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Organization of the Ohio & Michigan Midland R. R. Co.

Owosso American 6/15/1870

Owosso to be an Point on the line.

The Ohio and Michigan Midland R. R. Co. was organized at Toledo, June 9, with the following officers. Directors, Gen. H. M. Walbridge, J. H. Gonant, Henry Clewes, D. Randolph Martin, ,Hon. Richard Mott, H. S. Walbridge, M. R. Waite, John D. Loomis, John T. Huss, L. A. Hall. The following officers were elected; President, Gen. T Hiram Walbridge; Vice President, J. Elwin Conant; Treasurer, Henry Clewe; Secretary, Harry M. Bishop; Chief Engineer and General Superintendent, J. H. Sargeant

The road is to extent from some point on the Ohio river to Lexington, Crestline, Tiffin, Toledo, in Ohio, Ann Arbor, Mich, and thence to Owosso and to the to mouth of the Manistee river on Lake Michigan.

On Thursday evening a meeting was held at Ann Arbor, an account of which is given by a correspondent of the Detroit Tribune: "On Thursday evening, alter a few hours notice, a large meeting of our citizens assembled at the Court House, filling the building to its greatest it capacity. The object of the meeting was to take into consideration the railroad interests of the city. Mayor Harriman was chosen Chairman and D. Cramer, Secretary. At the request of Dr. R. S. Tmith the Secretary read from a Toledo paper the conclusion of the Baltimore & Ohio R. R. Co., and of the Citizens of Toledo in regard to this road. Dr. Smith then further explained the action taken in the matter. The Secretary read the proposition made in writing by Mr. J. Edwin Conant of New York,to build the read via Ann Arbor. The following are the essential points: The citizens of Ann Arbor an the towns south of the State line are to raise $250,000 in good valid subscription to the road; the name of the road “Toledo, Ann Arbor & North Michigan R. R." to be changed to "Ohio & Michigan Midland R. R.”; the former company to turn over to the latter all rights and franchises and be consolidated therewith, so as to make one line through both States. Mr. Conant agrees to receive on subscription to the road cross ties, work of cleaning, grubbing. and work of grading, subscriptions to be paid in all cases pro rata as the actual work on the road progresses, and to allow $5O,OOO of subscriptions to secure the right of way the from Ann Arbor to the State line; work to begin as soon as the stock is subscribed. The idea route via Ypsilanti has as been entirely thrown aside. Mr. Conant also agrees to continue the line of the road to Owosso and thence to the mouth be of the Manistee River as soon as the to population and resources of the country will justify the enterprise.

Mr. E. W, Morgan then explained the route of the new road as follows: From the some point on the Ohio river to Lexington, Crestline, Tiffin and Toledo, in Ohio, Ann Arbor in Michigan, thence north to Owosso and the mouth of the Manistee river on Lake Michigan, making a grand trunk line. Mr. Robt. E. Frazer offer the following resolution, which was immediately adopted:

Illustration 1: Owosso American 10/12/1870

Resolved, That the Board of Directors of justfy Toledo Ann Arbor and Northern Railroad be requested to appoint a of committee consisting of two or more persons of each ward of the city, for the purpose of soliciting subscriptions to the stock of said Road, and that said committee be instructed to visit every person in the city and request each to sub scribe an amount, not less than 10 per cent, of his assessed valuation.

The resolution was favored by Messrs, 'Douglass, Bach, Tripp, Scott, McMahon and others. Prof. Douglass assured the meeting that the Ann Arbor Gas Company would take considerable of the stock, and that he would indulge liberally himself. Our citizens think it very kind in the Professor to take stock he both as an individual and as an as incorporated company. The meeting was a most be enthusiastic one. The citizens are fully awake, and consider that the completion of the Michigan Central railroad, and 'the location of the University are the as only events in the city's history that be ran compare with its present prospect. We make our most graceful courtesy to the neighboring village of Ypsilanti."