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Index to the AARRT&HA Newsletter

Index to the AARRT&HA Newsletter - mid 1982 to mid-1985


COVER: AA Whitcomb switcher #1 (Craig Wilson drawing)

  1. Up-to-date (current news).

  2. "Whitcomb Switcher #1", Bob Warwick.

  3. Modelers Column: Whitcomb switcher drawings.

  4. Current operations.


COVER: AA Plow extra at Elberta (Craig Wilson drawing)

  1. Up-to-date.

  2. Modeler's Column:

    1. Using of magazine articles on the Ann Arbor printed in commercial magazines

    2. Detailing AA GP35's.

  3. Current operations.


COVER: Pere Marquette engine #1225 at the Owosso shop (Craig Wilson drawing)

  1. Up-to-date.

  2. "Project 1225 ', Bob Warwick.

  3. Modeler's Column: listing of available commercial models of AARR prototypes.


  • PM 1225 at the Owosso shop.


COVER: Ann Arbor wood cabooses (Craig Wilson drawing)

  1. Up-to-date.

  2. "AARRT&HA Membership", Don Wilson.

  3. Line drawings of AARR ALCO S-3s #6 & 7 (from the 1970 AARR Equipment book).

  4. Modelers Column: Kit-bashing Ann Arbor wood cabooses

  5. Current operations.


COVER: Ann Arbor FA-2s at the Owosso shop (Craig Wilson drawing)

  1. Up-to-date.

  2. "Ann Arbor Railroad Covered Hopper Cars", Craig Wilson.

    1. car numbers and data

    2. paint schemes

    3. modeling notes


COVER: Final Resting Place, carferries Viking, A.K. Atkinson and City of Milwaukee at Elbeta, 10/7/82 (Craig Wilson drawing)

  1. Up-to-date

  2. Drawing AA engine #301 at Owosso (Lynn Wells).

  3. "First Annual Report of the Ann Arbor Company". Henry F. Burger.

  4. Line drawings of AARR diesel locomolives from the 1970 AARR Equipment book

    1. ALCO S-3: #6, 7 and 10

    2. ALCO RS-l: #20 and 2l

    3. GM-EMD GP35: #385-394

  5. Modeler's Column: AA Carferry billboard at Farwell, Michigan.

  6. Update on AA covered hoppers.

1984, NUMBER 1 (#25)

COVER: AARR and Wabash diesels at Milan. Michigan. 1964 (Craig Wilson dining)

  1. Up-to-date

  2. Drawing AA wood cabooses #2824 and 282! (Craig Wilson)

  3. "The Story of the Integrated Tug-Barge", Bob Warwick.

  4. "The fleet, a poem by Darrell D. Powell.

  5. Line drawing of A.A 0-6-0 engine #1 (from the 1930 AARR Motive Power Book).

  6. Modelers Column listing of currently available decal sets for AARR models.

1984, NUMBER 2 (#26)

COVER: AA GP35 #389 at Lake Mitchell, near Cadillac (Craig Wilson drawing)

  1. Up-to-date

  2. The Wabash-style Steel Caboose", Craig Wilson.

  3. Modeler's Column: Kit-bashing the Ann Arbor steel cabooses.

1984, NUMBER 3 (#27)

COVER TSBY "Shippers' Special" a Alma Michigan (Craig Wilson drawing)

  1. Up-to-date.

  2. "Building the Ann Arbor Railroad" (Part 1), Henry F. Burger

  3. Modeler's Column: AA caboose update and complete AA caboose roster.

1984, NUMBER 4 (#28)

COVER: Ann Arbor engine #131 at Toledo, 1938 (E. Garrett drawing)

  1. Up-to-date.

  2. Ann Arbor Railroad diesel locomotive roster.

  3. Modeler's Column: drawings of the AARR Ferry Yard (Ann Arbor) steel office building.

1984, NUMBER 5 (#29)

COVER: Ann Arbor GP35 #389 at Thompsonville (Craig Wilson drawing)

  1. Up-to-date.

  2. Report of the 1984 Annual Membership Meeting.

  3. "Time Periods of AARR Diesel Locomotives, Dick Lischefski.

  4. "Selma Yard (Cadillac) Operations in the 1920's", Roy Harter.

  5. Line Drawings of ALCO S-1's #2 and 3 and FA-2's (Wabash)#820-821.

  6. Modeler's Column: "How To; FA-2" (Part I), Mike Sogge (kit-bashing AARR FA-2 diesels).

1984, NUMBER 6 (#30)

COVER: Carferry Arthur K. Atkinson leaving Frankfort harbor in the ice (Craig Wilson drawing)

  1. Up-to-date,

  2. "The Ann Arbor comes to Ann Arbor", Evan Garrett

  3. Modeler's Column: drawings of the AA/C&O depot at Clare, Michigan.

1985, NUMBER 1 (#31)

COVER: Carferry Ann Arbor No.3 in the early 1900's (Craig Wilson drawing)

  1. Up-to-date.

  2. "Ann Arbor No.3", Craig Wilson

  3. Drawings of the deck arrangements of carferry Ann Arbor No. 3

  4. Modelers Column: `How to; FA-2" (Part 2). Mike Sogge (painting and detailing the kitbashed AARR FA-2 diesels).


  • Ann Arbor No.3.

1985, NUMBER 2 (#32)

COVER A.A Alco switcher #6 crossing the Bestie River at Frankfort (Craig Wilson drawing)

  1. Up-In-Date.

  2. Modeler's Column: Scale drawings of the Owosso yard office.

  3. "Building the Ann Arbor Railroad", Part 2, Henry F. Burger


  • Selma Yard (Cadillac) in 1951

  • Owosso Yard Office. 1979

  • AA GP35 #385 painted in TSBY yellow & black colors. Oct. 1984