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The Toledo News-Bee Feb. 8, 1910


By the purchase of $1,700,000 of Detroit, Toledo & Ironton 5 per cent notes from H. B. Hollins & Co., the committee representing the note-holders had secured control of the Ann Arbor railroad, according to a New York dispatch. Stock of the Ann Arbor railroad is held as collateral for these notes. Complete understanding has been reached between the warring factions in the two roads, the dispatch says, and the Detroit, Toledo & Ironton will be reorganized within 30 days.

The Evening Argus Feb. 8, 1910


In Freight Business On Ann Arbor Railroad During Last January


Is Matter Pleasing To Owosso Folks – J. T. Strubel Has Position in Battle Creek Successor's Family Coming

Traveling Engineer C. H. Strang of the Ann Arbor road stated to the Evening Argus last evening that the freight business being done by the railroad company is immense, and that all records of the past are being eclipsed. The month of January just expired, was the biggest, from the standpoint of freight receipts, that the railroad has ever had the business keeps coming. The future of the road is very bright and Owosso citizens. The future of the road is very bright and Owosso citizens have reason to congratulate themselves that this is true. The Ann Arbor is very friendly to this city and and is disposed to help as much as possible in building it up.

J. T. Strubel, former superintendent of motive power, who has been succeeded by C. P. Bergman, has secured an excellent position with the Grand Trunk railroad in Battle Creek. His friends are pleased to learn that he is well located. Mr. Berman who is an eminently competent and experienced railroad man, who came to the Ann Arbor from the Monon route, will bring his family consisting of his wife, a son and a daughter, to this city the latter part of next week. They will occupy the residence on East Main street recently vacated by Mr. Strubel. Mr. Bergman is a pleasing gentleman to meet.

On account of the rushing business all rolling stock is being kept in the service and repairs are rushed when needed. Locomotives, particularly, are in demand. Number 110 has been sent forth from the shops after general repairs and number 152 which is being provided with a set of new flues, will be out Monday. The men in the locomotive department of the shops, are working overtime.

The Owosso Times Feb. 18, 1910


New Haven Coal Mine Railroad Put on Passenger Service Monday. Monday the New Haven Coal Mine railroad operated by the Ann Arbor Ry Co., by contract began running a passenger car. The car goes out to the mine every morning carrying the miners to their work and returns at night to Owosso. This will enable the miners to live in Owosso and go to and from their work at the mine every day. The mines are about six and one-half miles from Owosso. This road was opened last November and since then has proven a big boon to the farm territory between Owosso and the mine. Farm products are loaded at the mine siding and brought direct to Owosso either for local use or to be shipped to outside points. During the campaign just closed the Owosso and Mt. Clemens sugar factories utilized the road to bring out beets raised in New Haven and Rush townships. And in many other ways the road has answered as a freight artery into and from that section of Shiawassee county

The New York Times Mar. 3, 1910

Erb in Control of Ann Arbor Road

The interests heretofore represented by Thomas H. West on the Detroit, Toledo & Ironton Note holders' Committee, which notes carry with it control of the Ann Arbor Railroad Company, it was announced yesterday have been acquired by Newman Erb. The amount of notes involved is said to be $500,000. Mr. West will retire from the committee, and his place taken by nominee of Mr. Erb, associated with him in the purchase of the notes.

The Owosso Times March 4, 1910

Ann Arbor Railway stock, preferred, went up 18 points in the New York York market, Monday, and common stock 5 points as the result, probably, of the certainly of the statement that the control has to Detroit, Toledo & Ironton interests and that Joseph Ramsey Jr., will become president.

Michigan Railroad Newsletter March 8, 1910

March 8, 1910 "Ann Arbor Carferry No. 1" burns at Manitowoc WI.

Michigan Railroad Newsletter March 10, 1910

March 15, 1910 The Ann Arbor Railroad depot at Temple MI burns to the ground

Michigan Railroad Newsletter March 15, 1910

The Ann Arbor Railroad depot at Temple MI burns to the ground.

The Toledo News-Bee April 4, 1910


New Owners Are to Visit Toledo on Tuesday to Make the Arrangements.

The general offices of the Ann Arbor Railroad company, removed to Detroit shorty after Eugene Zimmerman bought the road, will probably be returned to Toledo.

The change will be made necessary by the separation of the Detroit, Toledo & Ironton and the Ann Arbor roads, through the purchase of the latter property by Newman Erb and his associates. The general offices of the Ann Arbor,it is regarded by the new owners, logically should be in Toledo.

The superintendent's department is already located in Toledo. The proposed removal will bring the offices of president, general manager, general passenger agent, auditor and others back to Toledo, and will mean the removal here of 75 or 100 clerks.


The proposed change will probably be announced officially on Tuesday, when Newman Erb, new owner of the Ann Arbor, and Joseph Ramsey, jr., new president of the road, will come to Toledo for their first official inspection of the road since it was purchased from Engene Zimmerman and his associates. A new York dispatch says that the two officials are on their way to Toledo.

The general offices of the Detroit, Toledo & Ironton, however, will probably remain in Detroit. That road is still in the hands of receivers, and no change will be made at least until it is out of its troubles.


It is entirely possible also, that Messrs. Erb and Ramsey may announce some changes in the official staff of the Ann Arbor. During the Zimmerman ownership of both the Ann Arbor and Detroit,Toledo and Ironton, one set of officers was in charge of both roads. Now that the Ann Arbor has been sold, there is bound to be created a new set of officers.

Who will stay with the Ann Arbor, and who will stay with the Detroit, Toledo & Ironton roads, is a question. George K. Lowell, general manager of the properties, was brought here by Eugene Zimmerman. He may stay with the Detroit, Toledo and Ironton. A similar situation confronts all of the other officers of the road.

Joseph Ramsey has been made president of the Ann Arbor, but who the other officers will be is a question that is causing much comment in local railroad circles.

The Toledo News-Bee April 8, 1910


Negotiation are said to be under way for the sale of the Ann Arbor by its new owners, Newman Erband associates, to Edwin Hawley, head of the Clover Leaf-Alton, Chesapeake & Ohio, Hocking Valley, Iowa Central and other railroads. The deal contemplates a saving of 48 hours in shipments from the seaboard to the northwest.

Hawley, so the reports goes, needs the Ann Arbor as on of two connecting links in a through line from Baltimore to the northwest, avoiding Chicago. The Chesapeake & Ohio and the Hocking Valley provides the line from Baltimore to Toledo. Hawley's plan, it is said, is to acquire the Ann Arbor, which would give another link to Frankfort, Mich.

The deal includes the purchase of the Minneapolis, St. Paul & Sault Ste Marie, known as the “Soo line.” This would give Hawley a connection to St. Paul were connection could be made with the Iowa Central system, which he already owns.

The Toledo News-Bee April 20, 1910


President Joseph Ramsey, jr., of the Ann Arbor railroad, upon his arrival in Toledo on Wednesday, announced the appointment of W. D. Holliday, formerly with the Wabash and Wheeling & Lake Erie railroads, as assistant to the president of the Ann Arbor.

Mr. Holliday will remove his family to Toledo immediately, and will spend most of his time here as the official representative of Mr. Ramsey, who, while he will not make his home here, will be here practically every month in the year.

Mr. Ramsey also announced that the contract will be awarded early next week for a new car ferry, the biggest on the lakes, to be erected to replace the ferry burned on Lake Michigan last fall. The Toledo Shipbuilding company is figuring on the new boat. All proposals are in and the contract will be awarded before Mr. Ramsey leaves Toledo a Week hence.

Mr. Ramsey said on Wednesday that the auditor's office has already been removed from Detroit to Toledo, and the other offices will be removed as rapidly as possible. “We are concluding the final details in the separation of the Ann Arbor and the Detroit, Toledo & Ironton roads,” he said.

According to Mr. Ransey there will probably not be any changes in the official family of the Ann Arbor. “All of those present officers who desire to remain with the company can do so,” he said.

Mr. Ramsey announced that 400 box cars ordered for the Ann Arbor railroad some weeks ago have arrived; and a like number of coal cars. “The road is in splendid shape as far as rolling stock is concerned. We have new steel passenger coaches and locomotives and new box cars and coal cars,” he said.

The Evening Argus Apr. 16, 1910

Big Damage Suit Begun Against Railroad

William F. Close of Byron, and several fire insurance companies have begun suit in the circuit court, for $45,000 damages, against the Ann Arbor Railroad company. They alleged that the fire that caused the destruction of the Close grain elevator in Byron, about a year ago, was caused by a spark from from an Ann Arbor locomotive.

The Toledo News-Bee April 22, 1910


President Joseph Ramsey, jr., of the Ann Arbor railroad, on Friday afternoon announced the the official staff of the Ann Arbor railroad, W. D. Holliday becomes assistant to the president in charge of traffic.

Thomas F. Butler becomes general freight agent, succeeding H. C. Bell, who resigned his position with the Ann Arbor to remain with the Detroit, Toledo & Ironton.

Joseph Goldbaum becomes auditor of the road, succeeding T. D. Hincheliffe, who also resigned to remain with the D., T. & I.

John T. Walsh becomes cashier, succeeding E. C. Davis, resigned. General Manager George K. Lowell has resigned, effective May 1, in order to remain with the Detroit, Toledo & Ironton. On and after May 1 the duties of the general manager will be assumed by the president.

The Toledo News-Bee April 22, 1910

The operating, traffic and accounting departments of the Ann Arbor has been removed from Detroit to Toledo, so that the entire general offices of the road, except the president's office will be located at No. 42 Broadway, New York.

The Owosso Times April 22, 1910

The Ann Arbor railroad is negotiating for the purchase of 55,000 cedar ties to be used in side track construction work on the northern end of the system. Roadmaster C, L. Lindsay today instructed R. V. Howard of Alma, to go to Manistique to inspect the ties preparatory to purchasing. They will be shipped here in a short time, Mr. Lindsay and clerk, Russell Andrews, are at Derry Siding today inspecting a batch of 4,000 hemlock ties to be used in side track construction work. – Cadillac News and Express.

Ludington Daily News May 19, 1910

Cadillac – At a recent meeting of the board of trade one of the topics of discussion was the attitude of the Ann Arbor railroad officials towards the erection of a new depot in Cadillac. Promises on the part of officials of that road have thus far produced nothing and the board of trade now proposes to undertake to see that promises are carried out. The officials of that road will be notified in a formal manner that if something definite is not done towards putting up a new depot in this city in a reasonable time, the members of the Cadillac board of trade will not only divert their own freight shipments in and out of Cadillac from the Ann Arbor road, but will use their influence to have other Cadillac shippers of whatever kind to the road in the same manner. Not only that but the board of trade will take up the matter with the railway commission to the end that the body may proceed to force that Ann Arbor to built a depot.

The Owosso Times May 21, 1910

It is expected that a new time card on the Ann Arbor road will go into effect next Sunday. It is said that the morning train north will be considerably later than at present.

The Owosso Times May 28, 1910

Notice the change in the time card of the Ann Arbor road. The train north in the morning now leaves at 10:59, and the evening train at at 7:24.

The Evening Argus June 1, 1910

Act Is To Safeguard Employes By Provision of Regulation Steps On Cabooses

LANSING, Mich., June 1 – There maybe a clash between certain railroads in Michigan and the sate railroad commission over the law placed on the statute books at the last session of the legislature, requiring that way cars on all freight trains shall be equipped with regulation steps in order to insure greater safety for the employes.

A few months ago the attention of the commission was called to the fact that the Ann Arbor, Grand Rapids & Indiana and Grand Trunk railroads had remodeled a number of their old freight cars and had converted them into cabooses. No objection would have been raised by the commission to this act had it not been for the fact that steps were provided and the trainmen were compelled to walk up a narrow ladder in order to gain access to the car.

Commissioner Dickerson; who inspected the rolling stock of a number of the roads, informed the the railroad officials that such action was simply an evasion of the act passed by the legislature of 1909, and informed them that some other arrangements would have to be made. Several of the railroads promised to act upon the suggestion of Commissioner Dickerson, but the Grand Rapids & Indiana road has informed the commission that the act in question is a violation of the interstate commerce law and intimates that legal proceedings may be taken in order to test its validity.

It is the intention of the commission, however, to enforce the provisions of the law until it is declared unconstitutional by the courts. The passage of the law was secured through the united efforts of the various trainmen's associations.

The Evening Argus June 8, 1910

Ann Arbor Railway Experiments With Stoker

An experiment that is attracting attention in railroad circles here is being carried on by the Ann Arbor system. It is the trying out of an automatic stoker on locomotive. The contrivance, which is designed as a labor saver for the firemen as well as a saver of coal, is said to produce the greatest amount of heat with much less fuel than was required under the old method of hand firing. The machine consists of a hopper, into which the coal is shoveled, and a piston arrangement that spreads the coal in a thin layer over the entire grate surface.

Ann Arbor Raises Wages

CADILLAC, Mich., June 8 – The raise of wages for the Ann Arbor railroad employes that has just gone into effect is as follows: Yard foreman at Frankfort, Cadillac and Mt. Pleasant are raised from $57 to $60; section foreman are raised from $5X to $5X.50 and section men from $1.60 to $1.65.

The Evening Argus June 25, 1910


Toledo Shipbuilding Company Lands Largest Contract on Lakes This Season

TOLEDO, O., June 25, – The Toledo Shipbuilding company today was awarded the largest contract let on the great lakes this season. This is for a car ferry for the Ann Arbor railroad to be delivered next December at a cost of $400,000. The dimensions of the boat are, length of keel 330 feet, length over all 378 feet, moulded breadth 56 feet, depth 21 feet. The new car ferry will run between Frankfort, Mich., and Manitowoc, Wis.

The Evening Argus June 29, 1910


Ann Arbor and Pennsylvania Lines Get Together On Traffic Proposition

Through Sleeping Car Service Given Resorters Between Pittsburg and Northern Michigan Resorts

Toledo as the gateway to northern Michigan and the principal stop-over point for hosts of summer tourists and businessmen, is the culmination of an important traffic agreement between the Ann Arbor and Pennsylvania lines, which became effective Monday.

The announcement of the new passenger traffic arrangement was made public by J. J. Kirby, general passenger agent of the Ann Arbor, who has been working for it since coming to Toledo Toledo with the Ann Arbor general offices.

Beginning Monday the new service was inaugurated by through sleeping car service between Pittsburg and Cadillac, Petoskey, Bay View and Harbor Springs, Mich. The through cars from Pittsburg, daily except Sunday, leave Pittsburg for the north at 7:30 p. m. arriving at Petoskey at 9 o'clock the next morning. Returning to Toledo the trains leave Petoskey at 9 o'clock the next morning. Returning to Toledo the trains leave Petoskey at 7 p. m., reaching Toledo at 6:30 the next morning.

All this tourists business which will now go through Toledo has hitherto been routed through Fort Wayne to Cleveland, thence by boat to northern Michigan. Under the present arrangement the sleeping car service will use the Ann Arbor to Cadillac, there connecting with the Grand Rapids & Indiana, a part of the Pennsylvania system, thence to the northern resorts. A better route would be through Jackson.

The Benzie Banner July 1, 1910

The ping pong began its regular trips Sunday and many are already taking advantage of it

The Owosso Times Aug. 12, 1910

Raise Pay on A. A. Railway

The Ann Arbor Railway has granted a five per cent increase to conductors, brakemen and switchmen on the Owosso – Cadillac and Cadillac – Frankfort divisions and a rumored strike is disposed of.

Reading Eagle Aug. 20, 1910


Toledo, O., Aug. 20. Two men slightly hurt, a trainload of passengers from Frankfort, Mich., badly frightened and shaken up, a baggage and three freight cars demolished, are the results of a collision which occurred at 6:30 this morning, when Ann Arbor train, No. 40, ran into the rear end of the freight train standing on the southbound Lake Shore tracks, south of Door street and near Belmont avenue. Misinterpretation of orders is given as the cause.

The Owosso Times Aug. 26, 1910

A dispatch dated at Cadillac, says: The Ann Arbor Railroad company has commenced suit in the Unit States court, northern division, against the township board of Grant township in Clare county to compel the payment of $15,000 bonds and $30,000 accrued interest. The bonds were issued in 1885 to aid in the construction of the road and it is alleged never been paid. The board declines payment, declaring that the railroad company did not keep faith with the township and failed to comply with the conditions agreed to when the bond issue was voted. Parties in Maine have purchased some some of the bonds and are represented in the suit by Beach, O'Keefe & Rockford of Saginaw. Township clerk D. E. Mater of Grant township has been cited to appear before the court and show cause why he should not produce the township records for examination by the attorneys.

The Owosso Times Sept. 16, 1910

Ann Arbor Preparing For Beet Crop

The Ann Arbor railroad has under course of construction several miles of sugar beet tracks along its system from Owosso to McBain. The tracks ares are placed to assist the farmer in loading beets. This fall the company has estimated that there will be in the neighborhood of 1,000 car of sugar beets moved from the stations where the new tracks have been placed to the sugar refineries at Owosso, St. Louis and Alma. To assist the farmers in every manner possible the railroad company has it figured that the ruralities will plant a greater acre of the beets next year. – Cadillac News

The Toledo News-Bee Sept. 24, 1910

Confirms Bond Issue

Detroit, Sept. 24 – (Special) – Validity of the $5,000,000 of bonds issued by the Detroit, Toledo & Ironton, and used in purchasing control of the Ann Arbor, was confirmed by United States District Judge Swain yesterday. Foreclosure by the United States Mortgage & Trust company, which holds the bonds, is probable.

The Toledo News-Bee Sept. 28, 1910


There is a possibility that the depot of the terminal railroad on Cherry street will be converted into a union depot for the 10 interurban electric railroads that enter Toledo.

The Terminal Belt railroad, through General Manager T. B. Fogg, will probably take the matter up at once with the various electric interurbans running into Toledo. Secretary L. H. Paine of the chamber of commerce, also has the matter under advisement and will probably give his assistance in the movement.

Announcement was made on Wednesday that the Pere Marquette railroad, now using the Ann Arbor station on Cherry street, will go to the union depot commencing on October 16. This will leave the Ann Arbor station deserted as far as steam railroad service is concerned, with the exception of one early morning Ann Arbor milk train. After October 16, no steam trains will use the Terminal station.

The Evening Argus Oct. 26, 1910

Brakeman Is Hurt In Siding Smash

CADILLAC, Mich., Oct. 26 – In a rear end collision this morning between Ann Arbor railway switch engine and the locomotive of the Cummer - Diggins Lumber Co., William Nelson, a brakeman, had his leg broken in two places and sustained serious internal injuries. The locomotive and track were badly damaged.

The Ann Arbor railroad is building a new “Y” to take the place of the track which is used jointly by the Ann Arbor and the Cummer - Diggins company was built by the lumber firm and has cost the railroad many thousands of dollars damages in wrecks and collisions.

The Owosso Times Oct. 28, 1910


Rather than go to the expense of defending the suit, the township of Grant, Clare county, paid $2,500 to the holders of the issue of $23,000 in bonds given by the township to aid in building the road. The legality of the issue has always been questioned.

The Owosso Times Dec. 2, 1910

Another Chapter of A A D., T. & I. RY. Matters.

Detroit, Nov. 29. Another legal tangle has been added to the many in which the Detroit. Toledo & Ironton and the Ann Arbor railroads are involved by the sale Friday in' New York of $5,000,000 of D. T. & I. consolidated 4 1/2 per cent bonds to Joseph Ramsay Jr., for $500,000. These bonds are now before Judge Swan In the federal court here and in the Cincinnati circuit court of appeals. The bonds were sold at auction to Ramsay and notice was given on be half of F. J. Lisman & Co. to all bidders and the Detroit, Toledo & Ironton stockholders', committee that purchasers of said securities would take them subject to the final determination of the appeal which has been taken to the United States circuit court of appeals from the decree under which the sale was authorized. This development In the case is another phase of extensive illustration which has been going on for some months relative to the' legality of the $5,000,000 bonds which were pledged as part security for $5,500,000 notes, the right of the Detroit, Toledo & Ironton to purchase the Ann Arbor stock three years ago and the right to pledge the bonds, along with other questions of a similar nature, which It is under stood will be carried to the supreme court if necessary. In this litigation conducted by Mr. Lisman, the entire aim has been to secure an adjudication as to the validity of the whole proceedings between the Ann Arbor and D. T.. & I., when the latter secured control of the former. Although the courts recently declared the $5,000,000 bonds valid, counsel for Mr. Lisman state that the main issues in the special suits are yet to be determined. The sale of the $5,000,000 bonds was a postponement awaiting the court's decision on their validity. The Interest in the whole matter to Lisman & Co. grows out of their presentation of a large part of $2,766,000 of the consolidated bonds. some of the issue of which the $5,000,000 are a part.

The Owosso Times Dec 2, 1910

the Ann Arbor southbound train due here at 9:02 Wednesday morning, was nearly two hours late owing to the heavy snow in the north.

The Evening Argus Dec. 14, 1910


Trackmen on Ann Arbor Now Getting But $1.35 a Day – Hours shortened

It is rumored in Cadillac among the Ann Arbor railroad men that perhaps 60 per cent of the trackmen will throw up their jobs in the near future because of the nine hour day system operative on the road. The men at the present time are earning but $1.35 a day. For a married man with a family making both ends meet on this meager sum is a problem that the great majority do not like to confront. No definite steps have been taken but the outcome will be watched with interest. Commencing this week the nine hour day law went into effect. – Cadillac News.

The Evening Argus Dec.31, 1910


C. P. Bergman Says President Ramsey Is Keeping Things Humming

We are doing more work at present than has been done here by the company in several years,” declared C. P. Bergman, general foreman at the Ann Arbor yards, recently. “President Joseph Ramsey has made things hum since he has taken charge of the affairs of the company, and his methods of doing business, are plainly evident about the yards and all over the road. One of the biggest improvement we are making at present is a general overhauling of all the passenger coaches of the the old type.

We are at present engaged on a job of fifteen coaches that are being overhauled. The seats are all taken out, the windows and sashes are removed and all the varnish is burned off them. If new upholstering, new seats or sashes are needed, they are put in. The cars are re-varnished throughout, and made made more comfortable in every way possible. Any other repairs that are needed are put in. When the cars come from the paint shop they look like new ones and practically as good. Any coaches that are log enough are remodeled into Pullmans.”

The company at present has all it can do to keep moving the vast amount of freight it gets. There are 17 freight engines at the local yards and Thursday all of them were out but one, and the others were apt to be called out soon after coming in from a trip.

At present several new cabooses are in the course of construction and will be ready to turn out before long. One new one, No. 28, was turned out of the shops yesterday. Several engines are in the shops for a general overhauling.

An inventory is being taken in every department and this is keeping a large force of men busy.