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This site is fully maintained by volunteers, and it's from readers like you that we get all of our information!  Do you live near an Amtrak station, or have you visited one recently and know a few things about it?  We'd love to hear from you!  Either use this convenient form to submit the basics, or download the available template in Microsoft Word format and the email it to the webmaster.

Directions: Write down anything you want - there's no strict format or guideline for any page on this site.  Be yourself!  Visitors to this site want the good and the bad of the stations. Anything and everything that you can offer would be appreciated.  Below is a list of categories that the station page is broken up into, but don't feel like you have to fill out every field.  Fill out just the ones you want to or have information for, and don't worry about the rest.

First, (and most importantly!) you need to get credit for contributing!  Contributors, if they want, will get their name on the page that they contributed to, and also on the overall website credits page.

Yes, I would like my name listed on the site as a contributor.
If you checked yes, then what name would you like listed?  It can be either your real name or an alias.

If you want your name linked to your email or website, type it in here.

What station are you contributing?

Station Name:

Driving Directions to the station if you know them; maybe from nearby interstates?

Parking situation at the station.  Are there many spaces in a well-lit lot, or just a few in a back alley?  Would you feel comfortable leaving your car there while gone on vacation for a week?

Rental Cars - is it easy to get one?  Are there rental places nearby and are they easy to get to?

Hotels - nearby hotels and price range; also, if the only trains stop late at night, how do you get there?

Food at or nearby the station, and are the restaurants primarily sit-down or fast-food?  Or some of each?

Local Transit - what are the options, especially if the only trains arrive late at night?  Is there a local bus or on-call taxi?  How does one transfer from the station to the nearest airport, if there is one?

Visitor Information - does the town/city have a local visitor's info bureau, and if so, what's the phone number or web address?  Any nearby local attractions that visitors might want to visit during a layover?

Insider's Guide: Station Facilities - describe the station as best you can, in any way you want.  Some questions to help: is it an old Amshack or a renovated beauty?  Does it have nice waiting rooms open for several hours a day or only a tiny box opened by a caretaker for a few minutes?  Conditions/lack of restrooms?  Would you want to sit there and wait with kids for awhile?  Are there any little 'bonuses' to the station, like a mini-museum or a kids' playarea?

Insider's Guide: Neighborhood - describe the surrounding neighborhood, in any way you want.  Some questions to help: is it a pleasant, well-lit place near to downtown, or an out-of-the-way station?  Would you feel comfortable walking around outside the general area of the station to nearby attractions?  (With kids?)  Is it clean and free of garbage or weedy and dirty?

Insider's Guide: Station History - what do you happen to know about the station's history?  Was it recently built/renovated?  Is it historic?  Has it been served by trains forever, or just recently started?  Any other comments about the history or architecture of the station itself?

Other - anything and everything else that you have to say about the station that might not fit in the above categories.  Anything you want!

Thanks again!
Note that this is an email form; contribution will be emailed from your email account.



All contents copyright 2005 the American Train Station Directory.  All rights reserved.
This page is version 1.0 of the site.  Read more about the various iterations this website has gone through.
Questions, comments, or broken links?  The webmaster would love to get your email!  This website is maintained entirely by volunteers.  Take a moment to read about the dedicated individuals who made it happen!
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