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Badgerland S Gaugers Links to Train Manufacturers
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Listed on this page are manufacturers and distributors of S gauge locomotives, S gauge passenger and freight cars, and S gauge decals as well as S gauge detail parts for your locomotives and cars.

 If you are a supplier and not listed or have a new web page contact the Webmaster for the update. Let us help you advertise to increase sales and strengthen S Gauge.

(S) Standard Gauge    (Sn3) Three foot gauge    (Sn2) Two foot gauge
(AF) American Flyer    (T) Train sets    (L) Locomotive (TL) Tools
(C) Cars  (DP) Detail Parts  (CV) Conversions  (RP) Repairs (D) Decals

Alan Gibson
Model Products

The Bungalow, Church Road
Lingwood, Norwich
Norfork, NR1347R
United Kingdom
(L)(DP)(English) Alan Gibson sells locomotive kits and detail parts by mail order and at English exhibitions. 4mm and 7mm

All Aboard Railroad 
1952 Landis Valley Road
Lancaster PA 17601
(S)(AF) Operating layout with 6 main lines open to public on special dates. Inventory of American Flyer flyer  locomotives (S) and freight and passenger cars for sale
American Hi Rail 
37695 Jeanette Court
Spring Grove, IL 60081
(847) 587-1116
(CV) Makers of American Flyer Conversion Kits. Locomotive and passenger. Call for information
American Models  
10087 Colonial Industrial Dr.
South Lyon, MI 48178
(S)(T)(L)(C) Manufacturer of American Flyer / AC Gilbert Compatible (S) gauge model train sets, locomotives and freight and passenger cars. Available in scale wheel sets

American Flyer Trains
(AF) P.O. Box 691895
Orlando FL 32869-1895
(AF) Buyer and seller of American Flyer equipment
Associated Model Makers
153 Elgin St. West
Amprior, ON K7S 1N9 Canada
(S)(L)Locomotive S-Gauge
Ballston Locomotive Works 
P.O. Box 50
Clifton Park, NY 12065
(S)(L)(DP)(CV) BLW provides shells and detail for Camelback, Hiawatha, and Blue comet that uses AF chassis. Send SASE for info
Banta Modelworks 
411 Hopkins Rd.
Drummerton, VT 05301
(S)(Sn3)(DP) Banta provides wooden detailed cabs for locos like MDC HO Shays and Railmaster C16 converting them to Sn3.
Berlyn Locomotive Works 
P.O. Box 9766
Denver, CO 80209-9766

Tel: (303) 465-2287
 (Sn3)(L)(C) manufacturer of Sn3 brass locomotives and rolling stock kits
Bill Parr Hobby Supplies 
205 Golf Club Dr.
Langhorn, PA 19047
(AF) (D) Reproduction & Original Parts, Reproduction Gilbert Buildings, Reproduction Flatcars and loads, American Models and S-Helper Sales
Bills Train Shop  
P.O. Box 561
Seffner FL 33584
(S)(Sn3)(L)(C) B.T.S. has a line of brass S Scale details for locomotives and cars. Importing brass models from Korea is another part of the B.T.S. service. Greenbrier Railroad Models are available only from B.T.S.
510 SE Hamilton Ct
Blue Springs, MO 64014
(RP) American Flyer  components and repair parts
Boy Oh Boy Industries
400 Main Street 
Riverton, NJ 08077
Phone: (856) 829-0376
(CV) In business to repair, retrofit, and install all of the new technologies of today in your S gauge equipment.  FREE estimate or  complete catalogs with a DCC install listing.

The Car Works  
PO Box 4254 
Warren NJ 07059
 (Sn3)(On30)(Tr) Brass locomotives for a rail width equivalent to Sn3-1/2. (HO Track for narrow gauge)

Carl's Toy Trains 
PO Box443
Medford, MA 02155-0004
(AF.TL) American Flyer and Rivet tools for locomotive and car repair

C.D.S. Lettering Ltd.  
P.O. Box 2003 Station D 
Ottawa, Ontario 
Canada, K1P 5W3
(D) Decals for many road names

Centerline Products  
18409 Harmony Rd. 
Marengo, IL60152
(T) Rail cleaner chassis and fluid called Goo Gone

Creative Models Associates  
P.O. Box 540
Plainville, NY 11803-0540
(DP) Detail Parts for Cars like Turnbuckles, bronze wire, etc.

Des Plaines Hobbies  
1468 Lee Street 
Des Plaines, IL 60018
Brass locomotives, decals, detail parts, rolling stock and structures at reasonable prices.
D/J Train Shed
Manitowoc WI
Specializing in S Gauge trains. Authorized dealer for S-Helper service, Thomas by Hornby, Ride along camera,  PA Heritage Models, & American Models

The Division Point 
3415 Heidelberg Drive 
Boulder, CO 80303
(S)(L)(C)Brass locomotives and rolling stock imported from Korea
Funaro & Camerlengo
RR 5, Box 5290 
Honesdale, PA 18431
(C) Scale Gondolas and hoppers
Great American Locomotion

Kits, constructed kits ready for paint and detail, and professionally built cars for all scales
Great Decals! Great Decals  
2813 HoganCourt 
Falls Church, VA 22043
(D) Creator of decals and dry transfers for locomotives, rolling stock and structures
Greenbrier Railroad Models  
P.O. Box 561 
Seffner.FL 33583-0561
(L)(S)Sn)Brass locomotives and decals in S and Sn3
Greenfield News & Hobby
6815 W. Layton
Milwaukee WI 53220
Greenfield News and Hobby can special order S Scale from many manufacturers. They also carry full lines of DCC equipment
Hobby Surplus Supplies  
287 Main Street 
New Britain, CT 06050
(AF)(T)(RP) Distributor of original American Flyer repair parts
Joe's Train Repair
404 Shetland Road 
Rougemont, NC 27572
(AF)(L)(C)(RP)(CV) Distributes product from Toy Trains International including flat cars with trailers, pipes, and rocket fuel
John Heck
11710 N. Westchester Court 73W
Mequon WI 53092
John Buys and sells American flyer 2 rail and 3 rail engines and accessories. 
Kadee Quality Products 
673 Ave C
White City OR 97503-1078
(DP.TL) Creates and distributes couplers and components for attaching them to locomotives and rolling stock
Kaslo Shops Distributing  
251 6 Quartz Place 
Coquitlam, BC V3E 3K9
(C)(TL) Distributors of NCE control systems, decoders, and limited rolling stock. Boxcar and PRR caboose
Kingfield Car Shops 
159 Webster Hill Blvd 
West Hartford, CT 061 07
(Sn2)(Fn)(DP)(T) Builds flat cars, box cars, pulp rack and flat cars. Laser cut kits
1016Pinewood Dr. 
Downers Grove. IL 60516
Laser Structures, Limited
 (See American Model Builders)
(E) Sells electronics like throttles, flashers, sound systems for reasonable prices. Write for catalog 
Lehigh Valley Models  
308 Indian Rock Dam Rd. 
York, PA 17403
(C) Business started by Frank Titman building kits and cars
Leventon's Hobby Supply  
P.O. Box 1525 
Chehalis, WA 98532
(AF)(L)(C)(DP)(RP) American flyer Trains, parts, accessories, and accessories parts
Lionel L.L.C.
(American Flyer) 
50625 Richard W. Blvd. 
Chesterfield, Ml 48051 -2493
(AF)(L)(C) Lionel is the present day manufacturer of American Flyer originally designed by AC Gilbert. Remakes of originals with upgrades in electronics. Includes introductions of new introductions and train sets.
M.L.W. Services  
71 Rabbit Lane 
Etobicoke Ont M9B 5S8 
(L)(CV) Locomotive conversion kits for S gauge mechanisms and detail parts
Mainstreeter Trains 
3895 Colony Oaks Drive 
Eugene, OR 97405-0201
(C)(DP)(S) Rolling Stock and loads
MicroMark  Model Train Supplies Model trains, accessories and hobby tools for detailing
Microscale Industries 
1570 Sunland Lane 
Costa Mesa, CA 92626

(D) Decals for locomotives and rolling stock in many road names

New Zealand Finescale  
11 Glenels Spur 
Christchuch 2, New Zealand
(DP) Detail parts for locomotives from lost wax castings
Oddballs Decals  
26550 227th St. 
McLouth, KS 66054
(D) Decals for locomotives and rolling stock in many road names
Olsen's Toy Train Parts  
Lakewood, OH 44107
(AF) Repair parts for American Flyer, Lionel, Marx, etc
Overland Models  
10308 North US -Highway 14
Harvard, IL 60033
(L, S, Sn3) Brass locomotives available through many distributors in most states
Pacific Fast Mail 
P.O. Box 57 
Edmonds,WA 98020
(L, S, Sn3) Brass locomotives in many scales including Ss and Sn3 available through Caboose Hobbies
PO Box 6579
Ukiah, CA 95482
(L, C, Sn3 ) Specializing in locomotives and rolling stock in narrow gauge Colorado and Southern and Rio Grande & Southern
Pennsylvania Heritage Models, Ltd 
Birdsboro, PA 19508
(Tr) Streetcars in On30 suitable for S-Gauge
  Pennsy S Models 
P.O. Box 5252 
Deptford, NJ 08096
(C)(S) Pennsy is a maker and distributor of freight cars by  order and soon exploring into locomotives 
  Pope Imagineering 
P.O. Box 30318 
Chicago, IL 60630
(TR)(S) Pope carries streetcars in high detail. Write for details  

Port Lines Hobby Supplies 
6 Storybrook Drive 
Newburyport, MA 01950
(AF)(L)(DP)(CV) Doug Peck at Port Lines carries a wide variety of AF replacement parts, locomotives, rolling stock, accessories, and parts to fix almost anything. 
  Portland Loco Works 
PO Box 8157 
Utica, NY 13505
(S)(Sn)Now owned by Banta Modelworks 
  R F Giardina Co.
P.O. Box 562 
Oyster Bay, NY 11771
(AF) RFG is a distributor of American Flyer parts and accessories including wiring diagrams and helpful information 
  Railmaster Exports
209 Royal Road 
Massey, Auckland 8 
New Zealand
(S)(Sn3) locomotives and detail available in RTR and kit form
  Rem's RR Models  
536 E. Perry Rd. Suite #6 
Grand Blanc, MI 48439
(S)(Sn3)(C) box cars , flat cars and an excursion car available
  Republic Locomotive Works 
440 Sunset Way 
Longview, WA 98632
(D)(Sn) RLW is an N gauge distributor but offers decals in S scale for Sn3 cars
  Rick's Grande Car Shop 
P.O.Box 15273 
RioRancho, NM 87174
(505) 896-3058
Narrow gauge passenger and freight cars 
  Rio Grande Models, LTD
P.O. Box 4463 
Santa Clara, CA 95954
 (Sn3, C, DP) Sn3 cars including flangers, logging and box. Also has high detail donkeys for logging
  River Raisin Models
6160 Upper Straits Blvd. West Bloomfield, Ml 48033
(L,C,DP) River Raisin Models has been responsible for over 50 different S scale brass railroad oriented models. They offer the finest brass models available in S scale today in diesel and steam.
  S-N-S Trains  
3239 Pepperwood Dr 
Boise, ID 83704
(CV,C) Conversion systems for DC including installation of DCC. Also build track cleaner cars 
  S Helper Service
77 Cliffwood Ave, Ste C 
Cliffwood , NJ 07721
(L,C,DP,RP) S Helper Service brings you the best in American Flyer compatible locomotives cars and track-work and S scale model railroading with online ordering
  Scenery Unlimited
7236 w. Madison Street 
Oak Park, IL 60130
(S,Sn3,C) Creator and Distributor of cars and detail for S Gauge. Part of Don Heinberger S-Gaugian lines
Sommerfeld Trains & Hobbies
12620 W. Hampton
Butler WI
Jack carries Lionel brand of new product plus Gilbert Tinplate plus can order from many manufacturers
Train & Trooper 
68 Memorial Hwy
North Yarmouth, ME 04097
(Sn2 Sn3) Distributor of  narrow gauge specialty items like Forney, Rail-bus, oil wagons, people, buildings etc 
  Trains & More 
P.O. Box 1751 
Manchester, CT 06045-1751
(AF) Trains & More sell American Flyer Trains and accessories, Gilbert Toys, and related memorabilia, as well as a wide range of American Flyer  repro parts
Wiseman Model Services
627 Cedar Lake
Ewing, KY 41039 606-267-3466
(CV, C, Sn) S and Sn3 car model kits. Also conversion kits for MDC Shay and AHM Heisler to Sn2, Sn3, and Sn3-1/2 (HO track). Carries complete line on ebay store as well
(Triangle Scale Models & V&T Shops 
  Ye Old Huff-N-Puff (DF,F,Q)
P.O. Box 53
Pennsylvania Furnace, PA 16865
 Car Kits, freight trucks, figures. Manufacturers of quality wood craftsman kits for more than 30 Years.

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