South Frankfort Alert July 11, 1888
The Manistee and Northeastern railroad,
with a capital of $670,000, which will run from Traverse City to
Manistee, is now located at a point on Betsey river fifteen miles
east of Frankfort.
Benzie Banner April 25, 1889
The new engine and coach for the M. &
N. N. R. R. have left the factory and will be here shortly. Iron
will also be shipped next Monday for fifteen miles of road. This
will extend the road to the county line, making 41 miles, which will
be in operation by July. The road will be built to Long Lake by
fall, which will bring it within a few miles of Traverse City.
[Manistee Democrat]
Benzie Banner June 6, 1889
The Manistee & Northeastern
railroad has reached the Sherman state road, and operations aare
being carried on with vigor, the intention being to connect with the
Toledo and Ann Arbor road. A force of sixty men is kept constantly
at work, and progress in laying track is being made at the rate of a
half a mile a day. The road is opening up quite an important
farming and timber country and is bring the townships in the northern
part of this county in more direct communication with the best
markets. [Manistee Broadaxe]
Benzie Banner Oct. 3, 1889
The Manistee & North Eastern is
making progress. A new time table was issued to take effect Sunday,
September 29, and two new stations are scheduled – Copemish and
Nessen City. To all who have never heard of the first-named place we
will say the name is a production of the Ashley brain, and is located
at the junction of the roads “down east.” The
proprietors of Nessen City thought their town was established at the
junction, but railroads as an uncertain quantity and Nessen will be
simply a way station.
Benzie Banner April 3, 1890
The M. & N. E., have 50 men grading
from Interlochen to Ann Lake, Leelanaw county. From there they will
to Carp Lake, and from Crap Lake to Traverse the county is a dead
The rail will be laid to Interlochen
inside of sixty days. [Manistee Advocate]
Benzie Banner May 15, 1890
On Wednesday p. m. the M. & N. E.
R'y placed their new passenger coaches, and baggage and Express car,
on the regular train. The cars are entirely new, were purchased at
Wilmington, Del., and are fully equipped with the improved Baker Hot
Water Heaters. The baggage and smoking cars are finished in ash, and
the ladies cars in mahogany, with high back seats, upholstered with
heavy red plush, making the finest full train over run into Manistee.
The former coaches used will be repainted and repaired before the
time for summer so the company will be better able to accommodate
excursion parties, than they were last season.. The road will soon
be completed to Interlochen, and then parties can make excursions to
Onekama, Green and Duck lakes, or to Crystal lake and Frankfort.
Each one of these places a pleasant to go to for a day or more, for
fishing, boating, and we leave it to the public to make their choice
of places. Mr. Cunningham, Gen'l Ag't, informs us they will run
Sunday trains when the weather gets warm enough for people to go
without their overcoats, safety. [Manistee Times Sentinel]
Benzie Banner Oct. 23, 1890
The iron is laid on the M. & N. E.
as far as Lake Ann, and the rumble of the cars can be heard in town.
Benzie Banner Oct. 22, 1891
Your Correspondent visited the new town
one day last week and collected the following notes; we noticed the
new water tank for the M. &N. E. R. R. well under way;said Co.
also had men and teams engaged in grading for their new depot. The
saw mill and Manufacturing Co. are busily getting a pony saw mill
planted, mainly for the purpose of cutting the material for building
their factory & etc.
Benzie Banner April 21, 1892
The M. & N. E. R. R. company have
commenced the erection of a fine building for a depot at Lake Ann.
Ann Arbor Argus Aug. 4,1893
Will Build a New Road
Manistee, July 30. – Buckley &
Douglass, proprietors of the Manistee & Northeaster railroad,
have decided to open up Leelanaw county for the iron horse, and are
making surveys through there with a view to extending their line to
open the territory tributary to Glenn Haven, Glenn Arbor, Empire,
Leland, Good Harbor, Burdickville and Maple City. Most of these
towns have steamboat service in summer but ar convenienced only by a
semi or tri-weekly stage mail route for a permanency.
Benzie Banner Nov. 16, 1893
J. J. Hubbell of the M. & N. E. R.
R. was in town yesterday. Mr. Hubbell informs us that arrangements
are all completed for the extension of this road from Solon to Glen
Arbor, which was referred to at some length, the Herald, a few weeks
ago. The right of way has nearly all been secured, and work will
probably be begun on Monday next on the grade at Solon, and if
weather holds good will be completed to Cedar or beyond this fall.
The new line runs through Maple City, thence to Burdickville, thence
follows the south shore of Glen Lake to the Narrows, where the lake
will be crossed and Glen Arbor made the next objective point. The
road will be completed as early next season as possible. This is an
important matter for Traverse City and all the country between this
place and the lake shore.
Buckley & Douglas commenced work on the Solon Branch to Glen Arbor, Tuesday, a distance of eighteen miles. Three miles of which will be completed by fall to reach the Witman & Sullivan shingle mill. The right of way is furnished by the citizens of Solon township.
The new depot of the M. & N. E. at Lake Ann is about completed and the railroad is doing as much business at that point as ever. Other buildings are going up and the town begins to display some of its old-time hustle.— [Traverse Herald]
Benzie Banner July 11, 1895
[Honor] Grading on the railroad at this
end now.
Benzie Banner July 18, 1895
Trains were delayed on the C. & W.
M. Monday by forest fires that destroyed the bridge at Elsworth.
[Honor] Work on the railroad is rapidly progressing.
Benzie Banner Aug. 22, 1895
[Honor] The railroad bridge is
completed and rail is laid across it.
Benzie Banner Aug. 29, 1895
A number of car loads of freight
arrived in town Tuesday evening. The boiler and stack were part of
the freight.
Benzie Banner July 15, 1897
The C. & W. M. section crew moved
from Turtle Lake to Honor on Saturday.
[Honor] Mr. Hames, the station agent, family arrived last week and have taken up their residence on Platte street.
Benzie Banner July 22, 1897
[Honor] The surveyors for the C. &
W. M. Ry. Were in town Monday, laying out the road for another switch
east of the station.
Banner April 25, 1889
new engine and coach for the M. & N. E. R. R. have left the
factory and will be here shortly. Iron will also be shipped next
Monday for fifteen miles of road. This will extend the road to the
county line, making 41 miles, which will be in operation by July.
The road will be built to Long Lake by fall, which will bring it
within a few miles of Traverse City – [Manistee Democrat}
County Enterprise Aug. 16, 1889
Manistee & Northeastern railroad is now graded to within ten
miles of Traverse City, and when finished will give Traverse City and
Manistee direct connection.
Banner Oct. 3, 1889
Manistee & North Eastern is making progress. A new time Table
was issued to take effect Sunday, September 29, and two new station
are scheduled—Copemish and Nessen City. To all who have never
heard of the first named place we will say the name is a production
of the Ashley brain, and is located at the junction of the roads
“down east.” The proprietors of Nessen City thought
their town was established at the junction, but railroads are an
uncertain quantity and Nessen will be simply a way station.
Banner Sept. 22, 1898
State Lumber Co. are at work north of the middle branch of the Platte
and visitors say the appearance of the business indicates the
construction of a railroad more than lumbering. We under stand the
M. & N. E. are under contract to build this to the lands owned by
the above company and work is no doubt preparatory to grading for its
Banner Oct. 6, 1898 (Honor)
stakes have been set for the road bed of the M. & N. E. railroad
through the town. Work on the road is being rushed and will be
finished Jan. 1 to Thomas mill.
The presence of a large force of men at work on the M. & N. E. railroad and the State Lumber Co.'s camps tends to make trade in our town more lively.
Banner April 3, 1890
M. & N. E., have 50 men grading from Interlochen to Ann Lake,
Leelanaw county. From there they will to Carp Lake, and from Carp
Lake to Traverse the county is dead level. The rail will be laid to
Interlochen inside of sixty days. --[Manistee Advocate]
Banner April 21, 1892
M. & N.E. R. R. company commenced the erection of a fine building
for a depot at Ann Lake.
Banner Oct. 22, 1891 [Nessen?]
Correspondent visited the new town one day last week and collected
the following notes: we noticed the new water-tank for the M. &
N. E. R. R., well under way; said Co. also had men and teams engaged
in grading for their new depot. The saw mill and Manufacturing Co.
are busily getting a pony sawmill planted, mainly for the purpose of
cutting the material for building their factory.
Banner Jan. 5, 1899
M. & N. E. R. R. company have a large force of men .at work
building a roundhouse and as soon at it is complete a depot and a
large freight house will be built On and after January 9lh they will
run two accommodation or mixed trains daily on schedule time to main
line to connect with trains going east and west.