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Detroit, Toledo & Ironton General Orders

Detroit, Toledo & Ironton General Orders
List is of the orders for the Detroit-Toledo branch line and Diann



Item No. 5 of General Order No. 7, dated November 20, 1964, cancelled. Excavations have been filled in and company material removed from both sides of main track between Ann Arbor Crossing and south switch of North siding.


Effective 12:01PM, Saturday, December 5, 1964, new DT&I - AA connecting track in service. Track, designated as NORTH WYE, is located in northeast quadrant, switches are interlocked and operated from Diann Tower. North switch located just south of Southward Home Signal. East switch on Ann Arbor located just west of Westward Home Signal.
Southward Home Signal Will display following aspects:
GREEN - Proceed - Rule 281
RED OVER YELLOW - Restricting, Proceed; restricted speed within interlocking limits. Rule 290. under this indication switch may be lined for either the North Wye or the South Siding. Speed in North Wye Must not exceed 15 Miles Per Hour. If train is moving to AA the train order will specify to North Wye.
RED - Stop - Rule 292.


Item No. 2 of General Order No.6 dated 25, 1964 cancelled. North Siding now clear.
Look out for excavations and company material on both sides of Main track between Ann Arbor Crossing and south switch of North Siding.


North siding blocked with stored cars.


Switch stand at south crossover has been moved to east side of track and changed to low stand.
New interchange track, capacity 50 fifty foot cars, located west of present interchange track in service. This track will designated as No. 3 track and normal position of switches will lined for movement into No. 3 track.


Item No. 2 of General Order No. 7 dated August 20, 1963 cancelled. MX North siding now clear


MX North siding blocked with stored cars.


Item No. 2 of General Order No. 33 dated October 6, 1954, is cancelled. MX north siding clear of stored cars


MX North siding blocked with cars.


Effective 12:01 PM, July 12, 1954, a signal mast bracket with blue marker light has been installed on the southward distant signal at Diann and on the northward distant signal at Liberty Center. "Indication" one track intervenes between signal and track it governs. The addition of the blue marker does not change the meaning of the signal aspect in anyway.


Item No. 5 of General Order No. 16 dated October 9, 1951 is cancelled. North siding Diann is now clear.


Item No. 3 of General Order No. 11 dated August 22, 1951 is cancelled. Bunk cars have been moved from Back Track Diann and track is now O.K. for use.


North siding Diann is blocked with stored cars.


Camp cars on back track at Diann are occupied and track cannot be used. Switches are spiked.


Item No. 3 of General Order No. 6 dated June 13, 1951 is cancelled. Cars have been moved from Back track and track is now OK for use.


Bunk cars occupied on south end of back track Diann. Track cannot be used from south crossover to south switch. Switches are spiked.


Item No. 3 of General Order No. 10 dated January 10, 1951 is cancelled.
North siding Diann and siding Petersburg Jct. north of crossover blocked with stored cars.


cars stored on north siding, Diann, on siding north of crossover Petersburg Jct and on siding Riga.
Telephone installed and in service about 30 feet south of south siding switch, Diann - at MP 40-36.


Do not exceed 35 M.P.H. between Durban Curve MP 35-01 and Diann Tower.


New siding is now in service just north of tower at Diann on west side of track which holds about 130 cars. This will be known as north siding and the old siding south of tower, Diann, will be known as south siding.


No water at Raisin River tank.


Effective at 12:01 PM, Saturday, January 3, 1948, a standard home signal will be placed in operation governing southward movements over Ann Arbor crossing, Diann.
This signal will show the following aspects:
GREEN - - for main track move.
YELLOW - for movement to passing siding or transfer.
RED - for stop.
RED over YELLOW - for southward movement when northward approach is occupied.
Northward home signal at Diann, starting at the above time, will show a RED over YELLOW aspect when it is desired to make a northward movement over Ann Arbor crossing with the southward approach occupied.
Normal speed may be resumed over Ann Arbor crossing at the above time.


When Diann is mentioned in train orders, the end of double track applies unless the siding is specified.


When Diann is mentioned in train orders, the end of double track applies unless the siding is specified.


High switch stand, south end of siding Diann, has been changed from east side of main track to west side of main track.


A yellow indication on southward home signal, Diann, indicates PROCESS THROUGH INTERLOCKING AT A SPEED NOT TO EXCEED 20 MILES PER HOUR.
Effective 12:01 P.M., Wednesday, November 12, STOP AND PROCEED signal will be eliminated from the southward distant signal, Ann Arbor R. R. crossing , at Diann. This signal will then have but one indication, YELLOW-PROCEED PREPARED TO STOP AT NEXT SIGNAL EXPECTING TO FIND MAIN TRACK OCCUPIED.


The yellow lens of the switch light for the pocket track at Diann which connects with the Ann Arbor main line has been changed to "RED". This switch will now show "RED" when lined for movement to the Ann Arbor main track and "GREEN" when lined for pocket track.


Derail has been removed from No. 3 transfer track at Diann.


When Diann is mentioned in train orders, the end of double track applies unless the siding is specified.


Crossover at south end of Diann has been moved south to Mile Post 40-35-1/2. This will increase siding capacity to about 100 cars.


Signals at Diann for Southward trains have been changed to indicate as follows: Red - Stop; Yellow - for main line movement; and Lunar White - for yard.


Crews using switches equipped with double locks at Diann are failing to lock properly when thru using same. See that the double lock is applied and locked properly when you are thru using switch.


All switch lights have been removed from siding and D T & I interchange track switches at Diann.


All switch lights have been removed from siding and D T & I interchange track switches at Diann.
No water at Diann until further notice.


Effective * A M November 2nd, the inside switch of crossover, which is the turnout at south end of siding at Diann, will be lined for the turnout and spiked. Switch light has been removed from this switch.


Effective 12:01 P.M. Monday, August 1st, 1932, the double track south of Diann will be disconnected. At the same time the northward main track will be used as Single track and the spring switch will be removed from end of double track and track lined accordingly.
That portion of the southward main track between the crossovers south of DIANN TOWER will be used as a siding the north switch being operated from the tower, and will known as DIANN. The capacity of this track is 65 cars. The Ann Arbor Railroad will use siding when making delivery to the D.T.&I., therefore all trains meeting at Diann may find track occupied.
Yard limit boards have been installed on main track at Petersburg Junction 4000 feet north and south of Toledo Branch switch, and on the Toledo Branch 2000 feet south of the main track switch. Rule 93, Book of Rules, will govern within these limits. Trains meeting at Petersburg Junction will head in or back in the Toledo Branch.


A train order semaphore has been installed and is now in service at Diann. This semaphore is located on the west side of the tracks in front of the tower.


A hand-throw derail has been installed at south end of DT&I storage track at Diann.


Electric locking device has been removed from the switches at extreme south crossover at Diann, and this crossover may now be used and switches thrown by hand.


When delivering any cars to the Ann Arbor at Diann, train crews must see that the private road crossing is left open.


That part of paragraph 5 of General Order No. 2, regarding yellow indication displayed on home signals at Diann for train orders, is cancelled. A flag by day and light by night of the prescribed colors placed on board in east window of tower will indicate that there are train orders at that station and trains will not pass when flag or light is displayed without orders or clearance card.



At 12:01 AM Sunday, February 2nd, train order offices at Dundee and Durban Junction were abolished. If , for any reason whatever trains wish to cross A.A.R.R. at Dundee, arrange for agent to handle interlocking plant.
Trainmen using any of the switches at Durban Junction will see that they are lined for main tracks.
Durban Junction will be discontinued as interchange point for cars to or from Toledo Branch. Train having cars for Toledo branch will leave them on No. 3 track at Petersburg Junction. Northward trains from Toledo branch having cars for points south of Petersburg Junction will set them off on No. 2 track at Petersburg Junction unless otherwise instructed.
Until further notice trains having occasion to use that portion of track between Durban Junction and Dundee will do so under Rule 93. However, Conductors will call train dispatcher before leaving or entering main track at Durban.


Dundee and Packard water stations have been abandoned.


After 7 A.M. August 22nd, that portion of the Toledo Division between Tecumseh Road, south of Dundee, to a point 200 ft. north of Petersburg water tank will be abandoned. Track between Petersburg Junction and water tank at Petersburg may be used by engines to get water and do any other necessary switching. Work train or cranes may use that portion now abandoned for the purpose of taking up track material.


Because wig-wag signal at Tecumseh Road, Dundee has been removed, all trains using Toledo Division track between Dundee and Petersburg must protect this crossing.


Item No. 5, General Order No. 21, is cancelled. Maybee will be interchange point for cars from and to Toledo Division instead of Dundee, also for L.C.L. shipments for points on Toledo Division.
Agent, Toledo, will handle billing for cars loaded and unloaded on Toledo Division.
Mail for Toledo will handled thru yard office at Flat Rock.



When necessary for trains to do work at Garrigans Spur on the Toledo Division, engines must not go past loader account hole in track.



Effective 9:00 AM, Saturday, February 3, 1962, vehicular traffic on Secor Road, at the intersection of Summerfield Road, Lambertville, MP 9-30, will be protected in the following manner;
All trains will come to a stop at STOP signs which have been placed 40 feet from either side of Secor Road, being sure that locomotive is occupying track circuit which extents 65 feet from either side of crossing. (Indicated by YELLOW Stripe on rail joints.)
A member of the crew will insert switch key in controller box, (yellow side of box located on top of sign post) turn to right, hold for one second and release.
Wait until electric lamp on top of relay case (southwest corner of intersection) is lighted which will indicate that highway traffic signal is at STOP for Secor Road.
Train may then proceed and traffic signal will clear when train has moved beyond track circuit.


Item No. 3 of General Order No. 15 dated December 1, 1953, is cancelled. MX North siding now clear of stored cars.


Mx North siding blocked with stored cars.


Speed restriction as shown of Page 17, Time Table No. 22 reading, "Diann Interlocking (southbound only) twenty (20) miles per hours for passenger and freight trains", is cancelled. Trains may resume usual speed at that point.


Do not exceed ten (10) miles per hour through Lambertville.


North siding at Diann is blocked with stored cars.


Look out for rail on both sides of track between M.P. 9-01 and 10-01 at Lamberville.


Lumber piles at Thyer Lumber Co., just south of Lambertville, will neither clear engine or man on side of car.


Derail installed Thyer Lumber Company spur track, Lambertville.


Item No. 6 of General Order No. 22, dated December 22, 1939, restricting 700 class locomotives on spur tracks at Lambertville and St. Anthony account 60 lb. rail, is hereby cancelled. Both tracks now O K for 700 class engines.


New spur track known as the Thyer Lumber Co. track located about 1-1/2 miles south of Lamberville opens from south end, now in service, and will hold two cars.

Petersburg Jct


Item No. 3, General Order No. 5, dated August 25, 1964, cancelled. Siding now clear. Crossover switch on siding removed and crossover switch on main track spiked.


Siding blocked with stored cars.


Item No. 3 of General Order No. 10 dated August 30, 1962 cancelled. Siding now clear.


Siding north of crossover blocked with stored cars.


Item No. 3 of General Order No. 4 dated March 22, 1962 cancelled. Siding now clear of stored cars.


Siding blocked with stored cars.


Item No. 3 of General Order No. 9 dated October 30, 1961 is cancelled. Siding now clear.


Siding blocked with stored cars.


Item No. 4 of General Order No. 2, dated March 31, 1961, is cancelled. Siding north of crossover now clear.


Siding North of crossover blocked with stored cars.


Effective 12:01 PM Monday, October 12, 1959 switch lamp on T D Main turnout moved to west side of track.


Siding blocked with stored cars.


Item No. 4 of General Order No. 10 dated October 28, 1957 is cancelled. Excavation and material have been removed from along both sides of track between MP 41-15 and MP 41-25.


Look out for excation and material along both sides of track between MP 41-15 and MP 41-25.


Siding Petersburg Jct. north of crossover blocked with stored cars.


Siding Petersburg Jct. blocked with cars.


Item No. 2 of General Order No. 1 dated January 13, 1953 cancelled. Siding Petersburg Jct. North of cross-over clear of cars.


Main track switch at T.D. Main, Petersburg Jct. has been moved from west side of track to east side of track.
Item No. 4 of General Order No. 2 dated February 16, 1953, is cancelled. Siding Petersburg Jct. south of crossover now cleared of stored cars.


Siding at Petersburg Junction blocked with stored cars.


Siding at Petersburg Junction, north of crossover, blocked with stored cars.


Item No. 1 of General Order No. 3 dated August 7, 1952, is cancelled. Siding at Petersburg Jct. now clear.


Siding at Petersburg Jct., north of crossover, is blocked with stored cars.


Item No. 3 of General Order No. 2 dated May 23, 1952 is cancelled. Siding Petersburg Junction is now clear.


Siding at Petersburg Jct., north of crossover, is blocked with stored cars.


When Petersburg Junction is mentioned in a train order for a meet, wait, or right over, it incidates that the meet, wait, or right over is to be accomplished at the siding. If it is desired to accomplish the meet, wait, or right over at the Toledo Branch Track, the train order should so signify


Item No. 2 of General Order No.19 dated November 29, 1951 is cancelled. Track is now OK for normal speed over new rail.
Item No. 4 of General Order No. 17 dated November 29, 1951 is cancelled. Bunk cars have been moved and track No. 3 is now OK for use.


Siding at Petersburg Junction North of crossover is blocked with stored cars.
Item No. 1 of General Order No. 18 of November 20, 1951 is cancelled. Do not exceed twenty-five (25) miles per hour over new rail between MP 47-06 and Riga.


Item No. 5 of General Order No. 17 dated October 29, 1951 is cancelled. Do not exceed twenty-five (25) miles per hour over new rail between T. D. Main Petersburg Junction and Riga.


Item No. 13 of General Order No. 9 dated July 24, 1951 is cancelled. Bunk cars have been moved from track No. 3 track. Track now OK for use.


Item No. 8 of General Order No. 5 dated May 17, 1951 is cancelled. Siding north of crossover is now clear.


Bunk cars occupied on No. 3 track Petersburg Jct. must not be moved. Switches are spiked.


Item No. 3 of General Order No. 8 dated November 19, 1950 and Item No. 8 of General Order No. 9 dated December 27, 1950 are cancelled.


Look out for rail along both sides of track between north switch Petersburg Jct. and south switch Riga.


Look out for rail on ground along main track Petersburg Jct. to MP 34 Durban Curve.


Effective 10:01 AM, February 16, 1950, the switch to T-D main at Petersburg Junction will be moved to the west side of track.


Item No. 2 of General Order No. 4 dated May 14, 1948, relative cars on north end of siding, Petersburg Junction, is cancelled. Siding is now clear.


Cars on siding north of crossover at Petersburg.


When Petersburg Junction is mentioned in a train order for a meet, wait, or right over, it incidates that the meet, wait, or right over is to be accomplished at the siding. If it is desired to accomplish the meet, wait, or right over at the Toledo Branch Track, the train order should so signify


When Petersburg Junction is mentioned in a train order for a meet, wait, or right over, it incidates that the meet, wait, or right over is to be accomplished at the siding. If it is desired to accomplish the meet, wait, or right over at the Toledo Branch Track, the train order should so signify


About 45 cars are stored on siding at Petersburg Junction North of crossover.


When Petersburg Junction is mentioned in a train order for a meet, wait, or right over, it incidates that the meet, wait, or right over is to be accomplished at the siding. If it is desired to accomplish the meet, wait, or right over at the Toledo Branch Track, the train order should so signify


Effective 11:00 A.M., Tuesday, April 8, 1941, STOP and PROCEED signal will eliminated from the northward distant signal at Diann; and southward and northward distant signals at Petersburg, Riga, and Champion will have but two indications: GREEN - PROCEED; and YELLOW - PROCEED PREPARED TO STOP AT NEXT SIGNAL EXPECTING TO FIND MAIN TRACK OCCUPIED.


Pickle spur track, at Petersburg. cannot be used, and switch has been spiked.


The following instructions will govern flagging your train over crossing at Petersburg.
1. Make certain no train is approaching on the other road.
2. Open the emergency switch. This sets all home signals at STOP.
3. Leave the switch open and give your train a hand signal to proceed.
4. Notify your dispatcher that the signals are not working properly and you flagged over the crossing.
5. After your entire train has passed the crossing, close the emergency switch and lock this box.
After opening the emergency switch, do not close it again until your train is over the crossing.
Do not fail to close emergency switch before you leave.


Wayside phone at Petersburg Jct. is now connected to Toledo Branch line and, when necessary to call Dispatcher, one ring will get the operator at Diann who will make the connection with the Dispatcher's line.


Siding at Petersburg is blocked with cars.


Switch now installed about one mile north of Petersburg Junction which connects up with old south main track making a siding and will hold 175 cars. At present this track now blocked with cars.


Wayside phone at Petersburg Junction has been placed in the former office at Petersburg Junction


There has been assigned for the storage of LCL freight at Petersburg Junction, the second compartment house from the south, of the four-compartment section house. All LCL for Petersburg must be unloaded and stored in this compartment.


Item No. 5 of General Order No. 21 dated November 3, 1932, relative to crossing diamond at Petersburg Jct. is hereby cancelled. This crossing has been removed.


Crossing diamond and track have been installed at Petersburg Jct., extending from Toledo Branch to pickle vats. This crossing protected by gates. However, trainmen must call dispatcher for line up before using same and must hold on to enough cars so that engine will not use track new vats.


All semaphore signals governing the operation of switches at Petersburg Unction have been removed.


There has been assigned for the storage of L C L freight at Petersburg Junction, the second compartment house from the south, of the four-compartment section house. All L C L for Petersburg must be unloaded and stored in this compartment.


Old T-D Main track switch at Petersburg Jct., has been removed.


Effective 12:01 P.M., Wednesday, June 3rd, telegraph office at Petersburg Junction will be closed until further notice.
All southward trains will receive their train orders at Diann. Northward trains from Toledo Branch must call Dispatcher for permission to enter the main track.
Trainmen will handle their own switches which must be left line up for main track movements.
The signal circuits have been connected up with the switches.


The normal position of switches at Durban, Petersburg Junction and Malinta, will be for the main track or new line, and have been change accordingly.


Effective November 6, 1929, such trains as receive orders to do so will operate over the Durban-Malinta Cut-off between Durban, Michigan and Malinta, Ohio.
The Durban-Malinta Cut-Off is double track from Durban to a point 4,000 feet south of the old T-D crossing at Petersburg Junction. From this point to Malinta, Ohio it is single track. At the end of double track south of Petersburg Junction there will be a spring switch normally lined for northbound trains to enter the northbound track. Southbound train will not exceed 25 miles per hour when training through this switch. Northbound trains will not exceed 10 miles per hour through this switch.
24 hour telegraph offices will be located at Durban, Diann, Petersburg Junction, Delta and Mailinta.
Water stations are located at Diann, Metamora and Maumee. The Diann station is located about three miles north of the Ann Arbor Railroad crossing, with water columns adjacent to both north and southbound tracks.
Train movements at Durban will be made in accordance with general Order No. 3 dated Jan. 24, 1927. Movements across the Ann Arbor Railroad at Diann and across the New York Central Railroad at Petersburg will be made in accordance with general order No. 9 dated Aug. 1, 1928.


At Petersburg Junction the switches of crossovers between the main tracks and of the Toledo Branch will be handled by operators, and train movements over them will governed by interlocked color light home signals. The southbound distant signal on the main line and the distant signal on the Toledo Branch will be of the semaphore type displaying caution indication only. The northbound distant signal on the main line will be of the permissive color light type and will display caution or stop indications. Trains proceeding after receiving a red signal will examine the points of the spring switch to see that they fit tightly against the rail. The present spring switch on the crossover will replaced by a hand operated switch. South bound trains must receive orders at Petersburg Junction before entering single track of the main line or Toledo Branch. Movements on the T-D from Petersburg Junction to Petersburg will be governed by gates normally set against the T-D and handled by the train crew. Trainmen will obtain permission from the operator at Petersburg Junction before setting gates against trains on the main line.


Train order semaphore is now installed and in service at Petersburg Junction.


Crossing gates have been installed on Toledo Division tracks at Petersburg Junction. Normal position will be set against T-D trains and must be left accordingly.


No. 1 track Petersburg Yard, which is track next to main, out of service account coal pile will not clear cars on this track.


Yard Limit Boards have been installed at Petersburg Jct. at the following points: -
2000' north of the cross over switch on D & I.
2000' south of switch at connection of the T-D and D & I near south end of Material Yard.
500' north of clearance point of Petersburg long track on T-D.
The Walsh Construction Company will operate engines in this territory during construction of the D&I. All trains will operate thru Yard Limits and be governed by the rules pertaining to movement of trains thru yards.
Walash Construction Co., will also operate an engine in the Osborn Yard to and from the company pit; also to Tecumseh Jct. water tank. Contractors' engines at both of these points have instructions not delay DT&I trains.


Item No. 6 of General Order 6 dated June 27th, regarding track between Petersburg and Dundee out service on account of contractor using same, is hereby cancelled. This track now in serviceable condition.


Now that spring switch is installed at Petersburg Junction, wish to call your attention to General Order No. 2, dated January 7, 1927, regarding speed restrictions of 15 miles per hour at turn-outs, Petersburg Junction and Durban Junction.


Starting 10:00 AM, Thursday, August 2nd, new northward track Petersburg to Durban Junction in service and all trains on Toledo Division will be governed by double track rules between these points.
Southward trains must receive clearance card and train orders at Diann for movement Petersburg to Toledo.
Spring switch installed at end of double track Petersburg and normal position will indicate northward movement. Southward trains will run thru this switch but if necessary to make reverse movement over switches, same must be thrown by hand.
Interlocking Plants at Petersburg and Diann now in service for both main tracks and the following will govern:
Signals are of color light type and are located to the right of and adjacent to the tracks which they govern.
Indications are as follows:
Green, clear. Yellow, caution. Red, stop.
Doll post has bee remove from northward distant signal.
Trains running against current of traffic will approach crossing under control and if dwarf signal indicates caution, may proceed over crossing at restricted speed without stopping.
Signals are of color light type and are located to the right of and adjacent to the tracks which they govern.
Color light dwarf signals govern movements against the current of traffic and from north end of passing track.
A facing and a trailing point No. 20 crossover have been installed within home signal limits between the two main tracks.
Indications are as follows:
Green, clear, Yellow, caution, Lunar White, diverging route.
Red, stop.
Marker lights are installed on distant signals, indicating that these signals are permissive, that is, stop and proceed signals.
Marker lights on home signals are used as calling-on lights. Speed restriction over Interlocking Plants in accordance with State law and must be strictly adhered to.


Passing track at Petersburg abandoned.
That portion of main track between Petersburg and Dundee is closed to service account contractor having pits installed and cars left on main track near road crossing between water tank and N Y C crossing.


The 100 car passing track located on the east side of main track north of Petersburg Junction will known as "Petersburg" instead of "Petersburg Junction". Petersburg Junction is located at junction of Toledo Division and Durban-Malinta division.


Starting 9:00 A. M. Monday, January 10, 1927, that portion of the Durban-Malinta district between Durban Junction and Petersburg Junction will be in service. This district is single track and will handled accordingly.
Trains using track between Dundee and Petersburg Junction will not enter or leave Petersburg Junction without securing clearances from Dispatcher.
A water tank and water column are in service, located approximately 500 feet south of the Raisin River bridge, or approximately 1-1/2 miles south of Durban Junction.
An interlocking plant has been installed and is in service at the crossing of the Detroit & Ironton Railroad with the Ann Arbor Railroad approximately 5-1/2 miles south of Durban Junction.
Signals are of the color light type, showing green for clear, red for stop, and yellow for caution. Distant signals are located 5000 feet in advance of home signals. Marker lights are located on all high signals. When a yellow indication is displayed on home signals it will indicated that the operator has a train order for train, and a flag by day and lantern by night will be displayed at a window in the tower, the color of which will denote type of order to be delivered.
All signals are to the right of and adjacent to the tracks which they govern, excepting the northward signals, which have been located on the right of, but clearing the future northbound track.
A 65 car passing track is located just south of tower and west of main track. The north switch of this passing track is interlocked.
Tower and passing track will known as "DIANN":. Diann will be a train order station and operators on duty day and night.
See General Order No. 17 issued December 15, 1926, covering operation over New York Central crossing two miles south of Diann.
A 100 car passing track is located just north of Petersburg Junction on the east side of main track, and will be known as Petersburg Junction. Southbound trains having work to do at Petersburg Junction will head in passing track while doing work. Under no circumstances will trains occupy that portion of main track between switches at Petersburg Junction Passing Track except for through movement, on account of interference with New York Central interlocking plant.
Speed restrictions are 30 miles per hour for passenger trains and 20 miles per hour for freight trains over interlocking plants. Speed restriction on all other portions of this track is 35 miles per hour, except at turnouts--Petersburg Junction and Durban Junction will be 15 miles per hour.
At same time this order is effective, main track switch at Petersburg Junction on present Toledo-Detroit will normally lined for movements over Durban-Malinta district. A wayside telephone has been installed at this switch.
Switches at Durban Junction will handled by operators.



Elevator track Rea removed.


A temporary spur track leading south off east side main track 2 1/2 miles south of Rea will be placed in service to serve Louis Martine, Road Contractor.

St. Anthony


Item No. 1 of General Order No. 6 dated August 5, 1963 cancelled. Siding now clear.


Siding blocked with stored cars.


Siding blocked with stored cars.


Item No. 2 of General Order No. 35 dated November 11, 1954, cancelled. Siding at Petersburg Jct. now clear of stored cars north and south of crossover.


item No. 3 of General Order No. 33 dated October 6, 1954, is cancelled. Siding Petersburg Jct. North of crossover blocked with cars. Siding Petersburg Jct. south of crossover now clear of cars.


Item No. 1 of General Order No. 6 dated June 15, 1953, is cancelled. Siding St. Anthony now clear of stored cars.


Siding St. Anthony blocked with stored cars.


Item No. 9 of General Order No. 4 dated August 7, 1952, is cancelled. Siding St. Anthony now clear.


Siding St. Anthony is blocked with cars.


Siding at St Anthony is blocked with stored cars.


Bunk cars on No. 3 track Petersburg Jct. are occupied. Switches on this track are spiked.


Item No. 13 of General Order No. 9 dated July 14, 1951 is cancelled. Bunk cars have moved from No. 3 track. Track now OK for use


Item No. 3 of General Order No. 5 dated May 17, 1951 is cancelled. Siding is now clear.


700 class engines must not operate on spur tracks at Lamberville and St. Anthonys account sixty (60) pound rail.


Switch has been installed on north end of siding at St. Anthonys.


Switches have been installed at each end of St. Anthony siding and track is now in service.


siding at St. Anthony out of service until further notice.


Derail has been installed at south end of passing track at St. Anthonys.



Look out for portable car stop placed on East track Chevrolet Plant. Stop must be removed before switching track.
Derail on Chevrolet Scrap track has been moved approximately 40 feet South of former location.


Item No. 7 of General Order No. 11 dated December 27, 1961 cancelled. Equipment has been removed from East Track in General Mills.
Item No. 2 of General Order No. 12 dated September 27, 1962 cancelled. Silo Track back in service.


Silo Track Chevrolet Plant between bumping post and cement slab used for loading grey scrap iron temporarily out of service. No bumping post protecting end of track.


Effective 12:01 PM, Friday, September 14, 1962, switch key controlled Highway Flashing Light signals in service at both tracks crossing Laskey Road, Toledo Yard. Controllers are located near tracks on either side of highway.
All trains and engines MUST STOP before fouling crossing and a member of crew will insert switch key in "START" slot on controller and turn to the right. After flashers have been operating for at least 20 seconds the movement may proceed. Flashers will stop when track circuit is cleared.
Should flashers be started and train does not enter track circuit insert switch key in "STOP" slot and turn to the right.
Item No. 1 of General Order No. 9 dated July 6, 1962 cancelled. Excavations have been filled in along both sides of track between MP T 13-21 and MP T 13-24 Alexis Sylvania Road.
Do not exceed 4 MPH while switching on tracks in Chevrolet Plant.


Look out for excavation along both sides of track between MP t 13-21 and MP T 13-24 Alexis Sylvania Road.


Item No. 6 of General Order No. 8 dated September 19, 1961 is cancelled. Excavations have been filled in along east side of east track inside Chevrolet Building.
East switch stand for east leg of wye has been moved from south side of track to north side of track.
House track has been shortened 21 feet.
East track in General Mills cannot be used from a point 100 feet north of south door and south account equipment on track.
Scrap chute has been installed on west side of Silo track, east building of Chevrolet plant located approximately one car length north of plant. This chute will clear man on side or top of car and will not clear end of car when spotted.


Item No. 4 of General Order No. 2 dated May 19, 1959 is cancelled. Locomotives are now permitted to operate on cleaner track.


Item No. 4 of General Order No. 3, dated June 2, 1961, is cancelled. Excations have been filled in on West and Scrap tracks between road crossing and Chevrolet Plant.
Look out for excavation along east side of East track inside Chevrolet Plant.


Look out for excations on both sides of West and Scrap tracks between Road crossing and Chevrolet Plant.


Switch stand north end No. 10 track Toledo has been moved to West side of General Mills lead.


Item No. 1 of General Order No. 7 dated November 30, 1959 is cancelled. Excavation along scrap track at Chevrolet Plant, Toledo has been removed.


Look out for excation along scrap track at Chevrolet Plant Toledo.


Hand thrown derails installed on east rails on General Mills tracks - on middle and west tracks derails are 80 feet from doors and on east track 120 feet from door.


Locomotives must not be operated beyond 300 feet from switch on Cleaner track.


Item No. 2 of General Order No. 9 dated September 30, 1957, is cancelled. Excavation and material have removed from along east both sides of West and middle tracks at General Mills Toledo. Account permanent close clearance employees must not ride on side or top of cars on these tracks.


Look out for excavation and contractors' equipment along both sides of West and Middle tracks at General Mills Toledo. Account permanent close clearance employees must not ride on side or top of cars on these tracks.


Item No. 2 of General Order No. 8 dated July 18, 1956, is cancelled. Stone has been remove from along west side of No. 11 track Toledo Yard.


Effective 8:01 AM April 2, 1957 derails installed on following tracks at Chevrolet Plant Toledo, East Track 434 feet from point of switch, Center track 177 feet from point of switch, West Track first derail 65 feet and second derail 271 feet from point of switch.


Item No. 2 of General Order No. 7 dated June 14, 1956, is cancelled. Ties and rail have been removed from west side of No. 8 track, Toledo Yard.
Look out for stone along west side No. 11 track, Toledo Yard.


Look out for ties and rail along west side of No. 8 track, Toledo Yards.


Engines must not move over scale track at General Mills, Toledo.


Doors and building at General Mills, Toledo, will not clear man on side or top of car or engine.


Item No. 2 of General Order No. 21, dated March 12, 1954, is cancelled. Excavation and construction along both sides of track General Mills Toledo has been filled in and completed.
Item No. 2 of General Order No. 27, dated June 10, 1954, is cancelled. Clearance at General Mills track Toledo normal.
Locomotives must not go beyond entrance of building at General Mills Toledo.


Look out for close clearance along both sides of track at General Mills Toledo.


Look out for excavation and construction work along both sides of track at General Mills Warehouse.


Account close clearance, trainmen must not ride on side or top of cars when switching Lee & Cady building, Toledo Yard.


Item No. 5 of General Order No. 10, July 31, 1951 is cancelled. Bridge cars have been moved.


Bridge cars on south end of Old Main Track Toledo Yard are occupied and must not be moved.


Crossing flashers installed and now in service at Alexis Road north of Toledo Yard.


North switch of siding Old Yard, Toledo, is out of service. This track is known as No. 4 track Old Yard.
New switch has been installed to Hakius Fuel Co., Toledo, and is located at MP T-14-10. This switch opens from south off old main.


cross arms will not clear man on side of car on east side of No. 1 track, Old Yard, Toledo.


Item No. 7 of General Order No. 6 of Sept 9, 1948, is cancelled.


Account of close clearance, trainmen must not ride on side or on top of cars when switching new Lee and Cady building, Toledo Yard.


look out for rail and dirt piled along No. 8 track.


Lock on main line switch leading to Old Yard at Toledo has been removed.


All trains run carefully, keeping sharp look-out for trucks using temporary crossing over main track near Sylvania Alexis Road, at Toledo.


The tracks at the American propeller Company's plant are numbered 1, 2, and 3, No. 1 being the most easterly track, No. 2 the middle track, and No. 3 the track inside the largest building.
In spotting cars on No. 1 or No. 3 tracks, cars must be placed on an exact spot, the middle of the car designated for a particular spot to be placed exactly opposite the designated spot number. The spot numbers for the large building on No. 3 track are from No. 1 to No. 6, No. 1 being the one nearest the door, for the smaller building, No. 1 track, the spot numbers are No. 7 to No. 9, No. 7 being nearest the door.
The spot numbers for No. 3 track are on the inside of the East wall, for No. 1 track on the inside of West wall. All spot numbers are painted on a white board about 14 inches square which is about 10 feet from the track level.


A bell has been installed on building over No. 3 track, Propeller Plant, Toledo, to warn trainmen when door is being raised or lowered. Cars must not be placed in or taken out of building while bell is ringing.


Do not put engines over pit under #2 and #3 tracks, in Propeller Plant, at Toledo. Tracks O.K. for cars.


Looks out for stakes and material along tracks on Propeller Plant property, north end of Toledo Yard.
Account increased highway traffic, do not exceed speed of ten(10) miles per hour over Sylvania - Alexis Road at north end of Toledo Yard until crossing is covered.


Looks out for stakes and material along tracks on Propeller Plant property, north end of Toledo Yard.
Account increased highway traffic, do not exceed speed of ten(10) miles per hour over Sylvania - Alexis Road at north end of Toledo Yard until crossing is covered.


Coal dock at Toledo out of commission and cannot be used.


When necessary to blow off boiler of engine at Toledo, the switching lead just north of the bridge at north end of Toledo Yard is designated as the only place for this purpose.


Effective at once discontinue taking coal at Toledo except in case of emergency, then only enough to reach next coaling station.


New Wye tracks at Toledo. The east leg of the wye crossed switching lead from old to Toledo Terminal Track and trainmen must know this crossing is clear before proceeding. Cars must not be stored on these tracks.


New track scales at Toledo are now completed and ready for service.

List by Henry F. Burger 7/5/2006