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Minutes from March 30, Buhl Model Railroad Society

Next meeting to be April 27 from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. in The Buhl Preschool Room adjacent to the Willson Room.  Follow directions posted in second floor hallway.   Walk by the usual entrance to the Willson room.  Second door on the left to the racket ball court.  Walk through the racket ball area, passing through large door into the stairway hall.  Go left into the preschool room.

1.  February 27 minutes read and approved.

2.  Discussion of meeting location:  Since we have decided to meet the fourth  Mondays of each Month, the Willson Room will not be available since it is in use.  Our March  meeting location was and will continue to be in the Preschool Class room which adjoins the Willson Room.

3.  Report given by David Davis of the electrical outlets located in the Buhl Gym:

    A.  Size.  111 ft., by 90 ft.
    B.  Six electrical outlets within gym.
    C.  Two electrical outlets from entrance hall way.
    D.  One outlet in outdoor entrance hall
    E.  One outlet in hallway to swimming pool.
    F.  Total:  Ten available outlets
    G.  Robt. Shannon agreed to meet with Buhl custodian,  Art Scarmack,  to check  whether the outlets will  be sufficient.  Bob Shannon will report at our April 27 meeting.

4.  It was noted that our Web Site address was not complete in our February minutes.  The last character was left out.    The correct address is:
In printing these minutes my experience is that I can access this web site by using Google.  Personally, I have not been successful using Internet Explorer site.

5.  Report on Logo:  George Dell has the logo completed but was not at this meeting.
Questioned:  To check to see if there is a copyright  on the use of the drawing for Big Boy Locomotive is our logo.

6.  Mission Statement changes.  The proposed mission statement listed in the 02-27-09 minutes read: “To introduce and promote the appreciation and legacy of the model railroading to all ages through an annual holiday model train show as a part of the program of The Buhl Community Recreation Association.  A secondary effort is to provide another opportunity for community exposure and interaction within the area.”

    A.  Changes made  at our March meeting:   Change “Assocation” to “Center” and delete the last sentence; “A secondary effort is to provide another opportunity for community exposure and interaction within the area.”

7.  Costs, fee, admission.  Our March minutes read:  “Donations to the Buhl Community Recreation Center for holidays show was $525.67.”  Suggestion made to add: that these donations were made from the community.

    A.  Our agreement with the Buhl Recreation Center is that all donations from the community go to the Buhl Club.  Proposal by our committee that we would like this agreement to be:  “All donations “over cost” will go to the Buhl Club.

    B.  Need clear written agreement as to what our relationship is with the Buhl Recreation Center?  Our understanding is that we are a part of the Buhl Recreation Center and program,  not just an outside group using Buhl facilities.  We want to ensure that we are acting in approval with the Buhl Recreation Center and  it’s board.

    C.  Is it permitted for us to open a treasury account?

    D.  Recommended by our board that any person who incurs costs to submit these costs to our committee for re-imbursement. 

    D.  Contributions from our  Buhl Model Railroad Society amounted to  $85.00 and will be retained by our Treasurer,  Chuck Dougan,  for seed money to help meet incurred expenses.

    E.  Our board does not want venders to be a part of our train show, since fund raising is not our objective.

    F.  Possible fund raising possibilities were discussed but no action taken.

8.  Buhl  Model Railroad Society election of officers:

    A.  President:  David Davis
    B.  Secretary:  Lee Weber
    C.  Treasurer:  Chuck Dougan
    D.  Teams:
        a.  Promotion and Correspondence:  __________________
        b.  Media:  Chuck Block and David Davis
        c.  Door Prizes:  Lee Weber and Chuck Dougan
        d.  Personal Contact:  __________________________
        e.  Engineering (Theme & Develop Plan/ Room Layout):  Mark             Radkowski, Ken Rogers.
        f.  Web Site Team:  Bob Konnen
        g. Logo:  George Dell
        h. Decorations:  Jim Mondok, Robt. Shannon

9.  Tables for the train set-ups:  Suggested that we approach:  St. Josephs Church,  Sharon 1st. United Methodist Church, Covenant  Presbyterian Church, McGonigle’s Funeral Home.

9.  In previous meetings we had members of the Buhl Recreation Center’s Board,  meeting with us or leadership from the Buhl Recreation Center.  We did not feel comfortable at our last meeting having no Buhl Center representation with us and request that we always have Buhl representatives  with us to ensure that we are always on the same page with the Buhl Center.

Next meeting:  April 27:  6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. at the Buhl Preschool Room adjacent to the Willson Room.  Please look in second floor hallway for directions.

Respectively submitted:  David M. Davis