Last Runs on Vancouver Island 1988-1992 by Hugh Fraser.� This 80 minute DVD is a documentation of the last runs of: CP steamship Princess Marguerite to and from Victoria, CN from Youbou to Cowichan Bay, CN from Point Ellis yards to Borden Mercantile on Quadra Street, Victoria, CP switching on Store Street in Victoria and an added feature is some footage of CN steam on Vancouver Island by renown railway photographer Dave Wilkie.� $30.00
Railway Memories
a 110 minute DVD with five features: E&N VIA Dayliner
cab ride from downtown Victoria to Courtenay and return in 1989, CP Dayliner cab ride to Courtenay in the 1970�s from the
original Victoria station, switching on Store Street in 1989, activity at the
Victoria Roundhouse in 1991 and The Steam Machine, C.P.'s new method (at the
time) of killing the weeds along the track in 1990��� $30.00
Other DVD�s available
- The Inaugural Run of CPR EMPRESS � a 75 minute DVD, with full commentary, on the inaugural five-day journey taken between Vancouver and Calgary by the restored Hudson steam locomotive 2816 in September 2001� $25.00
- A Journey on the Rocky Mountaineer � a 30 minute DVD with full commentary highlighting the scenery and engineering challenges that faced the early railway builders along the route of the Canadian National Railway from Jasper, Alberta to Vancouver, British Columbia.� $ 20.00
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�- Steam to the Cariboo � A 54 minute DVD with commentary, featuring Consolidation steam locomotive �3716� on a �Trains Unlimited Tours� three day fan trip in 1999, along the former BC Rail line between North Vancouver and Kelly Lake, under blue-skies and through gorgeous mountain and river scenery.� $25.00
�- Pacific Wilderness Railway � 30 minute video of this tourist operation that ran in 2000 and 2001 from downtown Victoria 20 miles to the top of the Malahat, showing all the highlights along the route, especially the high Niagara and Arbutus Canyon bridges that the train passes over. Good commentary.� $20.00������� �����������������������
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To place an order mail it to Hugh Fraser 508-2800 Blanshard St., Victoria, British Columbia, Canada, V8T 5B5 or email hmfraser2@shaw.ca for further information.