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A N N  A R B O R  R A I L R O A D  C O M P A N Y

OWOSSO - November 12, 1959

610   11-21-1959


A. T. Scherer

G. E. Stange

J. G. Estrel


C. J. Holmberg

J. W. Bigger

E. J. Schroeder


D. C. Whitmore

J. S. Dant

L. E. Robinson


L. J. Doneth

F. M. Burns

M. L. Tonnacliff


R. L. Fehlber

D. E. Drake

E. F. Reich


G. J. Bradner

A. C. Hitchcock

F. Reich


E. L. Costello

B. Cline

S. Loznak


C. W. Patterson

G. A. Rust



Herewith copy of tentative lineup of special trains to be operated account University of Michigan-Ohio State game at Ann Arbor, Saturday, November 21st.  The data as to train consist is subject to last minute changes, of course, which will not cause any particular change in the arrangements.

For the handling of the train from Cherry Street Station the Wabash will provide us with two GP-7 passenger engines to be delivered to us at Milan Friday, November 20th.  The equipment for this train to be operated from Cherry Street will be furnished, according to present plans, 7 or 8 coaches from the GTW to be received at Durand and the balance to be made up of Pullman cars in coach service that will be sent out of Detroit, no doubt being delivered to us by the Wabash at Milan.  The Traffic Department desires 10:00 AM departure from Cherry Street, however, it will be necessary to have equipment cleaned, watered, iced, and heated and in place at Cherry Street Station not later than 8:30 Am the morning of November 21st.  Depending on the weather, it may be advisable to place the road engine on these cars sufficiently in advance of departure and before road crew goes on duty, to permit heating of the coaches.

Mr. Robinson will check and be sure the outside lighting facilities are in condition for service and arrange for the usual stringing of outside lighting and connection and starting and turning off of the lights.

Mr. Patterson will provide rider for this train and with Mr. Robinson will determine and supervise to the extent practicable the parking of autos in the vicinty of Cherry St.

Mr. Holmberg will give special attention to the grounds at passenger and freight station being sure excess weeds, debris or obstructions are removed and any hazardous conditions corrected so as to provide good footing for passengers who will use this train.

Mr. Rust will arrange to have Tracks 2 and 3 clear at the freight house.

Crews for special trains operated from Toledo should be notified when called that they are going to be used in short turnaround passenger service and to the extent practical to do so at Ann Arbor, crews should be released for at least one hour in order to permit saving of overtime.

Connecting lines have been requested to leave their markers and tail or back-up hose on trains to go through to Ann Arbor and return.  The B&O and C&O will have Road Foremen of Engines, Asst. Road Foremen or diesel supervisors, who ride their engines, go through to Ann Arbor and return.

WE have asked the B&O and C&O to give us numbers of the individual engines they will use on their trains as early as available Friday night and have been told them they can give this information to out yard office, Toledo, for transmittal to train dispatcher.  We have asked them to be careful to give us numbers in pairs as the engines will be coupled.  Because of the fact that all movements will be in one direction and there will be no opposing trains, so far as our operation is concerned I belive it will be better to have the numbers of both units for each train on the orders and we can instruct the crews - for this movement only - that if there should be some slight discrepancy in one of the numbers the train should not be delayed for correction.

Mr. Scherer will arrange to have carmen on hand at Galena St. to make minimum receiving inspection and legal air test necessary, considering that that only the crews have been changed - on receipt of C&O trains from from Pennsylvania RR at Galena St.  The Pennsylvania will take care of the inspection and brake test on the retun movement at Galena St.  At Hallett Mr. Scherer will have carmen on hand to handle the B&O trains in both directions unlkess otherwise advised.

The B&O and C&O have been requested to instruct their passenger representatives and special officers to stay on the trains through to Ann Arbor and return and they have been informed that we cannot be responsible for protecting personal property left in these trains while standing vacant in our yard at Ann Arbor.  However, Maintenance of Way and Car Department supervisors as well as other supervisory officers on hand should be on the alert and see to the extent possible that personal property is undisturbed in the cars during the cleaning, watering and other operations while trains are at Ann Arbor.

Mr. Patterson will check to assure himself that the University and City Police at Ann Arbor meet their responsibilities in the matter of protecting the private crossing at so-called Boulevard Drive.

Because of stortage of road train and engine crews we will operate train with a small engine out of Owosso at a conveniet time Friday, November 20th, taking the steam derrick and Car Department equipment cars deadhead, Owosso to Ann Arbor, where they can be parked on the East end of the house track.  Such tain and engine crews as need to be deadheaded to Toledo can be sent on this train unless there is a more conient train that will more closely fit the crew as to rest, etc.  This train could also be used to handle the two Wabash jeeps that will be sent from the Wabash to Milan for our Cherry Street special.  In operating this train we will want to run it at a time to permit arrival in Toledo early enough to assure the men getting ample rest.  We will operate with the small engine a road crew out of Toledo sometime Saturday night or Sunday morning after crew becomes available, and this crew can return the engines to the Wabash at Milan, also pickup the steam derrick and Car Department equipment cars at Ann Arbor.

The usual complement of carmen from Owosso will be at Ferry Yard on this date to assist in the handling of the specials and arrangements should made to take them to Ann Arbor by highway vehicles in sufficient time to have them there not later than 10:00 AM.  It is not intended to man the equipment cars nor provide a cook so it would be well to make advance arrangements to give carmen an opportunity to obtain lunch at Ann Arbor at some convenient place.

Mr. Scherer should make such arrangements as are necessary to make water supply available to replenish water for steam heating equipment on diesel locomotives.  There has been no request by any of our connections to make arrangements for fueling of diesel locomotives and it probably will be unnecssary; however, it would be well to make such arrangement wih our supplier of diesel fuel at Ann Arbor so that if it becomes necessary to furnish fuel to any of the diesels, we can obtain it on short notice.

 Mr . Scherer will also arrange for machinist and electrician to be on duty at Ann Arbor.  Having in mind the difficulties we had with some steam connections, front end covers, fueling connections, water nozzles, etc., such material and equipment should be on hand so that improvisation can be made as necessary.  Having in mind also that we had two bursted air hose in trains Oct. 3rd, there should be a supply of air hose and steam hose on hand and these should be distributed in such a way that carmen will know where to go if they need them and can obtain them in shortest time without confusion.

Bulletin instruction are being issued for the usual manual block system to be in operation between East Milan and Alexis and Mr. Holmberg will arrange for placement of shelters necessary at block offices specified, and arrange with Lineman Loznak for installation of equipment and instruments necessary in connection therewith.  Mr. Loznak should also arrange to be available in the immediate area for emergencies on November 21st.

Mr. Whitmore and Mr. Doneth will see to the distribution of signalling equipment, block register forms and instruct the signalmen as well as train and enginemen in the operation of the block system.  Block operators should be given special instruction relative to clearing blocks immediately in the least possible time when it has been necessary to stop trains account of bunching.  This can be done in very few seconds, if the operators will be on the alert to get train moving as soon as block office adjant gives the clearance on the block.  Mr. Whitmore and Mr. Doneth will also review with road train and engine crews who do not frequently have occasion to operate in Central Terminal Territory Easy of Ottawa Yard proper, the timetable special instructions relating to this territory to be sure of proper understanding of the rules and special instructions.

Mr. Hitcock will make arrangements for supply of ice, bearing in mind the number of dining, cafeteria, and bagge cars equipped with serving counters designated in the lineup of equipment, and have sufficient ice available, both block and cube.

Division Freight Agent Stange and Assistant J. W. Bigger will be available at Ann Arbor and will assist in the marking and posting of signs to incidate location and destination of the various trains in the yard.  They, with other traffic and supervisory personnel should be available at the walkway in the middle of the yard to direct people to their proper trains.  After the trains have been parked all concerned should acquaint themselves and mark their lineup to indicate the location of the various trains and make it a point to be of assistance in directing passengers.

Mr. Holmberg will furnish track department labors to assist in clearing cara and disposing of refuse as well as icing and watering of cars.  With the number of carmen who will necessarily have to be on hand to take care of steam connections, uncouplings and recouplings, they will undoubtedly have time to be of assistance also in the matter of serving the equipment.

It will necessary to work the yard crew at Ann Arbor on November 21st and Mr. Whitmore will arrange according for the crew.  They should start not later than 10:00 AM.

This movement is of much greater importance to the Ann Arbor Railroad than merely the movement of a number of passengers to a football game.  As many of you know, the Ann Arbor derives a great deal of freight business from areas East and South of Toledo, and many of the people who are on these specials are business people and we want them to feel that they are welcome guests of the Ann Arbor Railroad and to know from the manner in which the movement is handled that the Ann Arbor Railroad is the road over which they should move, not only in coming to a football game but in the routing of their freight shipments as well.

All supervisory officers should take every opportunity to assist in any manner they can personally in the planning and execution of this movement so that there will be no areas for complaint on the part of any of the passengers.  They should call attention to anything they notice that cannot correct themselves so that if there is something that is not being tended to, steps can be taken to obtain the action necessary.

It is of great importance that in the limited time available every reasonable effort be made to have the equipment policed and cleaned as thoroughly as circumstances and time permit.  The watering and icing of cars is also very important and should be followed up on that basia.
