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 Barron Tableland Railway

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The B.T.R. is in the suburbs of Sydney, NSW, Australia.
A Garden Railway, G Scale, in 1:20.3, 1:22.5 and 1:24 scales.
Basis: Railways in Far North Queensland, 1940 to 2010.
Setting: Our hot and steamy rainforest garden of lush undergrowth.
The BTR is also a member of
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Feb. 26th - Mar. 26th

Related pages
  1. Index - Home

  2. Track Plan, Map

  3. Latest News

  4. Locomotives

  5. Rollingstock

  6. Bridges

  7. Buildings

  8. Line Side

  9. Description

  10. History

  11. Links

  12. Basement

November 2006, An opening ceremony for Stage 1 took place on 4 Nov 2006, in drizzling rain in keeping with the tropical setting.
Stage 1 consisted of a line around the perimeter with 3 loops at Tabletop and 2 loops at Finch Haven. The line is raised above ground level for most of its length and surrounded by the rain forest garden. Tabletop is on a substantial 1/5th scale trestle, reminiscent of real Queensland bridges.

December 2007, Stage 2 had an opening ceremony on 8 Dec 2007, it provides a longer run, out & back, or point to point via two reversing loops.
While no track plan is ever final, the general arrangement is depicted on the Track Plan / Map page. It is constructed in a beautiful setting with lush vegetation and trains disappearing into the growth and reappearing elsewhere.

November 2024, Stage 3 - downsizing, Ant invasion of timberwork in the TABLE that was 4 tracks as "Tabletop" and "Shenanigan's" meant that the whole 1/5th scale trestle table had to be dismantled. The resulting yard layout is signifantly effected and yet still has 3 passing loops allowing 4 operators to run trains.
Christine is happy as her garden is thus expanded.

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Latest Update; 15th November 2024
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The BTR is managed by a multi-skilled small organisation.

Commissioner for Railways who is also the Chief Mechanical Engineer, is;
Mr Geof Coleman, a 1948 model caucasion, Email;

Commissioner for Conservation of Forests and Natural Resources is;
Mrs Christine Coleman, the Willfully Influencial Female Entity [WIFE],
who also holds the joint positions of; Financial Comptroller, New Works Appraisal,
Catering Supervisor, Maintenance Advisor etc etc..

To see more details, click on each of the Related pages ,
named in the panel to the left on this page, to continue.

<BGSOUND src="rainforestambience.wav">