanish, English) woman with strong administrative and organizational skills, knowledge of the arts, history seeks employment in September-October.
Contact Michelle with any ideas. Thanks!

Darlene - 06/23/98 18:32:09

Roy: Where in the world -- and I do mean world -- are you? Marty and I miss you and want to know when we are going to be added to your entrourage.

Tushar - 06/09/98 22:12:42

Golf Tournament! Vow! I only hope, I will not hear the word "fore" and have to duck and hear the bouncing golf ball/s around me from today onwards on the train. I hope the aisles will be clear and no one will be using the Amtrak green for their putting practise. Just kidding!!! This is great and I am going to volunteer myself to help in organising the tournament, as I am not a golfer. Sam, I like the idea of Marty's 19th hole. I am looking forward to taste Marty's famous chili, which have been discussed on the train before.

Tushar - 06/09/98 21:59:23

Michelle, What you have informed us is a good and a bad news. The good news is you have found what you were looking for a long time. The bad news is the 'first lady of 721 and 726' will not be travelling on Amtrak. I will miss your friendship and your very cool behaviour. You will be moving farther away from Sacramento. This is very sad to me and my wife, who was very complimentary of ou and liked you. Anyway what matters is you should be happy! Good luck and keep in touch, Tushar

Michelle - 06/09/98 18:34:45

We have a deal on the house in Pleasant Hill! Watch this board for future announcements -- housewarming party sometime this summer, availability of 3br 2ba 1286 sq ft home in north Davis.

Sam - 06/08/98 22:25:16

Thanks for the emails everyone. Things are going well. I should be back on board in another couple of weeks. Although I may be more asleep than awake! The golf tournament looks like a great idea. I nominate Marty's for the 19th hole. Good location a d that stunning new pool and landscape job!

Alice - 06/04/98 05:02:51

The June Amtrak parking lot pass has been sold! Thank you for your inquiries!

Tushar - 06/03/98 18:26:05

Charly, Thank you for your E-Mail. I am back to work. I am sure you will suceed in your search. I will keep my eyes and ears open, and let you know as soon as I hear of the opportunity for you. With regards, Tushar

Tushar - 06/02/98 23:28:36

Charly, Thank you for your E-Mail. I hope you are succesful in your search. I will keep my eyes and ears open and will let you know of the opportunity, as soon as I hear about it.

Alice - 05/28/98 06:12:04

Reduced Cost Sacramento Amtrak Parking Pass!! Interested in parking at the Sacramento Amtrak parking lot everyday for the month of June for $35? (Regular cost: $50/month or $4.50/day) Call Alice Mark at (510) 540-2534 (8AM to 5PM/M-F) NOTICE: Sacramento Amtrak Parking written notification requirement. If you're thinking of NOT parking at the Sacramento Amtrak parking lot, be sure to give 30 days advance written notice before the 1st of the month that you won't be using the parking pa s.

Tushar - 05/22/98 00:21:20

Sam, Congratulations on the birth of the twins. Hey Papa, you cannot blame the Amtrak Train schedule for the loss of your sleep hours, anymore.

Charly - 05/21/98 19:33:05

Hi All, No, I wasn't abducted by aliens, I just got laid off as of 5/7, was sick for a week, and had a bit of trouble getting to this web page. The good news is that I have been getting a solid 6 hours of sleep *every day*. I miss you all, and I'll probably be r ding a day or two this month while I still have my monthly pass. Congrats to Sam, Laurie, and the JJ guys. Anyone who wants to reach me can email, and I am looking for work, so keep your ears open for me. . . best, Charly

Sam - 05/16/98 19:13:54

Wanted to let everyone know that we celebrated our first Mothers Day! At 3:30 am on Mother's Day, Laurie gave birth to two healthy boys -- James Chase (5 lbs 9 oz) and John Henry (5 lbs 7 oz). Laurie and the kids are doing great; however, the early morni g train no longer seems that early! Hope all is well with everyone and that Charlie and Michelle let their opponents win sometimes! Sam
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