Bulletin No. 47
Owosso — Nov. 19, 1962
510.3 G.T.W - Lakeland
After discontinuance of attendant (agent - Telegrapher) at Lakeland Interlocking November 20th interchange and passing reports for traffic through Lakeland will be handled by Agent, Ann Arbor, Grand Trunk Western Agent at Stockbridge will handle for G.T.W.
Waybills for loaded cars delivered to G.T.W. — Lakeland must move with cars and be left in bill box at station, Lakeland. Conductors will leave list with Agent, Ann Arbor, showing initial — number and contents train and Conductor and approximate time of delivery for cars to G.T.W. at Lakeland.
Agents and Yardmasters at Junctions receiving loaded cars from connections routing via G.T.W. — Lakeland will make form 262 — passing report — for such loaded cars to accompany waybills.
Conductors handling such cars to Lakeland will leave forms 262 with list for Agent Ann Arbor, checking to be sure there is a form 262 for each waybill.
Agent Ann Arbor will prepare interchange — passing and other reports from these forms 262 and lists.
Conductors picking up cars at Lakeland will handle to destination or junction billed. Empty cars for which no billing is furnished to be taken to Terminal, unless information can be obtained enroute to permit delivery to correct destination or junction. List of cars picked up at Lakeland, time, train and Conductor to be left or sent to Agents, Ann Arbor, Michigan.
D, J. Gareau
Agents - Yardmasters
Conductors — Boards